Eye wrinkles, crow's feet, how to remove procedures


Crow's feet around the eyes are common expression wrinkles. Despite the fact that they are also called “rays of kindness,” women want to get rid of them as soon as possible. When folds appear, many women panic, and the first thought that often comes to mind is “I’m starting to age.”

Dry facial skin, squinting eyes, smoking, lack of sleep - all this can provoke the appearance of the first expression lines. It has been observed that people who laugh and wink frequently are more susceptible to crow's feet.

The skin around the eyes is four times thinner than other areas of the face, has no fatty tissue, and is also low in collagen and elastin - the supporting fibers necessary for smooth, healthy and beautiful skin.

How to remove crow's feet around the eyes? In this article we will talk about effective recipes of traditional medicine, as well as innovative technologies and salon procedures. But first, let's look at the reasons that can lead to the appearance of facial wrinkles.

Reasons for appearance

Many representatives of the fair sex are sure that crow's feet under the eyes are a harbinger of fading and aging of the skin. In fact, this opinion is wrong; facial wrinkles can appear even in young girls. But why?

Provoking factors in the occurrence of goose bumps are:

  1. dry, sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions;
  2. improper facial skin care;
  3. emotionality and impulsiveness, which are expressed in rich facial expressions;
  4. violation of water-salt balance due to kidney disease, heart disease or hormonal disorders;
  5. bad habits such as smoking and alcoholism;
  6. stressful situations, lack of sleep;
  7. habit of squinting;
  8. sudden weight loss, which causes the skin to lose its elasticity;
  9. uncomfortable pillow;
  10. aggressive atmospheric influences: wind, rain, snow, toxins, sea salt, chlorine from the pool;
  11. age-related changes;
  12. radical diets;
  13. frequent exposure to the sun without glasses and in the wind;
  14. poor environmental situation.

Giving up bad habits, although difficult, is possible, but stopping smiling and eliminating environmental factors is unlikely to be possible. However, there is no need to panic as there are now many ways to help get rid of crow's feet around the eyes.

General recommendations

You should start taking care of the area around your eyes at the age of 18. Wrinkles are easier to prevent than to treat. You should start with sufficient rest, as well as eliminating bad habits and stressful situations. The following methods of protection will help minimize harm from external factors:

  1. use of sunglasses;
  2. washing your face with warm, not hot water;
  3. when choosing a care product, you should take into account your skin type, age and season;
  4. walk outdoors more often;
  5. keep drinking regime;
  6. soap products should be used only for severe contamination;
  7. remove makeup delicately, without excessively stretching the skin;
  8. limit your time in front of the computer.

Starting from the age of 25, it is necessary to use special creams for the area around the eyes, especially for those with dry skin. In older age, it is better to give preference to products with a rejuvenating and lifting effect. Every four months it is necessary to change the cosmetic product, otherwise addiction will develop and there will be no effect.

Correct application of cosmetics also plays an important role. The cream must be lightly beaten into the skin, moving from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner part. Do not apply a large amount of product. This can lead to you getting up in the morning with puffy eyes.

The necessary cosmetic set for every woman should include:

  1. protective day cream;
  2. restorative night cream;
  3. tonic lotion;
  4. nourishing face masks;
  5. scrub.

Carrot juice contains carotene, a microelement essential for beautiful skin. Grated carrots are no less beneficial, and you should try to add them to various dishes. Greens will also help in the fight for beautiful skin. Spinach contains carotene, and parsley is a source of vitamin E.

During the season, greens should always be on your table. Vegetables like tomatoes and broccoli contain vitamins and antioxidants that are essential for maintaining youthful skin.

Beauty injections

Let's talk about the most effective injections that help get rid of wrinkles both at a young and more mature age.


A weak inactivated botulinum toxin is injected using injections. It causes mild muscle paralysis, relaxation and smoothing of the skin around the eyes. After this procedure, the muscles remain in good shape for six or even eight months. Experts recommend performing such injections twice a year.

Many women worry about possible unwanted side effects. No specialist can give a 100% guarantee, because it is unknown how your body will react to botulinum toxin. An important role is played by the professionalism of the master and the technique of administration.


For age-related wrinkles around the eyes, experts recommend fillers - intradermal fillers. The most popular nowadays is hyaluronic acid. Each of us has it in our bodies, but with age its production decreases. The acid penetrates deep into the skin without disturbing its texture. To distribute the substance evenly and to avoid the appearance of tubercles, the specialist massages the injection site of hyaluronic acid. The procedure lasts about twenty minutes, but the effect lasts for a whole year.


The essence of the procedure is the introduction of medicinal “cocktails” deep under the skin. The basis of this cocktail is hyaluronic acid, which is supplemented with microelements, vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts. B vitamins are usually used, which restore water balance, blood circulation and even have a mild analgesic effect.

The following microelements are used:

  1. cobalt. Has regenerative properties;
  2. zinc restores skin color and retains hyaluronic acid molecules;
  3. magnesium protects the skin from the adverse effects of external factors.


This is a biological skin rejuvenation that combats the effects of sun exposure, thinning of the skin, and also prevents age-related changes. At the cellular level, the skin becomes more elastic. Stimulation of regeneration occurs due to the introduction of hyaluronic acid in combination with coenzymes and amino acids. Four treatments will be required, spaced approximately one month apart. Next, the specialist may prescribe maintenance injections.

Precautionary measures

In the end, it is worth noting that any salon procedures have a number of contraindications, and beauty injections are no exception. Anti-aging procedures are prohibited in the following cases:

  1. infectious and autoimmune processes;
  2. oncology;
  3. dermatitis;
  4. diabetes;
  5. neoplasms on the facial skin;
  6. pregnancy and lactation.

After the procedure, hematomas and redness may occur. The following recommendations will help speed up the rehabilitation process:

  1. do not touch the skin around the eyes with your hands;
  2. over the next ten days, do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pools or swim in open water;
  3. try to minimize exposure to direct sunlight;
  4. In the first days after the procedure, do not go to the gym. Physical activity can cause swelling;
  5. try to avoid excessive facial movements and squint;
  6. use an orthopedic pillow.


This procedure refers to hardware cosmetology. The skin is exposed using a special device. It creates so-called flashes at certain intervals. Let us highlight the main goals that the photorejuvenation procedure achieves:

  1. deep penetration;
  2. destruction of melanin and, as a result, lightening of age spots;
  3. stimulation of elastin and collagen production;
  4. smoothing wrinkles and tightening the skin;
  5. oxygen saturation of the skin;
  6. destruction of bacteria and extraction of toxic substances;
  7. improvement of the condition of small capillaries.

First, let's talk about how the procedure is carried out in salons:

  1. the conjunctiva of the eyes may be damaged from flashes, so the specialist puts protective glasses on the patient;
  2. for better conduction of impulses, a cooling gel is applied to the skin;
  3. apply a nozzle to the problem area;
  4. the flash is produced by lightly pressing a button on the device;
  5. At the end, the skin is treated with panthenol preparations with a soothing and healing effect.

Photorejuvenation can be done even at home. To do this you will need to purchase a portable device. First, you should conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, use a flash on the skin of your wrist at minimum power. The result can be assessed after 24 hours. The appearance of peeling, redness, itching, burning indicates an allergic reaction.

Before the procedure, the facial skin should be thoroughly cleansed. To do this, you need to wash your face, take a steam bath, or even use a scrub.

In the first days after the procedure, it is prohibited to use foundation, powder, or lotions with an alcohol component. You must not drink alcoholic beverages for five days. It is also recommended to avoid overheating and sunbathing for a week and drink more natural water.

Photorejuvenation cannot be performed in the following cases:

  1. damage to the face;
  2. pregnancy and lactation;
  3. dark skin;
  4. skin coagulation disorder;
  5. exacerbation of chronic processes;
  6. oncology;
  7. ophthalmological diseases;
  8. Tan;
  9. herpetic infection;
  10. the presence of metal structures in the body;
  11. taking photosensitizing drugs;
  12. heat;
  13. mental disorders.


Massaging movements will help speed up metabolic processes at the cellular level, reduce the number of fine wrinkles and increase skin tone. It is immediately worth noting that such procedures cannot be carried out in case of mental disorders, infectious and oncological processes, violations of the integrity of the skin, as well as eye pathologies.


This massage will help improve blood circulation and smooth the skin. The procedure can be carried out three times a week. Using your fingertips, you should apply barely noticeable pressure on the periorbital area in the direction from the outer edge to the inner. You will need to make up to six or seven such circles. Then the skin should be stroked first clockwise and then in the opposite direction. At the end, pats are done.


The essence of the procedure is to alternate massaging movements and special exercises. To begin, you need to close your eyes for a few seconds, then open them and look up. Try to relax your eyes as much as possible at this moment. These exercises are repeated for one minute.

Next, close your eyes and use your fingertips to gently press the eyeball fifteen times. Then place your fingers on your eyelids, preventing them from opening your eyes. At this moment, resist with your eyelids, trying to open your eye and look up. Do ten such repetitions.

Now you should place your index finger on the inner corner of the eye and massage this area five times in a clockwise direction. Then blink actively for 30 seconds. Finally, with your middle finger, gently press on the outer area of ​​the eye, and then move to the inner corner.

Lymphatic drainage

This type of massage stimulates lymph circulation and also helps remove excess fluid and toxic substances. It is best to entrust the procedure to a professional.

Before the procedure, the facial skin is cleansed, after which cream, serum or oil for the skin around the eyes is applied. Massage movements are performed with both hands simultaneously on both eyes. They are performed strictly along massage lines.


Blepharoplasty is a surgical correction of the shape of the eyelids or the shape of the eyes. The operation allows you to eliminate age-related defects, including goose bumps. There are several types of blepharoplasty. Thus, seamless laser surgery eliminates the need for deep incisions, and the effect lasts for many years. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

If we talk about the classical operation, the sutures are removed on the fourth day. In the case of the laser technique, no stitches are applied at all. The specialist performs small punctures that quickly and completely disappear. Of course, bruising and swelling may appear immediately, but they will subside within the first weeks.

During the rehabilitation period, you should not drink alcoholic beverages, smoke, sunbathe in the sun, use decorative cosmetics, or play sports. You should also limit reading, watching TV and working on the computer.

Blepharoplasty is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. arterial hypertension;
  2. inflammatory and infectious processes;
  3. dry eye syndrome;
  4. ophthalmological disorders;
  5. endocrine disorders;
  6. oncology.

Folk recipes

In the end I would like to say a little about folk methods. Aloe juice will help eliminate expression wrinkles. It moisturizes and tones the skin, and also gives elasticity and smoothness. Freshly squeezed juice should be applied to dry, cleansed skin of the periorbital area before bedtime and not rinsed off.

Cosmetic and essential oils provide irreplaceable benefits. Squeezes of almonds, apricots, peach, sea buckthorn, olives, castor oil, and jojoba are especially effective.

Don't forget about medicinal plants. Dry leaves of mint, burdock and calendula inflorescences have a beneficial effect.
Egg is a universal remedy against goose bumps. Traditional healers suggest mixing the yolk with lemon juice or castor oil. You can also mix whipped egg whites with liquid honey.

Potatoes are known for their anti-aging properties. Peel raw potatoes, grate them finely, mix with heavy cream and apply to the periorbital area for fifteen minutes.

So, it is possible to smooth out goose bumps, and both simple traditional medicine recipes and salon procedures can help with this. You can also fight expression lines with proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and a proper work and rest schedule. You shouldn’t wait for crow’s feet to appear; the problem is much easier to prevent. Choose the right care products, wash off your makeup before going to bed, do not stretch the skin, but gently massage the cream along the massage lines. Self-discipline and caring for your body will help prolong youth and beauty!


I will consider the question of how to remove crow's feet around the eyes. One of the first things to give away age is the eyes. The skin around them is the most delicate and vulnerable area on the face. Here the first rays and wrinkles appear, which cause so much grief to female representatives.

Cause of crow's feet

If you notice unsightly crow's feet near your eyes, hurry to start the fight. After all, over time, they will only become more noticeable, and the foundation that previously came to the rescue will mercilessly add a couple of years to your real age.

To start dealing with a problem, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence.


Wrinkles around the eyes

Here are some possible conditions for the appearance of furrows (wrinkles) and other skin defects in the corners of the eyes:

  1. moving facial expressions;
  2. applying a rich face cream to the eyelids;
  3. long-term use of allergenic or low-quality cosmetics;
  4. habit of squinting your eyes (poor vision, exposure to bright sunlight);
  5. age-related changes;
  6. careless actions near the eyes (stretching, rubbing the skin in this area);
  7. bad habits that adversely affect the skin (cigarettes, alcohol);
  8. unbalanced diet;
  9. constant stress;
  10. excessive dry skin;
  11. long work at the computer;
  12. constant lack of sleep;
  13. prolonged stay in a room with dry air;
  14. lack of walks in the fresh air;
  15. insufficient water consumption.


Basic rules

How to remove crow's feet around the eyes: preventing the appearance of wrinkles

If you want to delay the appearance of furrows, crow's feet and skin defects near the eyes (expression wrinkles), then you should start preventing these problems before the age of 26.

Here are some tips:

  1. wash your face with cool water for better blood circulation;
  2. use high-quality cosmetic products;
  3. When removing makeup in the evening, do not rush, try to be as careful as possible with the eyelids and corners of the eyes;
  4. use moisturizers;
  5. do not forget about daily massage of the problem area;
  6. try to squint less;
  7. use cream if your skin is easily susceptible to cold;
  8. keep sunbathing to a minimum;
  9. Avoid excessive dry skin.


How to apply cream correctly

Cosmetic procedures

Beauty salons providing cosmetic services are replete with a variety of procedures aimed at eliminating skin defects.

To remove crow's feet from your eyes, the following services are offered:

  1. Contour plastic surgery – a substance in a gel-like state is injected under the skin, it contains hyaluronic acid; This procedure helps maintain elasticity and smooth out wrinkles within six months.
  2. Mesotherapy is an injection that delivers vitamins under the skin to enhance collagen production in skin cells. Mesotherapy is carried out in courses of 6-10 procedures with breaks. The period between courses is determined individually according to the condition of the skin. Further, to maintain tone, one procedure every six months is enough.
  3. Botox injections are the fastest way to get rid of wrinkles by uniformly filling the grooves under the skin.
  4. An alternative to injections to combat a problem such as crow's feet around the eyes is non-injection mesotherapy, based on the effects of microcurrents that help substances penetrate deep into the skin.


Injection methods

Ways to get rid of wrinkles at home

If you are interested in how to forget about the existence of crow's feet without leaving home, then one of the best ways to improve blood circulation and lymph outflow is facial massage.

Due to its effect on the body, cosmetic procedures achieve the most striking effect, and special products applied to the skin of the face penetrate the cells deeper and faster.

The main condition for effective massage is the regularity of the procedures.

Irregular practice will not bring you good results.

Here are some exercises:

  1. move your finger below the eyebrow line to the temple and return to its original place in the direction of the cheekbones;
  2. draw an infinity sign with your finger in the area around the eyes, moving from one to the other, so that the center is on the bridge of the nose;
  3. Using gentle, light movements with your fingertips, apply small pats and pressure on the eyelid area;
  4. Gently hold your index fingers on your eyelids and try to raise your eyebrows;
  5. Gently hold your index fingers on your eyelids and try to open your eyes;
  6. Lightly press your temples with your palms and then sharply move your hands away.


Gymnastics to get rid of crow's feet

In second place after massage is the use of a set of exercises that will help you return to the previous state of the eye muscles and help eliminate the so irritating first wrinkles:

  1. apply light pressure along the base and end of the eyebrow line (carefully, moving from the outer to the inner eyelid);
  2. lift your eyebrows up with your fingertips, and then try to close your eyes;
  3. Pull (be careful not to overdo it) near the lower eyelid downwards, then towards the cheekbone, and then close your eyes.

When performing a set of exercises, remember that the skin around the eyes is very delicate and vulnerable; any sudden, pulling movement can harm it. Perform movements carefully, avoid strong pressure.

Cold comes to the aid of the skin. It is not for nothing that water exists in three states of aggregation, each of which benefits people.

If you are not lazy and start wiping your face and neck with a small ice cube every morning, then after a week the reflection in the mirror will thank you. Your skin will look tightened and delight you with a healthy color.


How to properly wipe your skin with ice

You can use both ice made from water and a decoction of chamomile, cornflower, green tea and parsley for wiping. Adding decoctions will not only help improve the effect, but will also bring additional benefits. For example, ice with chamomile will have an antiseptic effect.


Use of oils

An excellent moisturizing procedure that can be safely used to prevent wrinkles near the eyes can be the use of cosmetic oils:

  1. Castor oil: has a rich composition, which includes vitamins A and E, linoleic, stearic, oleic, ricinoleic and palmitic acid. This composition protects the skin from the negative effects of the external environment. It should be used with great care, having first cleansed the face of cosmetics and sebum, heat the oil and apply for 10-15 minutes. There is no need to leave the oil overnight.
  2. Almond oil: is actively used in cosmetology. It perfectly helps restore skin cells and contains vitamins A and B2. You can use it for the skin of the eyes in the same way as castor oil, as well as as part of cosmetic masks, for example, such as egg mask.
  3. Olive oil: one of the famous oils in terms of fatty acid content. Before use, cleanse the skin. For this procedure, heat the oil, leave for 20 minutes, and wipe off the residue with a cotton pad.

Apricot, rose, peach and sea buckthorn oils and wheat germ oil will also help remove crow's feet around the eyes. After the procedures, you will feel that your skin is more elastic and tightened, and the rate of appearance of wrinkles has significantly decreased, fine wrinkles will be eliminated.

Folk remedies for fighting wrinkles

One of the most used and indispensable means of folk cosmetology is aloe vera juice. The juice of the plant should be applied in a thin layer to the skin around the eyes and left for the whole day. If you don’t have a plant at home, the juice can be replaced with a gel containing it.


Aloe vera juice and cream based on it

In the summer season, your helpers will be the leaves of the herb from your home garden - parsley. Take a medium-sized bunch of greens, wash it, cut it and lightly crush it so that the first juice appears. Then apply the paste to your eyes (around) for 12-15 minutes.

Another savior for the eyes is tea. Steep the tea bag in hot water (just for a couple of seconds) and immediately place it in the freezer. 12 minutes in the freezer is enough. Then take out and apply the bag to the area with crow's feet.

Potatoes are an express remedy for fine wrinkles. Grate it with gruel, pour in a couple of teaspoons of cream. Apply the resulting mixture to the area under the eyes. After 20 minutes you can remove the mixture.

A strawberry mask works wonders. A variety of vitamins will nourish the skin and help prevent wrinkles around the eyes. Take 4 strawberries and one small spoon of honey, mix them and wrap them in cheesecloth. Apply gauze pads to your eyelids and leave for a short time (about 20 minutes). Then remove the residue with a cotton sponge soaked in milk.

A mask made from banana pieces will help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles near the eyes due to its nutritional value. Mash a banana and half an apricot, mix, add sour cream in a one to one ratio. Apply for 15 minutes.

Remember, the health of your skin is entirely in your control. Don’t be lazy, follow simple tips on how to remove crow’s feet around the eyes, love yourself, and your appearance will not leave anyone indifferent. I wish you health and good health.

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Crow's feet around the eyes are the first sign of the onset of aging processes in the body. In addition to the aging process, numerous factors influence the appearance of wrinkles:

  1. Difficult environmental situation.
  2. Heredity.
  3. Frequent and prolonged exposure to the sun.
  4. Poor nutrition.
  5. Poor quality cosmetics.
  6. Improper skin care.
  7. Bad habits.
  8. Lack of sleep.
  9. Spending many hours at the computer, reading and other activities that lead to eye strain.
  10. Stress.

The skin around the eyes is the most sensitive area of ​​the face. The skin in the periorbital area is very thin and delicate. There are almost no sebaceous glands in this area - they are located along the eyelash line, there is little fatty tissue and blood vessels. The skin of the periorbital zone loses moisture faster - this negatively affects the condition of the area around the eyes. The very first to appear are crow's feet - facial wrinkles, the appearance of which is caused by the constant movement of the muscles of the periorbital zone. Blinking, laughing, crying - all these actions cause involuntary muscle contraction, small folds appear on the skin, which quickly smooth out at a young age due to good skin turgor. In older age, skin folds stop smoothing out - crow's feet and facial wrinkles in the periorbital zone appear.

Early appearance of crow's feet

Most men and women notice the appearance of wrinkles at the age of 30 or older, but there is a certain category of people who notice the appearance of crow's feet around the eyes before the age of 30. Why do wrinkles appear so early? The early appearance of facial wrinkles is most often caused by the use of low-quality cosmetics, smoking, and other bad habits. Stress and poor nutrition can have a big impact. The appearance of wrinkles in the periorbital area in young people may be an indicator of poor heredity.

With age, facial wrinkles become more numerous, they become deeper, and as skin turgor changes, the fatty tissue that supports the eye protrudes, and bags form under the eyes and above the eyelids.

How to remove crow's feet

Age-related changes are difficult to remove by moisturizing the skin of the periorbital area; several methods are used simultaneously in the fight against wrinkles:

  1. Skin care products include creams, tonics, various masks and oils, and other cosmetics. They are used as preventative care; it is impossible to get rid of crow's feet with their help.
  2. Hardware cosmetology – hardware cosmetology procedures help improve metabolic processes in the skin and tighten the skin. The method is used for small, shallow wrinkles.
  3. Peeling – with the help of the procedure, the upper stratum corneum is removed, young skin looks healthier and more elastic. Removing the top layer of epithelium allows you to start regeneration processes, collagen and elastin begin to be intensively produced.
  4. Injection techniques - includes a large number of different techniques (Botox injections, lipofilling, contouring, plasmafilling, mesotherapy and other methods), which give effects of varying duration.
  5. Aesthetic surgery is a radical method of combating all imperfections in appearance and age-related changes in facial skin.

Restoring the normal state of the skin of the periorbital zone and its rejuvenation can be carried out using several rejuvenation techniques at once. A professional cosmetologist will help you choose a rejuvenation program. Skin rejuvenation is a complex process that must take into account all the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin.


Is it possible to rejuvenate the skin using cosmetics?

Cosmetics companies offer a choice of a large number of different care products for the periorbital area of ​​the face. The products are gentle on thin skin. Such creams, tonics, and serums contain moisturizers and various beneficial substances:

  1. SPF filter is a means of protection against ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant, promotes energy production, strengthens connective tissue, and renews skin cells.
  3. Collagen – provides elasticity and firmness to the skin.
  4. Peptides are substances that regulate the production of collagen and elastin.
  5. Ceramides – protect the skin from moisture loss and from external negative influences.
  6. Antioxidants – promote cleansing of toxic substances.
  7. Vitamins – help improve metabolic processes.
  8. Extracts from plants - herbs (chamomile, sage, and others) relieve inflammation, soothe and improve skin color and skin condition.

Cosmetics prevent the formation of wrinkles, they help stop the process of crow's feet and create the effect of youth for a short time.

Hardware cosmetology

Hardware cosmetology helps to carry out general facial rejuvenation, but obtaining a good effect is possible with long-term use of various procedures. The full course of rejuvenation can take about six months.

Methods of hardware cosmetology:

  1. Microcurrent therapy - exposure to the skin of the periorbital zone using microcurrents allows you to stimulate metabolic processes in the skin, makes the skin smoother, and tightens it. The course of such cosmetic therapy consists of 8-10 sessions, it is carried out once every six months. The effectiveness of microcurrent therapy (MTT) is lower than that of thermolifting.
  2. Lifting (thermolifting, radiofrequency lifting) is a safe and non-traumatic procedure and is an effective method of skin rejuvenation. Using high-frequency radio waves, the skin of the problem area is affected. Under the influence of the waves, the collagen spirals twist, the fibers decrease in length - the skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out. This effect stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, blood circulation in the problem area improves, swelling subsides, and bags above and under the eyelids disappear. The effectiveness of the method is visible after the first procedure; as the remaining sessions are completed, the effectiveness increases. In most cases, a standard course is carried out, which ranges from 4 to 6 procedures, with breaks of a week to ten days between procedures. There are certain contraindications for RF lifting, but unlike other techniques, it is suitable for most patients.
  3. ELOS-rejuvenation – photorejuvenation of the skin. The procedure is a process of converting light into thermal energy. Thermal energy warms tissue and destroys certain types of cells, causing neocollagenesis and increased elastin formation. After the procedure, the tone of the skin increases, the regeneration process intensifies, and wrinkles become less noticeable. There are certain contraindications for the use of this procedure: it is not performed on tanned and dark skin in the summer, and the procedure is not allowed after chemical peeling. The standard course of the procedure is from 5 to 7 sessions, with a break of several weeks between sessions. The effect lasts for a year after the rejuvenation course.
  4. To rejuvenate the skin, hardware is used to administer meso-cocktails, which consist of skin-nutrient substances: hyaluronic acid, minerals and vitamins, and amino acids. With the help of the procedure, swelling and dark circles under the eyes are removed, expression wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep folds are less pronounced. Initial skin treatment consists of 10-15 procedures, subsequently the procedure is carried out once a month.


Types of peelings

To rejuvenate facial skin, one of the popular techniques is peeling. Rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes is performed using the following types of peeling:

  1. Laser nanoperforation.
  2. Laser peeling.
  3. Chemical peeling.

During peeling, the skin receives a thermal or chemical burn. The layer of burned skin peels off, and young skin takes the place of the burned skin. The peeling process is painful and unpleasant; after the procedure, pain is felt for some time. The procedure is not carried out in spring and summer.

Types of peelings and methods of implementation:

  1. Resurfacing (laser peeling) – using a laser device tuned quite precisely to the depth of penetration into the skin, the periorbital area is resurfaced. Setting the laser depth depends on the depth of the skin folds. The procedure can be carried out in two ways:

- In a cold way. The tissues are not heated.

- Hot method. The skin heats up, not only the surface layer of the skin is involved in the process, deeper layers are subject to heating. This effect stimulates metabolic processes and stimulates collagen production.

  1. Chemical peeling is the action of acids on the skin. By adjusting the concentration of substances, you can change the degree of exposure to the skin. The degree of impact can be superficial, medium or deep. Young patients undergo only superficial peeling, when the first wrinkles around the eyes need to be removed. At older ages, after 50 years, deep peeling is used, which copes with a large number of deep wrinkles.
  2. Laser perforation is a procedure based on the principles of processes similar to peeling. Using a laser set to a certain depth, micro holes are made, burning through the skin. A zone of increased tissue regeneration appears, and the rejuvenation process begins. The procedure is not performed for older people, people with excess fatty tissue, or people with deep wrinkles. The procedure is low-traumatic.

Fighting crow's feet with injections

If you tolerate injections well, then this method is for you. Injections allow you to achieve high efficiency very quickly. Injection rejuvenation methods:

  1. Contour plastic surgery using fillers – rejuvenation of the periorbital zone is carried out using hyaluronic acid. The problem area is filled subcutaneously with the drug, wrinkles are smoothed out. Contour plastic has a strong and long-lasting effect, without improving the condition of the skin. With the help of contour plastic surgery, you can remove small expression lines and deeper wrinkles.
  2. Mesotherapy - cocktails specially created on the basis of amino acids, hyaluronic acid, active substances and vitamins are injected under the skin around the eyes. Mesotherapy stimulates metabolic processes, the production of elastin and collagen in the skin. It becomes smooth, skin turgor increases. A good effect can be achieved after 4-10 procedures, which must be repeated after a few months.
  3. Plasmolifting – to rejuvenate the skin under the eyes, the patient’s blood plasma containing an increased number of platelets is injected into the problem area. Platelets, having a biostimulating effect on skin cells, activate the formation of collagen and elastin and intercellular metabolism. Plasmolifting reduces skin sagging and increases its moisture. The number of sessions is from 2 to 4, between procedures there is a break of 2 weeks, the effect of the procedure lasts about two years. The plasma lifting procedure can be carried out together with other procedures - chemical and laser resurfacing, thermal lifting. Recommended for use in people with fine and shallow wrinkles.
  4. Botulinum therapy - the procedure smoothes the skin around the eyes, straightens wrinkles between the eyebrows by blocking muscle motor activity. The blockage is caused by botulinum toxin type A, which is injected into the glabella, the outer area of ​​the orbicularis oculi muscle. Facial expressions are not disturbed. The effect of the procedure is observed from 6 to 9 months. Botulinum therapy is considered an effective injection method for combating wrinkles; it is recommended in the period from 30 to 45 years, when it is too early to turn to radical methods of rejuvenation.
  5. Lipofilling is performed to improve the contour of the face and eliminate crow's feet around the eyes. The patient is injected into the nasolacrimal grooves and under the lower eyelids with a fat emulsion made from the patient's adipose tissue. The skin is tightened, the network of wrinkles disappears. The effectiveness of the procedure is observed for three years. Complications and allergic reactions are rare during the procedure. The disadvantage of the procedure is that complete adaptation of all fat cells does not always occur; as a result, asymmetry and lack of effect after the procedure may occur. Such consequences require correction by another procedure.


Expression wrinkles and plastic surgery

Plastic surgery to correct the facial skin of the periorbital zone is performed according to indications in the most severe cases. Surgeries are recommended for patients over 40, but in rare cases such help is required for young people whose skin looks older than its biological age. Surgical lifting is performed using low-traumatic methods, in some cases without general anesthesia.

Blepharoplasty is an eyelid lift using plastic surgery. A short recovery period, indications are: the formation of eyelid hernias, sagging facial skin and other aesthetic defects. In rare cases, such an operation is prescribed at a young age. Blepharoplasty is very often used in conjunction with other surgical methods of facelift. Using a fat-preserving technique, the condition of nasolacrimal grooves is improved and crow's feet are removed around the eyes. Blepharoplasty is performed in combination with the following facelift methods:

  1. Facelift – tightening of neck and face tissues, helps to get rid of aesthetic defects of the neck and face, eliminates fine expression wrinkles and deep wrinkles.
  2. Forehead surgery – used for severe sagging forehead tissue, ptosis of the eyebrows, formation of deep wrinkles on the forehead, ptosis of the upper eyelid.
  3. The middle area of ​​the face can be corrected using blepharoplasty or through a temporal approach. This type of lift is performed when fatty tissue bulges under the eyelid, and when cheeks and skin on the cheekbones sag.

Preventing wrinkles around the eyes

Prevention of wrinkles around the eyes should begin when the skin is still young and elastic. Proper care of the skin of the face and periorbital area will allow you to have elastic and beautiful skin even at an older age and will make old age recede:

  1. If you have a job that requires constant eye strain, you should take time for proper rest. Proper eye rest will help keep the skin of the periorbital area healthy.
  2. From a young age, you should use age-appropriate skin care products around the eyes.
  3. When washing your face or removing makeup, never rub the skin, stretch it, or rub it incorrectly—against the grain. Makeup is removed carefully, with light movements from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.
  4. Sleeping on your back will help you avoid swelling on your face and puffy eyes. For good skin condition, you should sleep in a ventilated area.
  5. You can stimulate processes in the skin and give it a beautiful and fresh look by massaging with ice cubes, applying masks and compresses to problem areas of the face.

Photos before and after blepharoplasty


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History of a patient after mammoplasty (breast augmentation with implants)