
Bifidumbacterin-1000: properties, application and features

Bifidumbacterin-1000 is a drug intended to normalize intestinal microflora. It contains live, antagonistically active strains of Bifidobacterium bifidum No. 1 and crystalline lactulose. The drug is available in various dosage forms, including tablets and powder.

The use of Bifidumbacterin-1000 is recommended in the following cases:

  1. for dysbiosis, including prevention during therapy with antibiotics, NSAIDs, hormones, radiation and chemotherapy, stress;
  2. for acute infectious diseases and intestinal dysfunction, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, allergic diseases (in complex treatment);
  3. for bacterial vaginosis and colpitis;
  4. for the prevention of mastitis in nursing mothers at risk;
  5. in pediatric practice: for infectious (purulent-septic processes, pneumonia) and other diseases (complex therapy in young children, anemia, malnutrition, rickets and allergic diathesis in weakened children, early transfer of infants to artificial feeding and feeding with donor milk) .

Bifidumbacterin-1000 has a contraindication - hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. No side effects were identified. However, before using the drug you should consult your doctor.

Special instructions for the use of Bifidumbacterin-1000:

  1. It is unacceptable to dissolve the drug in hot water (above 40 °C) and store it in dissolved form;
  2. Prescribe with caution to patients with lactase deficiency.

Interaction of Bifidumbacterin-1000 with other drugs:

  1. the effect is enhanced by vitamins, especially group B;
  2. the effect is reduced by antibiotics.

Bifidumbacterin-1000 is produced in Russia by the Ecco Plus company and belongs to the group of dietary supplements that help normalize and maintain normal intestinal microflora.

In conclusion, Bifidumbacterin-1000 is an effective drug for normalizing intestinal microflora and can be used in various situations associated with dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. However, before using the drug, you should consult your doctor and follow the recommendations for its use.