Face masks with black cumin oil

Ancient medicine considered Roman coriander or nigella to be the best cure for all diseases. The seeds of this annual are rich in valuable liquid, widely used for medicinal and aesthetic purposes. Black cumin oil for the face restores beauty and youth, and is also beneficial in the treatment of problem skin. Excellent tonic properties help smooth out deep expression wrinkles.

Benefits of black cumin oil for skin

The composition of cumin oil is rich in acids:

  1. oleic;
  2. myristic;
  3. palmitic;
  4. stearic;
  5. linolenic;
  6. eicosadiene.

In cosmetology, the beneficial properties of cumin oil for the skin help:

  1. Nourish and moisturize;
  2. Restore firmness and elasticity;
  3. Treat purulent inflammations;
  4. Improve color.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation. By testing the composition for an allergic reaction, you can avoid possible harm.

Using black cumin oil on the face

The oil of a popular spice has a magical effect on the skin. Restores a healthy appearance, eliminates puffiness, signs of fatigue and improves skin color. A universal product for all skin types, including sensitive and problematic.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Homemade face mask recipes with cumin oil

Homemade formulations are effective for various skin diseases. Thanks to its antibacterial effect, cumin oil soothes the skin, cleanses and improves complexion. Natural procedures whiten pigment formations, smooth out photo and facial wrinkles.

Black cumin oil mask for wrinkles

Result: anti-aging skin care recipes tighten the contour of the oval, restore the turgor of the epidermis. After forty, it is worth conducting a ten-day course of caring sessions.


  1. Art. a spoonful of cumin oil;
  2. 2 teaspoons starch;
  3. egg.

Preparation and method of application: combine potato powder with egg and nutrient liquid. Use a compress to steam the skin, distribute the mass in a dense layer, avoiding contact only with the eyelids. After resting for about fifteen minutes, wash with cold infusion of viburnum.

Video recipe: Anti-wrinkle face mask with black cumin oil at home

Black cumin oil mask for acne

Result: an effective caring procedure copes with acne, redness and inflammation.


  1. 5 ml caraway oil;
  2. 30 ml kvass;
  3. 10 gr. red clay.

Preparation and method of application: pour Moroccan clay with dark kvass, add vegetable oil. Before applying the mask, scrub with rye flour and distribute the composition along the lymphatic lines. After waiting a quarter of an hour, wash with water and lime juice, and overnight treat the pustules with pure cumin oil.

Black cumin oil mask for blackheads

Result: homemade recipes are effective for removing and preventing the formation of comedones and narrowing pores.


  1. 2 ml cumin oil;
  2. 2 tablets of white coal;
  3. 10 drops of myrrh essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: crush the sorbent, add moisturizing and essential oil, dilute with concentrated black tea. After cleansing of makeup, thoroughly steam the dermis, then treat all problem areas with a healing mass. After twenty minutes, after removing the residue, wipe the surface with lime juice.

Mask for dry skin

Result: black cumin for the face replenishes the lack of moisture and lipids.


  1. 10 ml caraway oil;
  2. banana;
  3. 5 gr. oatmeal.

Preparation and method of application: pour boiling water over the flakes for twenty minutes, then stir the paste with banana and vegetable oil. After removing decorative cosmetics, spread the nourishing mask in a dense layer over the entire surface with a spatula. Enjoy the effect for at least a quarter of an hour, remove with a damp cotton pad.

Mask for oily skin

Result: effectively use cumin oil at home to care for oily, problematic dermis.


  1. 5 ml caraway oil;
  2. 10 gr. tooth powder;
  3. 20 drops of tangerine essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: dilute the white powder with plantain decoction to form a paste, add spice and citrus oil. Wipe the skin with micellar liquid, distribute the product, avoiding the eyelids and lip area. After eighteen/twenty minutes, wash with cold, mineral water.

Rejuvenating mask

Result: a natural smoothing mask that also refreshes the skin and evens out the tone. Use three/four times a month, for sagging and loss of elasticity, carry out a course of twelve procedures.


  1. 15 ml cumin oil;
  2. 20 gr. kelp.

Preparation and method of application: pour algae powder into warm fruit tea and leave for half an hour. Afterwards, introduce nutrient fluid. Apply onto face using a brush, covering the entire surface. Enjoy the effect of the mask for thirty/forty minutes, then first wet the skin with hot water and finish with cold water.

Moisturizing mask

Result: in home-made cosmetology, oil compositions should be used to restore cell membrane structures and activate oxygen metabolism.


  1. Art. a spoon of caraway oil;
  2. cucumber;
  3. a teaspoon of semolina.

Preparation and method of application: combine semolina with medicinal oil and chopped vegetables in a blender. Spread on steamed surfaces using a spatula and leave for a quarter of an hour. Complete your facial treatment by removing any remaining residue with a damp sponge.

Cleansing mask

Result: a refreshing recipe removes dead skin cells of the epidermis and accelerates renewal. By applying just three times, you can remove age-related pigment formations.


  1. a teaspoon of cumin oil;
  2. Art. spoon of yeast;
  3. 20 drops of salicylic acid.

Preparation and method of application: first dissolve the yeast in a warm herbal decoction, add antiseptic malo and salicylic acid. Apply a thin layer using a brush onto clean skin. After resting for ten/fifteen minutes, you can finish off by washing your face with green tea.

Video recipe: Soothing facial mask with black cumin oil and potato juice

Reviews on the use of cumin oil for the face

I used medicinal cosmetics to relieve swelling, but the bags and swelling did not go away. I solved the problem with the help of a cumin mask, which I did in the evening for about a week. The skin is refreshed and more elastic.

Problem skin still suffers from regular acne. I make a face mask from black cumin oil up to three times a week. It relieves inflammation well, cleanses and treats acne.

"Author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the LOKON Academy of Beauty Industry. Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I constantly try different products, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy. I'm on VKontakte - write, I'm always glad.



Black cumin oil is a 100% natural product of genuine quality with centuries-old production traditions. It contains more than 60% of vital elements.

Black cumin is a legendary plant of the East, used in traditional oriental medicine as a remedy for a variety of diseases for 3,000 years.

A very effective and rare medicine is extracted from it - black cumin oil, which is also known under several other names - Kalinji, nigella and nigella.

  1. Black cumin restores energy, restores immunity and gives one’s own strength to fight and prevent many diseases.
  2. Reduces allergy symptoms, improves the body's resistance, promotes energy activation, thereby helping to overcome fatigue and tiredness.
  3. Stimulates the thymus gland and through this strengthens the immune system, being, as it were, a “cure for all diseases.”

In the Muslim world, this valuable oil has been used for many hundreds of years; moreover, here it has managed to gain a foothold as one of the main medicinal products.


Benefits of black cumin oil for skin

Black cumin oil has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effects.

It is recommended to use the oil for the care of skin that is predisposed to various inflammatory processes and purulent rashes.

Since cumin oil is potent, it is recommended not to use it in its pure form, but to dilute it with other cosmetics.

A wonderful gift from nature, it is beneficial for all skin types and all ages. It copes excellently with the problems of every type of epidermis.

  1. Dry skin will receive the necessary nutrition and hydration. The cumin substrate will tighten it, smooth out wrinkles, completely heal and rejuvenate it.
  2. The oily epidermis will thoroughly clean the pores, narrow them, remove excess shine, restore purity and radiance, and relieve puffiness.
  3. Problem skin. Cumin oil will remove all unsightly traces of acne, relieve acne and inflammatory processes.
  4. Fading skin will regain its elasticity and force its own cells to work, which will effectively begin to form new collagen and elastin fibers.

In any case, caraway oil will be an indispensable product in cosmetology and will help get rid of many shortcomings.

Application of oil for skin

  1. To cleanse your face, it is good to use a mixture of grape seed and cumin oils. The mixture should be applied to the face and washed after half an hour with cool water. To get rid of acne, apply pure cumin oil directly to the area of ​​inflammation, or add a couple of drops to an acne remedy immediately before use.
  1. It has antifungal properties, as a result of which it is effectively used in the treatment of skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, warts, and various dermatitis. To treat these diseases, the oil must be applied to the affected areas. If necessary, you can mix it in equal proportions with other oils (sesame, linseed, cedar).
  1. When caring for the skin, the oil is also used internally. Half an hour before meals, it is recommended to drink 1 teaspoon of oil with honey, diluted in a glass of hot water. Hot water will speed up absorption. This remedy is contraindicated during pregnancy, and in general, you should be careful when drinking oils - you can get problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  1. Another property of this oil is that with its long-term use, the skin becomes softer and acquires a healthy color.


Recommendations for using cumin oil for the face

  1. First, of course, you need to conduct a test to identify individual intolerance. Apply the product to a small area of ​​skin near the elbow or wrist for 30-60 minutes.

In the absence of negative manifestations on the epidermis, you can safely begin facial skin healing procedures. By the way, only the presence of an allergic reaction is a contraindication to the external use of cumin oil.

2. Apply caraway oil or formulations containing it only to previously prepared skin. First, clean it of sebum, dust, traces of cosmetics, and then steam it over a herbal decoction.

As an option, use a decoction of chamomile, linden or calendula. If there are no herbs, steam the epidermis over plain, freshly boiled water.

3. In order for the cosmetic mixture to retain maximum beneficial properties, it must be prepared before it is applied to the skin, and certainly in glass or porcelain containers.

4. Vegetable oils are better absorbed by the skin when warm. For this reason, before applying black cumin oil to the skin, it is recommended to heat it to 30-40 degrees.

5. A face mask with black cumin oil is applied with soft, slightly patting movements. Stick to the massage lines. Don't forget about the décolleté area. Do not apply the healing mass to the sensitive eye area.

6. Caraway oil shows its full potential only with regular use. Therefore, it should be used at least 1-2 times a week for 1-1.5 months, after which it is worth taking a break.

If you are not allergic to the components of the masks or to the cumin oil itself, you can proceed.


Face masks with black cumin oil

Cumin oil for oily skin

To improve the health of oily facial skin, cumin oil should be applied in a monthly course, 2-3 times weekly. It is recommended to rinse off any remaining product with cool water.

Cleansing mask


  1. black cumin oil – 1 teaspoon;
  2. grape seed extract - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Mix all.
  2. Apply to the surface of the face and leave for 40 minutes.


Renewing mask


  1. black cumin oil – 1 teaspoon;
  2. any cosmetic clay – 1/2 tablespoon;
  3. water – a small amount.


  1. Take clay, dilute with cool water until thick.
  2. Add cumin oil to the mixture.
  3. Mix thoroughly and apply to face. Keep it for a quarter of an hour.

Firming mask


  1. black cumin oil – 1 teaspoon;
  2. olive oil – 1 tablespoon;
  3. essential oils: rosemary, basil, bergamot and juniper - 2 drops each.


  1. Make a mixture of cosmetic oils.
  2. Heat the oil mixture in a water bath.
  3. When warm, apply to skin (pre-moisturized) for 20 minutes.


Black cumin oil for dry skin

Use black cumin oil on the face for dry skin 3-4 times a week. The course lasts one and a half to two months. Procedures must be carried out regularly. It is recommended to wash off their remains with warm water.

Nourishing mask


  1. black cumin oil – 1 teaspoon;
  2. cinnamon powder – 1 teaspoon;
  3. sour cream – 1 tablespoon.


  1. Place all ingredients in one container and mix thoroughly.
  2. Apply the resulting product to your face in a thick layer.
  3. When 10-15 minutes have passed, remove the remaining mask with a paper towel or napkin.

It is very useful to use this product if there are peelings on the epidermis and a feeling of tightness.


Cumin oil for skin problems

When treating acne and acne, cumin extract can be used in its pure form, very carefully, precisely applying oily drops to problem areas. Masks can be applied 2-3 times weekly until the skin condition improves. Rinse off with warm water.

Black cumin oil for acne

Comedone mask


  1. black cumin oil – 1 teaspoon;
  2. wheat germ oil – 1 teaspoon;
  3. two drops each of lavender and tea tree essential oils


  1. Mix all the oils.
  2. Apply to problem areas of the skin for 15 minutes.

Anti-inflammatory mask


  1. black cumin oil – 1 teaspoon;
  2. black clay – 1/2 tablespoon;
  3. water – a small amount.


  1. Dilute the clay with slightly warm water. Add enough water so that the clay has a medium consistency.
  2. Then combine the clay diluted with water with heated cumin oil.
  3. Spread the mask over your face in an even layer for 15 minutes.


Mask for psoriasis


  1. cedar, sesame, caraway and linseed oils - ¼ teaspoon each.


  1. Combine vegetable oils and mix.
  2. Lubricate the areas of the skin affected by the disease with the prepared mixture 2-3 times a day. This is best done with a cotton swab.
  3. Use this mask daily until significant improvements appear.

Cumin oil for normal skin

Rejuvenating mask


  1. black cumin oil – floor. teaspoon;
  2. olive oil – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Mix oils.
  2. Moisten your face and apply a mask. Leave for 30 minutes.

Nourishing mask


  1. black cumin oil – 1 teaspoon;
  2. tea tree oil – floor. teaspoon;
  3. oatmeal – 1 tablespoon.


  1. Make a mixture of oils and flour.
  2. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for half an hour.


Cumin oil for aging skin

With lifting effect


  1. black cumin oil – 1 teaspoon;
  2. oatmeal – 1 tablespoon;
  3. honey – 1 teaspoon;
  4. egg yolk – 1 pc.;
  5. water – a small amount.


  1. Grind oatmeal flakes to flour.
  2. Then mix it with other products.
  3. Apply the mixture to your face in a thin layer. After 10-15 minutes, wash with slightly warm water.

Rejuvenating mask


  1. cumin oil – 1 teaspoon;
  2. honey - 1 teaspoon;
  3. freshly squeezed aloe juice – 1 teaspoon


  1. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mixture to your face. The mask can be applied before bed for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Rinse off with warm water.


Mask with black cumin oil for pigmentation

Enrich your night nourishing cream. Take a portion of the cream for one use and place it in the middle of your palm, add two drops of cumin oil, rub and massage onto your face.


Pay attention to your condition when using oil. And if the skin condition does not improve or even worsens, you should stop using it.

Do not overuse cumin oil. As a mask, apply it no more than twice a week. One- or two-month courses are shown, after which you should take a break.


Ekaterina, 38 years old: I recently read about the benefits of caraway seed extract from a book about the beauty secrets of ancient oriental queens. I tried black cumin oil for the face against wrinkles. I was pleasantly surprised by the result.

In addition, I recommend trying an oil mask made from 1 tbsp. grape seed pomace with 1 tsp. caraway remedy. Apply the mixture for 40 minutes, rinse with cool water. Pleasant color and instant lifting effect are guaranteed.

Julia, 42 years old: I regularly use black cumin oil for my face against wrinkles according to Cleopatra’s own recipe. Once a week for 2-3 months of regular application plus elements of Asahi massage - and tightened, elastic skin will please everyone. Worth a try!


Based on materials from: looktips.org, onwomen.ru, rosy-cheeks.ru Image: GOKALP ISCAN, pixel2013, Andreas Hoja and others from Pixabay

8 Recipes for masks with linseed oil for different skin types

How to use black cumin oil on your face to make your skin glow and radiate health and beauty? First, let's talk about its beneficial properties that make it a real miracle cure.


Firstly, caraway extract is rich in many acids necessary for our skin, which often cannot produce them on its own. These are stearic, oleic, linolenic and palmitic acids. They, in combination with the vitamin and mineral composition of the oil, help nourish the skin, moisturize it and improve complexion, help restore firmness and elasticity, and also treat purulent inflammation, eliminate swelling and remove signs of fatigue. Of course, it is important to take into account possible contraindications, namely individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Black cumin oil for the face is a universal product that is suitable even for problematic and sensitive skin.

Black cumin oil face masks

Helps with various skin diseases. Containing antibacterial components, black cumin oil for facial skin will soothe the skin, cleanse it, and, therefore, improve complexion. Natural procedures will whiten pigmented areas and smooth out facial wrinkles.

Black cumin oil for face against wrinkles

Wrinkles appear due to the fact that we lack moisture and nutrition; metabolic and restoration processes in the body slow down or are disrupted. This is, unfortunately, how aging manifests itself. But don’t rush to make an appointment with a plastic surgeon and spend money on expensive anti-aging products. We offer a popular recipe that is very effective in the fight for youth.

Anti-aging actions will tighten the oval contour and restore the structure of the epidermis. At the age of 45+, caring sessions should be carried out over a ten-day course and with a light massage.

You will need 1 tbsp. spoon of caraway oil, 2 tsp. starch and egg. Mix the ingredients and after the skin has been steamed with compresses, apply an even layer to the skin (and do not get it on the eyelids). We rest for 15 minutes and it is advisable to wash with a cool infusion of viburnum.


Using black cumin oil for the face: Recipes

For blackheads: 2 ml of cumin extract, a couple of white charcoal tablets, ten drops of myrrh essential oil. After crushing the sorbent, add moisturizing oil and myrrh, dilute with strong black tea. Apply the medicinal mass to the steamed dermis for 20 minutes. Afterwards, remove the remains and wipe the skin with lime juice. The effect is to narrow pores and prevent comedones.

For dry skin: 10 ml of oil, 1 banana, a little oatmeal. Pour boiling water over the flakes for 20 minutes, then stir them with banana and butter. We also wait 15-20 minutes and remove with a damp cotton swab. The effect is to replenish the lack of moisture and lipids.

For oily skin: 5 ml of cumin oil, 10 grams of tooth powder and about 20 drops of tangerine extract. We dilute the white powder with plantain decoction to make a paste, add oil and tangerine. Treat your face with micellar water, distribute the mask; Wash after 20 minutes with cool mineral water. The result is a refreshing and disinfecting surface.

Rejuvenation: mix 15 ml of oil with 20 grams of seaweed. Pour the algae powder into warm tea with fruit and leave for 30 minutes. Then pour in the nourishing liquid and distribute it over the entire face with a brush. Relax for 30-40 minutes, then rinse off first with hot and then with cold water. Effect – smoothes, refreshes, evens out tone. It is better to use once a week.

Moisturizing: cucumber, tbsp. a spoonful of our butter, a teaspoon of semolina. Grind the cucumber in a blender, then mix with the rest of the ingredients. Leave on the skin for 15 minutes and remove with a damp sponge. The result is that oxygen metabolism is activated.

Cleansing: a teaspoon of cumin extract, a tablespoon of yeast, twenty drops of salicylic acid. Dissolve the yeast in a warm herbal decoction in advance, add the rest. Apply to clean skin for 15-20 minutes and wash with green tea. The effect is the removal of old epidermal cells, fresh skin, removal of age-related pigment formations.


The use of black cumin oil in cosmetology is a topic for a separate discussion, because the healing properties of this drug are based on its high effectiveness in the following areas:

  1. humidification
  2. nutrition
  3. rejuvenation
  4. anti-inflammatory effect (stabilizes sebum production)
  5. antifungal and bactericidal.

But let’s still say that this is an excellent anti-cellulite product, an integral component for caring for weakened hair (with seborrhea and loss of entire strands), and also an excellent element for caring for the skin of the hands.

As we found out, this herbal medicine can successfully replace a night cream. It is also used to care for the décolleté and chest area. Sometimes massage treatments for the whole body are prescribed with this remedy. Its use is relevant for combating skin diseases, beautifying the face, hair and nails.


Some experts believe that for a complete therapeutic effect on the skin, it is better to use caraway extract internally, since it helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, eliminates dysbacteriosis, and normalizes metabolism. And as we know, a healthy intestine and uninterrupted digestion are the key to the beauty and freshness of our face. But here it is important to first familiarize yourself with the contraindications and keep in mind possible side effects. It is better, of course, to consult a doctor to begin your recovery fully equipped.

You can read about the benefits of calamus root for beauty and health in our other article - Using calamus root for hair.