Blefarogel for demodicosis of the eyelids

In what concentration is hyaluronic acid present in Blepharogels? Do Blepharogels form a film on the skin of the eyelids?
What means can be used to reduce the secretion of lipids from the eyelid glands?

Meibomian glands are modified sebaceous glands that produce lipids that make up the tear film. With dysfunction of the meibomian glands, an increase in secretion production and its accumulation in the excretory ducts may be observed. However, the main treatment in such a situation is not to suppress their secretion, but to normalize the outflow of secretions from the glands to the surface of the eyelids. To do this, use eyelid hygiene products.

Treatment of the eyelids begins with a warm compress, which warms up the fatty secretion and opens the excretory ducts of the meibomian glands. Compresses are performed as follows: a cotton or gauze swab moistened with hot water (but not burning the skin!) is placed on closed eyelids. When it cools down, it is re-wetted in hot water and applied again to the eyelids. Then the eyelids are massaged as follows: clean hands are warmed up under running warm water, a drop of special Blepharoshampoo is applied to the index fingers, placing the index finger on the closed eyelids, vigorously massage the eyelid horizontally and vertically along their edges about 10 times. In the same way, you can massage your eyelids while taking a shower or washing your face.

Important! Soap and soap shampoos, ether, alcohol and alcohol tinctures dry out the skin and the ciliary edge of the eyelids, narrow the excretory ducts of the glands located in the eyelids and, thereby, contribute to the formation of plugs in the excretory ducts of the glands, which leads to their blockage and accumulation of secretions, thus , only aggravating the course of already existing blepharitis.

Ophthalmic agent Blepharogel 1 is a bioactive drug that helps remove bags under the eyes, puffiness, and also restore elasticity and freshness to the skin. It has a calming effect on irritations and moisturizes the epidermis. The drug is applied along the eyelashes, on the lower or upper eyelid. The product has many useful components that have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Blepharogel for eyes

The skin on the upper and lower eyelids is considered the most sensitive; it is more susceptible to the influence of the external environment. Eye gel Blepharogel 1 accelerates blood circulation, eliminates itching and burning. Thanks to the active components of the composition, metabolic processes in the dermis are improved, the production of sebaceous glands is stabilized, and expression wrinkles are eliminated. Because of the latter property, Blepharogel for eyelids began to be actively used in cosmetology. The drug is indicated in the following cases:

  1. with blepharitis (inflammation of the epidermis on the eyelids);
  2. when wearing contact lenses, working at a computer for long periods of time;
  3. to eliminate age-related signs of aging, bags, dark circles under the eyes;
  4. with barley.


Blepharogel for the skin around the eyes is recommended for everyone, because... contains hypoallergenic substances with moisturizing, nourishing, anti-inflammatory functions. The drug consists of Aloe Vera juice, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, water, preservatives and carbomer. The product is more often used to prevent inflammation of the eyelid skin than for cosmetic purposes. The table below shows the main components and their properties:

Hyaluronic acid (90%)

It has a moisturizing and rejuvenating effect, gives the skin elasticity and firmness. The component is used in all anti-aging creams.

The substance is of plant origin, saturates the skin with amino acids and vitamins. It is considered an excellent antiseptic, relieves swelling, normalizes the production of sebaceous glands.

Softens the skin of the eyelids, protects the epidermis from external influences.

Promotes cell division, destroys their keratinized layers, and creates new ones.

Has an antiseptic effect and is used as a preservative.

Used as a composition thickener.

Application of Blepharogel

The drug is produced in Russia and is used for the treatment and prevention of eye swelling, elimination of dry eye syndrome, barley, blepharitis, and demodicosis. The drug is also prescribed for people who work at night and spend a lot of time in front of a monitor screen. Reviews from cosmetologists say that to eliminate wrinkles it is recommended to use a similar product - Blefarogel 2. The composition is almost the same, but this contains more ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face.

For bags under the eyes

Hyaluronic acid helps with bags under the eyes better than other remedies. It normalizes the water balance in the skin of the eyelids, moisturizes it, gives it elasticity, and is suitable for the treatment of blepharitis. Thanks to aloe, blood flow in the layers of the dermis improves. Because of this, the swelling under the eyes blurs, and the skin acquires an even tone. The combined effect of the two main components of the composition has a global effect on bags under the eyes.

To treat allergic blepharitis, it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe complex treatment with medications. Otherwise, judging by the reviews, for the best effect and quick relief of swelling, it is recommended to apply the gel with light massage movements. This will improve blood circulation, and the outflow of meibomian gland secretions will return to normal. After applying the cream:

  1. the production of the tear film becomes stable;
  2. the feeling of tired eyes is eliminated.

For wrinkles

The drug contains components that have a beneficial effect on the skin. Hyaluronic acid and Aloe Vera extract are used in almost all modern cosmetic creams. Blepharogel 2 and 1 slow down the aging process and saturate the skin with collagen. However, for deep senile wrinkles, the drug is useless; it will be more effective to give Botox and hyaluronic beauty injections together with the gel.

To get rid of wrinkles around the eyelids, you need to apply the cream once a day, not forgetting about the massage to speed up blood flow. The effect is not noticeable immediately, but after 2 weeks of regular use. The course of use of Blefarogel is 1-1.5 months. The gel should be used before bed, on a previously cleansed face. Then you need to apply the product to a cotton pad and literally press it into the area where wrinkles accumulate, then do a light acupressure massage.

From barley

Blepharogel is indicated for eye diseases: treatment of demodicosis, barley, blepharitis, dry eyes, to relieve fatigue after exposure to lenses/computer/artificial light. To get rid of a growth in the form of barley, you need to smear the sore spot 3 times a day, and also take care of hygienic care. It is important to maintain sterility and wash your hands before each use. Resorption of barley begins after a week of use, the course of treatment is a month. Then you need to use the drug for the prevention of barley for another week.

For eye inflammation

A dangerous type of eye inflammation is the demodex mite (one of the causes of demodicosis). There are other types of irritation: blepharitis of various etiologies, eye fatigue, dryness syndrome, hay fever blepharoconjunctivitis. It is recommended to use every morning after washing and at night. If illnesses occur, bedding must be changed immediately; it can be a source of infection. Avoid:

  1. paint your eyes with someone else's mascara;
  2. use uncleaned instruments (tweezers, eyelash clips);
  3. close contact with infected people and pets.

Blefarogel 1 – instructions for use

Before applying Blefarogel, you need to remove your lenses, wipe off your makeup with lotion, and wash with warm water. The course of treatment with the gel is determined individually; it cannot be stopped until the manifestations of the disease disappear. Work order:

  1. Apply a little gel to your hand and spread evenly over your eyelid.
  2. Allow the product to absorb, performing circular massage movements. The duration of the procedure is at least 2 minutes. Movements should be gentle so as not to injure the skin of the eyelids.
  3. For chronic blepharitis, doctors should use the remedy in the morning and evening.
  4. To prevent eye diseases, the product is used once a day - before bedtime. This will help relieve eyelid fatigue, remove bags, smooth out facial wrinkles.


Among the indications are individual intolerance to the components in the composition. The presence of allergic reactions to Blefarogel can be checked in a simple way. Take a little gel and apply it to your hand, leave it for half an hour. If after this period of time no itching, redness, or burning is detected, then the drug can be used without a doctor’s prescription.


In some clinical cases, the drug Blefarogel does not help with severe chronic inflammation. In this case, additional medications are prescribed to reduce symptoms. Patients also have individual intolerance to substances in the composition, then it is necessary to select a drug based on the proposed analogues. Popular alternatives to Blepharogel (sulfur preparations):

  1. Dexodem. The creamy liquid is used to treat all areas of the face, not just the eyelid skin. The drug has moisturizing, anti-inflammatory properties, increases skin elasticity.
  2. Demazol. Contains chamomile extract and olive oil. The components soften the skin, saturate it, prevent the development of demodicosis, and eliminate the appearance of acne.
  3. Blepharolosion. This is a liquid essence that is suitable for nourishing the skin of the eyelids with moisture. The product eliminates dead epithelium and reduces the risk of developing eye infections.

Teagel or Blefarogel – which is better?

Both drugs have significant benefits. Teagel removes serous mucus from the eyelids and eyelashes, helps remove dead cells, and saturates the epidermis with useful substances. The product is considered hypoallergenic and does not cause itching. Teagel is better absorbed and does not leave marks on the face. But hyaluronic acid for bags under the eyes and wrinkles is contained in Blefarogel.

Below is a comparative table with the advantages of each product:

  1. can be used for cosmetic, medicinal, and preventive purposes;
  2. unobtrusive odor;
  3. eliminates facial wrinkles;
  4. slows down aging;
  5. You can buy blefarogel 1 at an affordable price.
  1. large volume, the product is consumed slowly;
  2. does not cause allergies;
  3. absorbs well;
  4. does not provoke addiction;
  5. no preservatives;
  6. treats chronic demodicosis.

Check the current prices from the table below:

Price in Moscow and the region, rubles

Blepharogel, bottle, 15 ml

Teagel Steri-Free gel for hygiene of eyelids and eyelashes, 30 g

Dexodem PHYTO cream-gel 10 ml

Demazol, cream, 10 g

Blepharolotion, for eyelids, 15 ml



Victoria, 33 years old I work as an accountant in an office. Sedentary work has many disadvantages. Recently I noticed that my eyes began to get very tired. It is impossible to concentrate on completing tasks. A doctor I know told me to smear my eyelids with Blepharogel cream. The drug is cheap, no complaints. After a week of use, I began to feel much more energetic.

Andrey, 42 years old After vacation, I discovered that my eyelids were swelling. Soon itching was added to the redness. The doctor diagnosed her with advanced blepharitis. Prescribed various ointments and creams. Blefarogel and Teagel together helped me. I smeared them on my eyelids 3 times a day, after 2 months the swelling went away, which made me very happy. Now I use it to prevent blepharitis.

Yulia, 22 years old A month ago I was driving in a car with the window open. The next morning I wake up and feel something unpleasant near my eye. I looked in the mirror - stye. This is a disaster for a young girl, she decided to get rid of it quickly. I tried a lot of remedies, dear Dexodem helped. I didn’t notice a strong effect from Blefarogel, maybe it’s needed for prevention.


Description and instructions for the drug Blefarogel

Blepharogel is a cosmetic product that is designed specifically for the care of sensitive eyelid skin. Can be sold in pharmacies, but not in the “Medicines” department, but as an accompanying product in the pharmacy range. There are two versions of this product: Blefarogel-1 and Blefarogel-2. The first drug contains hyaluronic acid. aloe juice and excipients. In the second product, sulfur compounds are added to the active ingredients.

Hyaluronic acid is a well-known component of a wide variety of cosmetics. It is this compound that gives the skin elasticity, firmness, and allows it to maintain normal moisture. With age, the body itself produces less and less hyaluronic acid and skin health begins to suffer. Therefore, there is a need to supply this substance from the outside.

Aloe Vera juice is an anti-inflammatory agent. It should relieve redness of the eyelids, itching, feeling of heaviness and discomfort.

The sulfur compounds in Blefarogel-2 are designed to suppress the action of demodex mites. Often, problems with the skin of the eyelids - inflammation, itching, swelling, redness - are associated with demodicosis. Of course, the use of such a cosmetic product does not replace full-fledged treatment, but it allows you to contain the disease and reduce the influence of parasites on the condition of the tissues.

If you apply this product with massaging movements, it improves not only the condition of the skin, but also the metabolic processes in the conjunctiva. Thus, the condition of the eyes is normalized. For example, their dryness and feeling of fatigue disappear.

Blefarogel is used for:

  1. Prevention and treatment of inflammation of the eyelids, styes;
  2. Impaired eye wetting;
  3. Desire to relieve eye fatigue;
  4. Constantly wearing contact lenses;
  5. Prevention of various disorders caused, for example, by regular work at the computer and so on;

It is clear that the release form of this cosmetic product is gel. First, it is used to clean the skin of the eyelids from impurities - a cotton swab is used for this. Then, according to the instructions for the drug Blepharogel, it is applied to the fingertips and massaged onto the eyelids for a couple of minutes. In the presence of chronic inflammation of the eyelids, such procedures are carried out twice a day. For preventive purposes, Blepharogel is applied once a day - usually before bedtime.

For demodicosis, Blefarogel-2 is used, which is applied in the acute phase twice a day. And then once a week to prevent exacerbations. In addition, this remedy can be used in various physiotherapeutic procedures - electrophoresis, for example.

Blepharogel for bags under the eyes

The “non-targeted” use of this drug as a cosmetic product deserves special mention. It is used both as a daily cream for the skin around the eyes and as a mask to eliminate wrinkles and bags under the eyes.

It must be said that the composition of Blepharogel does not promise anti-aging effects or smoothing out wrinkles. “Bags under the eyes” are formed due to swelling and gradual stretching of the skin. The drug contains no substances that can reduce these defects.

Why do some women continue to use Blefarogel as cosmetics and are satisfied with the results (read their reviews below)? – It’s about the peculiarities of the skin of their eyelids. The combination of glycerin, aloe extract and hyaluronic acid moisturizes, slightly tightens, removes redness, and creates a protective film. In some cases, this action resembles “rejuvenation”.

But the drug, of course, cannot cope with pronounced defects. For dry skin, the glycerin in Blefarogel will have a rather negative, tightening effect. Swelling may become a little less only from massaging movements with which the gel is applied.

Blefarogel is contraindicated for:

Side effects of Blefarogel

Only allergic reactions to the cosmetic product itself can cause refusal to use it. Even if the gel gets into your eyes and you feel a slight burning sensation, it will go away on its own in a couple of minutes. If you wear contact lenses, remove them before using Blefarogel and do not put them on earlier than ten minutes after the procedure.

Reviews about Blefarogel

On the Internet you can find numerous positive reviews about Blefarogel. For some, this remedy was recommended by a doctor:

— The doctor advised me to apply Blefarogel-2 for demodicosis. I used it for over a month and saw a noticeable improvement. Now I apply it not so often, but regularly.

Ladies also apply it not only to their eyelids, but also to their faces:

— Once a week I make a mask for the entire face with Blefarogel-1. The skin becomes hydrated and smooth.

— I definitely use Blepharogel. Thanks to it, you can quickly tidy up tired eyes.

— The skin of the face “loves” this gel very much. But the expression lines around the eyes don’t go away, no matter how much you apply them.

However, there are also critical messages:

— I would say that Blepharogel not only does not moisturize, but even dries it out. It forms a film on the skin, which is completely unnecessary. The hyaluronic acid in the composition is not one that easily penetrates the skin, so there is practically no benefit.

— I fell for numerous delights. I smeared half a tube of Blepharogel - the impression was that it only got worse.

Reading such reviews, one can reasonably conclude that Blefarogel is not a panacea. A gel option with sulfur can really improve the condition of demodicosis. Probably, its application can be combined with other medical procedures.

It is impossible to determine to what extent Blefarogel-1 moisturizes tissues and what percentage of hyaluronic acid from it can be absorbed into the skin (at home). Therefore, here you have to focus only on personal feelings. If you notice that your eyes feel better after applying this product, it is suitable for you. But you shouldn't expect miracles from this gel.

Blepharogel 1 and 2

Blepharogels are means for the prevention and treatment of blepharitis. Blepharogel 1 is a drug for the prevention and treatment of chronic blepharitis of various etiologies. Blepharogel 2 is indicated for the treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids.

Composition and release form:

Blefarogel 1 gel in bottles of 15 ml.

Compound Blefarogel 1. hyaluronic acid. Aloe Vera juice. glycerol. propylene glycol, carbomer, methyl paraben, propylparaben, deionized water.

Blefarogel 2 gel in bottles of 15 ml.

Compound Blefarogel 2. sulfur preparations, hyaluronic acid, Aloe Vera juice, glycerin, propylene glycol, carbomer, methyl paraben, propylparaben, deionized water.

Blepharogel 1 provides relief from various symptoms of irritation in the eyelid area caused by inflammation of the eyelids - blepharitis. The original gel contains hyaluronic acid, which cleanses and moisturizes the skin, and also improves its elasticity. Blepharogel 1 also contains aloe extract, which has antiseptic properties and improves metabolism in the skin of the eyelids.

quickly relieves redness, itching, heaviness of the eyelids; effectively cleanses the surface of the eyelids from scales and crusts; moisturizes the skin of the eyelids, increases their turgor; is a means of preventing barley; relieves the feeling of eye fatigue.

Blefarogel 2, in addition to the above substances, includes sulfur preparations that have an antiseptic and antiparasitic effect, which is important, since parasitic mites, demodexes, live and multiply in the roots of the eyelashes of many patients with blepharitis, which provoke the development of blepharitis and complicate the severity of their course. Effective in the treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids.

Blefarogel 1:

allergic blepharitis; allergic blepharoconjunctivitis; dry eye syndrome; for the prevention or relief of inflammation of the eyelids; for care and cleansing of eyelid skin; to improve eyelid turgor; for the prevention of barley; when wearing contact lenses; to relieve eye fatigue.

Blepharogel 2:
for the prevention and treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids.

Directions for use and dosage:

Blepharogel 1 is applied to a cotton swab of a cosmetic stick. Using a swab with gel, thoroughly clean the surface of the eyelids in the eyelash growth area. Then apply the blefarogel to the fingertips and massage the eyelids, including the ciliary edge, with soft circular movements of the fingertips for 1-2 minutes.

For severe chronic blepharitis, use 2 times a day - morning and evening after washing.

To prevent blepharitis and styes, use daily 1 time a day before bedtime.

Blepharogels are everyday hygiene products for the care of eyelids, which is the prevention of blepharitis and stye. In the acute stage of blepharitis, blepharogels are used 2 times - in the morning and in the evening, until the signs of blepharitis disappear. The initial course of treatment is usually from 1 to 1.5 months.

individual intolerance to the components of blepharogels.

If blepharogel gets into the eyes, a short-term burning sensation may occur.

Special instructions and precautions:

Before using Blefarogels, contact lenses should be removed and not inserted earlier than after 15 minutes.

Blefarogel 1 does not contain sulfur. In cases of an allergic reaction to Blefarogel 2, it should be replaced with Blefarogel 1.

Treats demodicosis and other eyelid diseases

I had a disease called demodicosis of the eyelids. And it all started with the fact that within one year I had 1-2 styes and had chalazion 3 times. The latter disease takes a very long time to be treated and sometimes surgery is required. I didn’t think that stye was some kind of serious disease and I didn’t go to the doctor, I tried to cure it with folk remedies and with the help of grandmothers who treat it. In addition, I noticed a white coating on the upper eyelids, as if there was frost on the eyelashes. Out of ignorance, I simply wiped my eyelashes with water and that’s it, but I found out that it was demodicosis of the eyelids when I went to the hospital to see a dermatologist. I took a demodex mite test and it was positive. Then the doctor prescribed me Blepharogel 2.

This gel is used for the following eye diseases: styes, chalazions, demodicosis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, for fatigue, heaviness of the eyelids, as well as for redness.

The package with the gel is very small, only 15 g, but it was enough for me to be completely cured. I applied this gel in the morning and before bed on my upper eyelid. The gel is very light, not sticky, it does not weigh down the eyelids, and after applying it the skin becomes moisturized.

Another advantage of this gel is that it has no contraindications. Its composition is safe even for pregnant and nursing mothers.

The result of the application was positive, I cured demodicosis, and in order to prevent more stye from appearing, I apply the gel to my eyelids twice a week for preventive purposes. Treatment is always selected individually and during a personal examination of the patient, so of course it is better to consult a doctor before use.

Indications for use:

It is used in physiotherapy, phonophoresis, magnetophoresis and electrophoresis.

In some cases, allergic reactions may occur, manifested as redness of the eyelids.

When hit Blepharogel There may be a short-term burning sensation in the eyes that goes away within 1 minute and does not require additional treatment.

Blepharogel store at temperatures from +5 to +30°C.

Blefarogel — hygienic and cosmetic gel for the care of eyelids.

The drug is available in bottles of 15 ml of gel each, one bottle per package.

Blepharogel-1. Hyaluronic acid, Aloe Vera juice, glycerin, propylene glycol, carbomer, methylparaben, deionized water.

Before use Blepharogel You should remove your contact lenses and do not put them on until after 15 minutes. When the gel gets into your eyes, you may experience a slight burning sensation that usually goes away within a minute.

Blefarogel 2 15 ml gel for eyelids (for demodicosis)

by order of the Chairman of the Committee

control of medical and

on medical use of medical products

destination for the consumer

Name of medical device:

Gel for physiotherapy of eyelids “Blefarogel 2”

Composition and description of the product:

Blepharogel 2 contains: hyaluronic acid, aloe vera juice, polyvinylpyrrolidone, glycerin, propylene glycol, purified water, neutralized carbomer, methylparaben, propylparaben, bronopol, sulfur preparation.

Hyaluronic acid regulates moisture content in cells. Thanks to the action of hyaluronic acid, the ducts of the sebaceous, meibomian, and sweat glands of the eyelids are cleared of plugs and their secretion is normalized. The skin is moisturized and becomes more elastic. Aloe vera juice, which has antiseptic properties, improves metabolism in the skin of the eyelids, relieves swelling and other symptoms of irritation. The sulfur preparation has an antiseptic and acaricidal effect, promotes slow cleaning of the excretory ducts of the glands at the edges of the eyelids and normalizes their secretion.

Name and (or) trademark of the manufacturing organization:

Gel Blefarogel 2 is intended for:

for hygienic cleansing of the skin and ciliary edges of the eyelids for the prevention of blepharitis;

for therapeutic eyelid massage;

for carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures on the eyelids (phonophoresis, electrophoresis) as contact media for ultrasonic sensors or electrodes.

To cleanse the skin and edges of the eyelids Squeeze a small amount of gel out of the bottle onto a cotton swab, and then use a cotton swab to cleanse the eyelids with light movements and remove skin flakes, foreign dust, mucus, sebaceous secretions, etc.

For eyelid massage. on previously cleansed skin, apply a few drops of gel and with light movements and gentle pressure with your fingertips or using a glass rod, perform a therapeutic massage depending on the indication (to remove plugs from the ducts of the meibomian glands, to improve blood circulation in the eyelids, etc.).

For physiotherapeutic procedures apply a few drops of Blepharogel 2 to the skin of the eyelids, after which an ultrasound or electrical sensor is placed on them, depending on the indications, after which the necessary procedure is carried out.

Blepharogel 2 is indicated for use for preventive and therapeutic procedures for diseases such as blepharitis and blepharoconjunctivitis of various etiologies, dry eye syndrome, and demodicosis.

- relieves redness, itching, heaviness of eyelids

– effectively cleanses the surface of the eyelids from scales and crusts

— moisturizes the skin of the eyelids, increasing its turgor

- relieves the feeling of fatigue, “sand” in the eyes

- serves as a means of preventing blepharitis, conjunctivitis, styes and chalazions

Contraindications for use:

Individual intolerance to individual components of Blefarogel2.

Before using Blefarogel 2, you should remove contact lenses and insert them no earlier than 15 minutes after applying the gel. If Blefarogel 2 gets into the eyes, a short-term burning sensation may occur.

Information necessary for the user to identify a medical device. bar codes identifying medical products are shown in Fig. 1

Directory of diseases

Buy BLEFAROGEL in the pharmacy:


Blepharogel - gel for eyelid skin care, eliminates itching, redness, irritation, heaviness of the eyelids, cleanses the surface of the eyelid skin from crusts, moisturizes the skin and relieves fatigue.

Indications for use of the drug Blepharogel are: prevention and relief of inflammatory phenomena of the eyelids (blepharitis of various etiologies, including demodex); prevention and treatment of dry eye; prevention of barley; impaired tear production caused by wearing contact lenses; relieving the feeling of eye fatigue; Recommended for daily care of eyelids when working on a computer or in an office environment.

Blepharogel apply to a cotton swab. Using a swab with gel, thoroughly clean the surface of the eyelids in the eyelash growth area. Then apply Blefarogel to your fingertips and massage the eyelids, including the ciliary edge, with soft circular movements for 1-2 minutes.

For chronic blepharitis, use 2 times a day - morning and evening after washing, daily, until the signs of blepharitis disappear. To prevent blepharitis and styes, use daily 1 time a day before bedtime.

For demodicosis, use Blepharogel 2 daily, 2 times a day in the acute stage and 1 time a day for the purpose of prevention.

Blepharogel Contraindicated for use in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Blepharogel-2. Hyaluronic acid, Aloe Vera juice, sulfur preparations, glycerin, propylene glycol, carbomer, methylparaben, deionized water.