Bipolar Disorder

*Bipolar Disorder is the most severe psychotic illness characterized by periodic mood swings.*

It occurs when there is an unfavorable ratio of inhibition and excitation of the central nervous system - instability of the processes of excitation and inhibition. Hereditary factors play a big role here.

Attacks of depression are replaced by attacks of hypomania. The manic period lasts from several days to several months, and the depressive period from two weeks to six months. There is a deterioration in performance, vegetative disorders. The face is mask-like, the gaze is detached, the patient walks like a sleepwalker, speech is fast, diction is enhanced. There is a risk of developing hallucinations and delusional ideas. Many patients experience suicide attempts. In general, attacks occur more often in the morning.

Treatment is carried out mainly medicinally with the help of antipsychotics.