Bioclimatic Service

Bioclimatic services are services that study and predict climatic conditions for human health. They help doctors and healthcare professionals make decisions about the treatment and prevention of diseases, as well as develop recommendations for a healthy lifestyle.

Bioclimatic studies include analysis of various factors such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, ultraviolet radiation and others that can affect human health. These data help determine optimal conditions for sports, recreation and work, as well as for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

One of the main advantages of bioclimatic services is that they allow you to take into account the individual characteristics of each person, such as age, gender, health status, etc. This allows you to more accurately determine the optimal conditions for each person and develop individual recommendations.

In addition, bioclimate services can be used to monitor the climate as a whole, which helps make decisions about health and environmental policy changes. For example, they can help determine what measures need to be taken to reduce the impact of climate change on people's health.

Thus, bioclimatic services are an important tool for improving human health and preserving the environment. They help us understand how climate affects our health and take action to optimize it.

Bioclimate services are based on the theory of the dynamics of gases and aerosols in the atmosphere and on the use of satellite technologies to create weather forecast models over long periods of time. Modern bioclimatic stations are designed to measure air temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, pressure, radiation balance, ultraviolet radiation and other atmospheric parameters in the ranges of infrared, visible light, as well as gamma and x-ray radiation. Methods and techniques for complex biological assessment of people's health depending on the parameters of the macroatmosphere have been significantly developed using systems for planning biotic testing and quantitative determination of the functional physiological capabilities of the body based on assessing the parameters of blood circulation, tissue respiration, and respiration. There is epidemiological and hydrometeorological evidence of the connection between meteorological conditions and the deterioration of adaptation and negative reactions of the cardiovascular system, acute respiratory diseases, exacerbations of somatic pathology, injuries and flight consequences in air transport. Bioclimatic data are widely used for: - predicting current or future levels of human energy consumption when performing various jobs under conditions of forced limitation of incoming physical activity indoors; to develop new air conditioning systems with low energy consumption, taking into account the influence of meteorological conditions on the energy metabolism of the human body;

to assess the environmental resources of residential premises, first of all, their compliance with current sanitary and hygienic standards in terms of indicators: light, heat and air flows, noise, electromagnetic radiation, environmental quality; - monitoring the living conditions of the workforce during the design, construction, operation and reconstruction of buildings, structures, vehicles, residential and administrative buildings, parking lots and transport routes;