Bleeding Internal Cavity

Bleeding Internal Cavity: Danger, Causes and Treatment

Bleeding from internal body cavities poses a serious threat to human health and life. It can occur in various large cavities such as the peritoneal cavity, pleural cavity, or pericardial cavity. In this article we will look at the causes of internal cavity bleeding, its symptoms and treatment methods.

One of the most common causes of internal cavity bleeding is injury, including car accidents, falls from heights, sports injuries, or other accidents. Such injuries can damage large vessels and organs inside body cavities, causing bleeding. Also, internal cavity bleeding can be associated with peptic ulcers, tumors, aneurysms or hemophilia.

Symptoms of internal cavity bleeding may vary depending on the location and amount of bleeding. Common signs include severe pain, excessive blood loss, severe weakness, pale skin, rapid heartbeat, fainting, or decreased level of consciousness. If you experience these symptoms after an injury or unusual condition, seek medical attention immediately.

Diagnosis of internal cavitary bleeding may include a number of methods. The doctor may conduct a physical examination, evaluate symptoms and medical history, and perform laboratory and instrumental tests. A computed tomography (CT) scan or ultrasound may help detect and locate the bleeding.

Treatment of internal cavity bleeding requires immediate medical attention. Severe bleeding may require surgery to stop the bleeding and repair damaged tissue or blood vessels. Depending on the location and cause of the bleeding, various surgical techniques such as laparotomy, thoracotomy, or pericardiotomy may be used.

After surgery, the patient may require blood transfusions or medications to restore circulating blood volume and restore the required hemoglobin level. In some cases, further treatment, physical therapy, or rehabilitation may be required to achieve full recovery.

In conclusion, internal cavity bleeding poses a serious threat to human life. Early referral to medical attention and surgical treatment are key factors to improve survival and prognosis. If you experience symptoms of internal cavity bleeding, seek medical attention immediately to get the treatment you need and save your life.

Hemorrhage is internal, cavitary.

An internal (hidden) sign, a manifestation of a disease, expressed by the release of blood into hollow organs or tissues of the body, usually in body cavities lying between internal organs or covering them from the outside - in internal hemorrhages