Biopsy Transurethral

Transurethral biopsy is a method of obtaining samples of prostate tissue through the urethra.

This procedure is performed to diagnose prostate diseases such as prostate cancer. During a transurethral biopsy, the doctor inserts a special instrument called a biopsy needle through the urethra and into the prostate gland. Using this needle, small samples of gland tissue are taken, which are then sent for histological examination.

The advantages of transurethral biopsy are that it is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed on an outpatient basis and under local anesthesia. It allows tissue to be obtained directly from suspicious areas of the prostate gland for accurate diagnosis. The risk of complications with transurethral biopsy is low.

Thus, transurethral biopsy is an important diagnostic method when examining the prostate gland, helping to identify or confirm the presence of tumor and other pathological processes.

A transurethal biopsy is a medical procedure that examines internal organ tissue and obtains samples for further examination under a microscope. It can be used to diagnose various diseases, including cancer, inflammatory processes and other pathologies.

Transurethal biopsy method literally means "