Birch tar against acne

If you are concerned about acne, then an integrated approach to treatment is required to provide an analgesic, disinfecting, and drying effect.

Cosmetologists recommend using a product made from birch bark. Acne on the face goes away in a matter of days after use, and a fresh, healthy glow appears on the skin.

Before use, it is important to know the composition, beneficial properties and methods of use of this remedy.

What it is?

Tar is a product of distillation of birch components - buds, leaves, wood. In appearance it is an oily black mass with a specific odor.

Applying the product to the face helps to quickly provide a cleansing, exfoliating, and disinfecting effect.

Birch tar for acne accelerates the maturation of subcutaneous (deep-lying) acne and begins to affect the sebaceous glands.

Composition and beneficial properties

Composition – multi-component, unique:

  1. antioxidants to cleanse pores of comedones and relieve inflammation;
  2. phytoncides to relieve a tired look and improve complexion;
  3. organic acids (croesol, dioxybenzene, guaiacol) to normalize the functions of the sebaceous glands and eliminate oily shine.

The ointment contains: glycerin, essential oil, beeswax, birch tar.

This product:

  1. stimulates metabolic processes;
  2. increases blood circulation, blood flow;
  3. heals wounds, abrasions, cracks;
  4. removes fungus and parasites from the subcutaneous layers;
  5. cleanses, whitens, regenerates tissues;
  6. gives the skin firmness, elasticity, renewal;
  7. eliminates fine wrinkles.

Tar in ointments, gels, lotions is an excellent remedy in the fight against scabies, diathesis, acne, subcutaneous mites, and dermatitis.

It will help in advanced cases in the treatment of acne, it will have a disinfecting, analgesic, drying, antiseptic rejuvenating effect.

Release forms

Tar release form:

  1. ordinary block, packaging – cellophane;
  2. liquid soap in plastic bottles with a dispenser;
  3. cleansing foam, plastic jars;
  4. mini applicators.

The liquid composition is added to many cosmetic products (soaps, shampoos, balms, lotions).

How to apply tar for acne on the face?

There are different ways to use tar for acne.

But some rules are extremely important to follow:

  1. refuse to use alcohol tinctures and scrubs at the time of treatment;
  2. carry out a course of treatment for up to 2 weeks without a break to achieve the desired effect;
  3. Do not use the product if you have dry, thin skin on your face;
  4. first check the product for an allergic reaction by conducting a test by applying a few drops to the inside of the wrist, leaving for up to 20 minutes;
  5. After washing off the composition, treat your facial skin with a moisturizer to avoid drying out.

Ways to use tar for acne on the face:

  1. Washing with liquid soap or bar soap. The composition creates a high PH level, leading to exfoliation of comedones and the stratum corneum of the epithelium. Why: wash your face with warm water, then cold water to create a temperature difference and increase blood circulation. Treat affected areas with foam, lightly rubbing into the skin, wash with soap 2 times a day for 1 month. Next, apply moisturizer.
  2. Spot application. Using a knife, scrape a few slabs off the soap. Rinse your face with water. Apply pieces of soap to pimples, leaving for 20 minutes, then rinsing with water, treating the skin with moisturizer. Carry out the procedures at night until single rashes completely disappear from the face.
  3. Cauterization using pure soap. Why: apply the composition precisely to the acne spots with a cotton swab, leave for 20 minutes, remove excess with a napkin. Attention! Tar has a rather oily consistency. Particles on clothing can result in greasy, difficult-to-remove stains.
  4. Applying a mask. Lather the soap in warm water and brush your face with a brush. Wait until it dries completely, then apply the 2nd layer. After the mask dries, rinse with warm water and treat with moisturizer. The course of treatment is 3-4 times a month. Attention! To create soap foam and comfortable application to the affected area, it is advisable to use hot water T+60 degrees. The course of treatment is 2 times a month for dry skin, 1 time a month for oily skin.
  5. Honey mask to relieve inflammation, redness, acne, pimples. Combine soap (solid, liquid) with water, beat into foam, add natural honey (1 tsp), mix, apply as a mask on the face, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

There are many good recipes using tar soap and food additives.

So, to relieve inflammation and redness and provide a bactericidal effect, you can prepare:

  1. creamy-cinnamon mask by mixing liquid soap (1 tbsp) with cream (48%, 50 ml), cinnamon (1/4 tsp), applying to the skin, rinsing after 15-20 with water;
  2. a mask with the addition of St. John's wort, yarrow, for which hard tar soap (1 tbsp) is mixed with an infusion of herbs (2 tbsp), as an excellent remedy for getting rid of acne on oily skin with a healing, anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. chamomile composition to relieve inflammation and have a gentle effect on irritated areas of the skin. Pour chamomile flowers (1 tbsp) with water (15 ml), add liquid soap (1 tbsp), beat into foam, apply for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water;
  4. tar lotion, for which mix salicylic alcohol (10g), iodine (5 ml). Mix the composition, wipe the affected areas of the face with a cotton pad;
  5. oatmeal scrub soap for deep removal of acne (pimples), eliminating the keratinized layer of the epidermis. Grind the oatmeal in a meat grinder, beat the soap into foam, add olive oil (1 tsp). Pour oatmeal into molds and cool. Apply pointwise to obtain a scrubbing effect;
  6. gelatin mask to remove comedones (blackheads) from the face. Pour gelatin (1 tsp) with hot water (1 tbsp), let it swell for 15 minutes, add liquid tar soap (1 tsp), stir until a thick consistency is achieved. Apply directly to pimples, leaving for up to 15 minutes until completely hardened, then rinse with warm water. If it is necessary to tighten the pores, it is recommended to wash with cold water.

Tar can remove toxins from the body, speed up metabolism, have a beneficial effect on the skin and improve its condition.

It is quite possible to use it even internally by preparing drinking water:

  1. add birch tar to water (4 l), mix;
  2. leave for 2 days in a dark place;
  3. remove sediment from settled water;
  4. drink the contents of 100 g daily, shortly before meals in the morning. The course of treatment is 1 month.

When treating acne, acne tar is effective with ointments (salicylic, sulfuric, zinc). This combination can only enhance the regenerating, antibacterial properties of soap.

About the treatment of teenage acne in girls. Reviews here.

Video: Face mask


Tar soap has a healing, disinfecting effect.

Indications for use:

  1. acne;
  2. acne, purulent rash;
  3. increased sweating;
  4. eczema;
  5. psoriasis;
  6. dermatitis;
  7. mycosis of the legs;
  8. thrush;
  9. furunculosis;
  10. demodicosis;
  11. excessive activity of the sebaceous glands;
  12. allergy;
  13. diathesis;
  14. fungal skin infection;
  15. oily seborrhea;
  16. mastopathy;
  17. haemorrhoids;
  18. atherosclerosis;
  19. infection of the kidneys, biliary tract;
  20. prostatitis.

Tar is a natural preparation that can normalize the condition of the entire body as a whole and have a healing effect.

On a note! To achieve the best effect in getting rid of the specific smell of tar soap, before application you need to cleanse the skin and steam it using a steam bath. After treating your face with tar, apply a moisturizer, as soap can cause dryness.

Does it help?

Acne on the face often occurs when proper skin care is not taken care of. But sometimes, this is the body’s reaction to internal diseases, hormonal imbalance.

Acne treatment should be comprehensive, taking into account skin type (combination, normal, dry, oily).

Tar is an excellent alternative to expensive medications, since it will not have an irritating effect on the skin, but will quickly eliminate mild and moderate manifestations of dermatological diseases.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of tar is not recommended in the following cases:

  1. liver and kidney diseases;
  2. excessive dryness, hypersensitivity of the skin;
  3. pregnancy, lactation period;
  4. exacerbation of the inflammatory course;
  5. hypertension;
  6. increased blood pressure;
  7. high body temperature.

It is undesirable to neglect the frequent use of tar soap, which can lead to irritation, eczema, and other side effects (irritation, erythema, itching, dermatitis, allergies, nausea, vomiting) on ​​the skin.

Can it be used during pregnancy and lactation?

Tar contains carcinogens, so it is not recommended for use by women during pregnancy and lactation.

Phenols can also accumulate in the body, leading to poisoning, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, and weakness.

Despite the natural medicinal composition, it is important for women not to exceed the dosage and first consult a doctor.

If you take it directly on your face, you first need to pass an allergy test by smearing it on your elbow and waiting for up to 30 minutes. If itching, rash, or urticaria appears on the body, it is better to stop using this product.


The price of ointment (40 g) is 60 rubles, soap (20 g) is 45-75 rubles.

Birch tar for acne is the best remedy in the fight against acne. It is an antiseptic that restores the epidermis and eliminates inflammation from the facial skin, and is also ideal for various skin rashes.

Birch tar is the main enemy of acne

Birch tar is a black oily liquid with a strong aroma and blue-green color.Most often it is used in cosmetology for the production of shampoos, lotions, balms, etc.

The extraordinary properties of birch tar help subcutaneous pimples mature much faster, and small ones disappear altogether. Birch tar enters into a chemical reaction with the sebaceous glands of the skin, as a result of which the pores are deeply cleansed, inflammation is removed from the epidermis, and dead cells are disinfected and exfoliated.

After using birch tar, your face will look fresher and healthier and will acquire a natural glow and color.

Birch tar for acne is very effective. It is valued due to its properties:

  1. It has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin of the face, helping to destroy bacteria and acne, removing inflammation from it and giving it a natural color.
  2. Has a drying effect. If you have oily or combination skin, then birch tar is the very remedy that will help you get rid of oily shine.
  3. It has properties that can fight pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, by regularly making birch tar face masks, you can get rid of the causes that lead to the formation of acne.
  4. Thanks to its ability to fight microorganisms and parasites, it is able to cope with such a serious disease as demodicosis.
  5. Birch tar activates and stimulates blood circulation, as a result of which regeneration processes occur faster in cells and they are rejuvenated.

Tar soap for acne

Tar soap is an excellent way to combat acne and blackheads on the face. This is the simplest and easiest way to get rid of acne. It is most beneficial for delicate young teenage skin during puberty. In case of hormonal imbalance during menstruation or pregnancy, it can be used without complications or consequences for the body.

Before using tar soap, be sure to consult a dermatologist. Then purchase it at the pharmacy and carefully read the instructions for use. It must be applied to a cleansed face, rubbing well into the skin. Next, leave on your face for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. Those with oily skin types can use it every other day, but those with dry skin should not use it more than twice a week.

Face and body products

Shower gel with birch tar oil is a very useful product. Pimples and blackheads can form on any part of the human body. Therefore, if you have acne on your body (back, arms, legs, buttocks), use tar oil. You can buy it at a pharmacy for a fairly low price. Before use, add 5 ml of tar oil to your favorite shower gel and shake the tube well. Apply to the surface of the body where there are problem areas and massage thoroughly into the skin.

Milk for face and body with the addition of tar oil. Birch tar can also be added to face and body milk. For a therapeutic effect, one teaspoon per bottle of hygiene product will be enough. Using cotton pads, apply the milk to the skin of the face and problem areas of the body. To make the action more effective, the product can be used in combination with tar soap. The milk should be applied to the skin for 20 - 30 minutes, then rinsed off with warm water. This product can be used daily.

Body cream with birch tar oil. It is best to use a neutral body cream. A non-greasy baby cream designed for any skin type is perfect for this purpose. Add 10 drops of tar oil to it and mix well. Apply spot-on, directly to areas of the body affected by acne and pimples. Use daily for a month.

Tar has extensive use in the cosmetology industry. Made by distilling leaves, buds and birch bark. This is a long-known effective remedy for acne on the face. Used in both folk and traditional medicine. It is a thick mass with a strong odor and has medicinal properties. Birch tar helps against acne thanks to the active substances that are included in its composition. Effective for oily or combination skin.

Useful properties of tar

Thanks to its chemical composition, it acquires many beneficial properties that have an effective effect in the fight against acne and acne:

  1. Improved blood supply.
  2. Acceleration of the regeneration process.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drug.
  4. A wonderful antiseptic.
  5. Cleansing the human body.
  6. Has an active effect on the sebaceous glands.

You can get excellent results using birch tar, due to the fact that it slows down the increase in the number of bacteria and effectively removes the cause of the source of inflammation. Due to the fact that it has the above properties, it is recommended to use the birch ingredient as a remedy for acne on the face.

Diseases that can be cured by consuming birch tar:

  1. Pimples, blackheads.
  2. Allergy.
  3. Fungal skin lesions.
  4. Dermatitis.
  5. Diathesis.
  6. Demodecosis.

Treatment with birch tar

Before using the product, it is worth finding out the cause of acne on the skin. Rashes on the face are not always a consequence of improper skin care. The cause may be either a hormonal imbalance or a malfunction of any internal organs. It is better to visit a dermatologist to find out the circumstances behind the appearance of a skin rash.

It is also equally important to know your dermis type: dry, oily, normal or combination. The choice of treatment method depends on this. For facial skin, only treatment designed for its specific type will be beneficial.

Provided that you want to cure acne, you should use birch tar along with medications for oral administration.

Due to the fact that the drug does not have an irritating effect on the skin, it is often used for mild and moderate dermatological diseases.


This drug has almost no contraindications when used properly. In exceptional cases, an allergic reaction to the first use of tar may occur. You should avoid using this product in the following cases:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Lactation period.
  3. Increased body temperature during illness.
  4. High blood pressure.
  5. Chronic hypertension.
  6. Exacerbation of skin diseases.
  7. Individual intolerance to the drug.
  8. Kidney and liver diseases.
  9. Very dry skin.

Under no circumstances should you use birch tar on your face too often. Excessive use can lead to irritation, and consequently eczema. If the birch ingredient is used incorrectly, side effects such as rash, itching, and the development of dermatitis may occur.

Before using this product, you need to check for an allergic reaction of the body to facial tar.

Acne remedies with birch tar

In its purest form

Perhaps the easiest way to use the drug when fighting pimples. Apply directly to problem areas. After 15-20 minutes, remove any remaining product with a damp cloth.

It is recommended to use the medicinal component for acne using this method with extreme caution, as it significantly dries out the epidermis.

Tar soap

It is not recommended to use the soap you buy in the store every day, as frequent use causes peeling of the skin.

Tar soap: recipe

To make medicinal soap at home you will need:

  1. Baby soap.
  2. Grater.
  3. Saucepan.
  4. Water.
  5. Birch tar.
  6. Essential oils (if desired, to get a pleasant scent).
  7. Soap molds.

Preparation: grate baby soap on a coarse grater. Set up a water bath in a saucepan. Melt grated soap shavings on it, adding a tablespoon of tar and water. Mix the resulting mass well. If you decide to add essential oils, then you need to do this after removing from the steam bath. Pour into previously prepared molds and let the mixture cool. Place in a cold room/refrigerator until completely hardened (about two to three days).

Tar soap prepared at home can be used every day.

Gel: recipe

To prepare a product no less effective than tar soap, we need a product.

  1. Cleansing gel or liquid soap available at home.
  2. Tar.

It is very simple to prepare such a gel: add 2-3 ml of birch tar to the bottle with the chosen cleanser and shake.

You should use the finished product just like any other cleanser.

Tar cream: recipe

To make a fast-acting cream you need the following ingredients:

  1. Any baby cream containing panthenol.
  2. Birch tar.

Add a few drops of birch tar to the existing cream and mix well.

For the best result, before applying the cream made according to this recipe, cleanse the problem area with a cleansing gel that also contains this natural product.

Tar mask

A mask with birch tar can be used for all skin types, but those with dry skin should do it more carefully. If you feel a burning sensation as a result of using such a mask, you should stop using it. Apply a tar face mask to pre-treated skin. Should not be used more than once a week.


  1. Mix a tablespoon of tar soap grated with coarse shavings with the rich cream. Mix well. Apply the resulting mass to the skin in a thick layer. After 20-25 minutes, rinse off using cool water. This manufacturing method is effective for oily and combination skin types.
  2. Add three tablespoons of honey to a teaspoon of birch tar. Mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mask to the problem area for 20 minutes. Rinse off using cool water. Effective for the same skin types as the first method of making a mask. For dry skin types, you need to add a teaspoon of olive oil to the described recipe. Apply not very thickly to the problem area for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the product with warm water. For the best effect, after using this product, apply a nourishing cream to the area treated with the mask.
  3. The following tar face mask is recommended for use against blackheads and pimples: mix 20-25g of grated tar soap into warm water and bring to the consistency of a thick porridge. Apply the resulting mass to the skin heated by steam. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. To treat acne and blackheads, use this mask no more than once a week.

Use with ointments

To improve the results of ointments for the treatment of acne, you can supplement the following ointments with a few drops of birch distillation: sulfur, zinc, salicylic.

Application: Apply directly to problem areas of the skin. After an hour, remove any remaining ointment with a damp cloth. Afterwards, wash your face with warm water. You need to use enhanced ointments less than 3-4 times a week so as not to harm the skin.

Tincture for itching and rashes

This tincture is also suitable for dry skin types. In a water bath, prepare 25g of dried chamomile in 100-150ml of water. Strain the cooled tincture through cheesecloth. Mix tar soap into the resulting decoction, foaming it. Leave the resulting mass on your face for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Oral use

It is used for internal consumption not in its pure form, but together with slightly warmed milk. A glass of milk requires 1-5 drops of tar. It is not recommended to use this mixture internally if you have kidney problems.

  1. It is necessary to dilute the drug.
  2. Consult a healthcare professional before use.
  3. Do not take the drug for longer than indicated in the instructions

There is another option for safe ingestion - tar water. For 4 liters of water you need to take 300-500 ml of tar, taken in its pure form. Mix and leave the resulting result for 2-3 days in a place inaccessible to sunlight. Then drain the remaining liquid, first getting rid of any sediment that appears.

It is also possible to be treated with birch tar and bread. Using a pipette, place 4-5 drops of the liquid product onto a slice of bread. Take bread with birch component before bed. Every day you take this product, increase the number of drops by one. When the number reaches 10, stop increasing it. Take bread with 10 drops of birch tar for two weeks. Afterwards, start reducing the number of drops to 4-5, decreasing by one every day. The course lasts 24-26 days.

Take 100 ml of tar water in the morning 30 minutes before meals. The course is continued for 2-3 weeks.

Birch tar for acne should be taken in courses several times a year - in autumn and spring. It improves immunity, helps cleanse the body, remove waste and toxins from it, improve the metabolic process, as a result of which the condition of the skin improves.

Birch tar for acne: reviews

Angelina, 26 years old:

Since adolescence, I suffered from pimples that constantly appeared on my face. On the advice of a good friend, I decided to try to get rid of the problem by using birch tar for acne in various recipes. It took about a month to heal the rash.

Daria, 19 years old:

I encountered a problem such as a rash all over my body. I decided to use liquid tar soap. I haven’t been using it for long, about a week, but the effect is already noticeable. Acne has decreased significantly.

Ekaterina, 31 years old:

Thanks to the use of tar soap, I was able to get rid of minor blemishes on my facial skin within two weeks.


The many components that make up birch tar help improve skin color and structure, rejuvenation and good blood circulation. This folk remedy, recognized and traditional medicine, does an excellent job of cleansing pores, relieving inflammation and removing oily sheen. Due to its important therapeutic properties, it is highly valued for the treatment of dermatological diseases. For different skin types, there are various recipes that will help specifically with your problem.