Female Infertility Absolute

**Female Infertility**

Infertility is considered the absence of pregnancy within a year of regular sexual activity without the use of contraceptive methods or the inability to become pregnant after 35 years, when the ability to conceive decreases. The researchers noticed that most women initially have high rates of relative fertility, i.e. Compared to other family members, they may be either more fertile or less fertile. To study the distribution of female fertility in the population, the concepts of absolute infertility, fertility (frequency of childbirth) and extramarital fertility were introduced.

According to research, there are quite a lot of women suffering from infertility - about 15-20% of the total number of women of reproductive age, and infertile marriages in Russia reach 80%, and the bulk of women suffering from infertility belong to the age group from 20 to 40 years. Estimates show that every year about 20,000 people remain without the help of doctors.