Bergmann Operation

Its main principles are reliability and simplicity. This method of operation is known as “Shortening of the uterus using the Müller-Mikulicz operation,” developed by the German surgeon E. Bergmann in 1929. It was in honor of the scientist that this operation was called “Operation Bergman”. According to this technique, the woman's uterus is gradually removed in order to remove excess tissue or tumors. In the end, it all ends with the removal of the entire body of the uterus along with the cervix.

The main reason for the development of Bergmann's operation is bleeding resulting from tissue displacement during expansion of the cavity, which can occur as a result of various reasons. The main goal is rehabilitation of the uterus after removal of the uterine isthmuses to narrow the cavity.

If one Bergoman procedure fails, women may need subsequent surgery called metroplasty. With this method, it is carried out