Pregnancy Inappropriate

(other wording of the topic title is allowed, but it should be clear that we are talking about ectopic pregnancy)

Pregnancy is one of the most important periods in a woman’s life, which is associated with the expectation of a child and its birth. However, pregnancy is not always planned and expected. In the case of an inappropriate pregnancy, many problems arise for both the woman and her partner and medical personnel, whose work is aimed at preserving women’s health.

What is an inappropriate pregnancy?

To correctly define this term, it is necessary to consider the concept of inappropriate pregnancy. This concept refers to the anatomical location of the fertilized egg outside the fallopian tube through which the fertilized egg usually passes. There are two types of misplaced pregnancies: ectopic pregnancy and ectopic implantation. An ectopic pregnancy develops in the uterus itself, while ectopic implantation occurs in nonintended parts of the body, such as the fallopian tubes, ovaries, or abdomen. Ectopic pregnancies can be dangerous for a woman and her health, and the risk of complications is high if the necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner. Inappropriate pregnancy can be diagnosed as a result of consultation with a gynecologist, ultrasound examination and histological examination.