Biogeocenology Radiation

Biogeocenoses (biogeocenoses) are natural and natural-anthropogenic terrestrial ecological systems that play a key role in the mechanism of interaction between the organism and the environment. Biogeocenosis includes the living space of organisms and plant cover, the nature of the influence of natural forces and social factors. Ecological factors of life can be natural, which develop and change under the influence of natural cycles or outside human activity, and anthropogenic, induced by biological necessity and social independence. The interaction of various environmental factors can lead to different environmental conditions (good, unfavorable, etc.). Each ecological system is an important component of the biosphere and differs in varying degrees of connection with other biosphere levels.

The word "rad" comes into the name through the word "radius", which determines the magnitude of the radioactive field. This science is associated not only with plants and animals, but also with humans. Therefore, in addition to the living organisms being studied, it also contains inanimate objects: radioactive elements, various minerals, etc. This is also the process of transition from the biosphere to the anthropotechnosphere of individual substances, modification of the natural environment. Radiation biogeocenosis (ecological) is a group of organisms and inorganic bodies formed under the influence of radioactive elements or containing abnormally large amounts of isotopes that determine the specific conditions of their life. In accordance with the degree of such influence, the examined organism receives a certain name (radiation