Pregnancy False

False pregnancy is a condition in which a woman mistakes for pregnancy what is actually the absence of one. This situation can occur both in women with normal fertility and in those who have already undergone an abortion. In some cases it can lead to serious mental disorders

False pregnancy

False pregnancy is sometimes called the occurrence of intrauterine pregnancy when conception has not taken place. At the same time, the woman is sure that fertilization has occurred and the pregnancy is developing, although in reality this is not the case. False pregnancies can occur spontaneously, but it is also possible that a “false pregnancy” can be artificially induced by drugs. The most common cause of a false-positive ovulation test is hormonal imbalance (especially taking antidepressants).

Once a woman realizes she is pregnant, she may undergo a series of tests and tests to confirm this information. However, some women undergo tests and screening for false pregnancies without their doctors' knowledge, especially if they feel signs of pregnancy. In such cases, women can consult a gynecologist to confirm their pregnancy or undergo an ultrasound to rule out such a pregnancy.

False pregnancy, as they say, is also a form of abnormal pregnancy. It is formed due to the invasion of sperm into the uterus. Like other types of false pregnancies, this is considered dangerous to the health of the mother and fetus. If a woman suspects a false pregnancy, she should immediately consult a doctor. False pregnancy can lead to a dangerous infectious disease and reduce the likelihood of the child’s survival.

False pregnancy is a pathological condition of the body, which is characterized by the illusion of bearing a child, manifested by the appearance of the uterus, mammary glands, fetal movement, etc.

False pregnancy implies a psychogenic state of a person in the absence of real manifestation of the above signs of pregnancy. This pathological phenomenon is often called “false pregnancy” and is related to the pathology of the somatic and mental sphere of a woman. A healthy woman imagines herself being pregnant no more than twice during her entire life. This happens without any factors. But the sudden appearance and disappearance of such a thought in a healthy girl or woman is already considered a deviation.

According to doctors, every eighth woman has experienced this condition at least once in her life, and most often this occurs after childbirth, abortion and miscarriage. Most often, false pregnancy can be observed in women aged 25 to 40 years, during menopause and after rupture of the fallopian tube. Severe stress and emotional upheaval also contribute to its appearance. _The concept of false pregnancy was first discussed in 1834, when the French physician Edmond Abouville wrote a treatise on pregnancy occurring without any physiological reasons._ During the histological examination, it was established that the uterus, in fact, is a fully formed organ, only has a reduced size, characteristic of a baby. The mammary glands were also examined, in which they found the presence of a liquid that was considered milk. It was obvious that this condition was caused by artificial stimulation of the uterus. As for modern medicine, now such a phenomenon is not considered a separate diagnosis, and it is considered as part of the clinical picture. Doctors also noted that in most cases with this condition, signs of hormonal disorders are detected. But still, at present, this phenomenon does not occur as often as before, so it should be noted that false pregnancy is not a manifestation of the disease.


The reasons for the development of this condition are chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, physical exhaustion, prolonged emotional stress, hormonal imbalance in the body and damage to the endocrine organs. The physiological reason is the age factor, during which a woman’s reproductive functions naturally decline, as well as a change in the composition of hormones in the blood. But at the same time, the appearance of individual elements of a real pregnancy is not an exception, which means that some kind of pathology is present. For a doctor, detecting signs of a false pregnancy may be a diagnostic sign of hidden diseases. The cause of this phenomenon can be any pathological manifestations, regardless of their location - both chronic and acute. Depending on various reasons, this phenomenon occurs in different ways. For some women, its duration does not exceed two days, while for others this period is protracted and can last up to two weeks. Very rarely it lasts longer than 6 weeks, most often it lasts two weeks. Signs

The symptoms of a false pregnancy coincide with those in the physiological process of gestation. * The appearance of slight bloating. As a rule, this symptom is most pronounced and is accompanied by such negative manifestations as lack of