Blindness Rate

Man is a curious creature and can be dangerous. He will find an answer to every question, a solution to every problem. But not everyone is given the ability not to see a lie in this, especially in the last possible way. Perhaps because he does not notice trifles, or because the emptiness inside him becomes a support for heaps?

Don’t feed a person bread, just let him suspect something, lure someone into a corner. One of my acquaintances is an exception to the rule, you can’t get close to him so easily, he behaves almost like an android - a machine of the appearance of verisimilitude. One would be surprised at such a person, if not for his other symptoms.

My friend likes to talk about new discoveries, while not forgetting to refer to very well-known works. Sometimes it seems to me that I hear someone’s echo, I don’t even understand what this echo belongs to. And he’s like: look (they say), you still won’t be able to explain anything. So I’ll explain! Another way I’ll explain is that first I’ll talk to these scientists, and then I don’t know what I’ll do. I will report to the whole universe. I'll do them all. One word against me and I’ll teach you something again, discover something else. Only first I will make everyone scientists - with arguments in their hands, proven knowledge and indestructible texts. What a man! Cunning, but thorough, simply perfect!

The one above is also different. I knew his name before. I mean a little less than this "talking head". Most of all he likes to describe his life. Like a real writer - without embellishment and without surprise. More bragging, less smiles. Not everyone likes it when they don’t allow themselves to turn around, but who knows. Everyone is happy to chat, but it often backfires. The “respected” one forgets that others have worse crocks than his own. He will never take other people's ideas. He won’t take it second-hand, or from the outside, or even with good intentions. Man of principle. In everything he tries to reach the very end, there,

Blindness coefficient: concept, properties and calculation of the indicator

**The glare coefficient (KS)** is an indicator characterizing the impact of glare (bright light from background sources) on the human visual organs. It is defined as the ratio of the threshold brightness difference in the presence of glare sources and their absence in the field of view of the eye.

The main tasks solved when using this indicator are the selection of the optimal distance to the surface of the source of shiny objects (for example, sparkling advertising signs) and the development of recommendations for organizing safe working conditions for industrial workers.

To get the value

The glare coefficient is an indicator of the effect of glare (bright and contrasting light) on the organ of vision - the eye. It is characterized by the ratio of threshold differences in image brightness in the presence of a glare source and in its absence within the field of view of the eyes. It is believed that the main reasons for the appearance of glare are unregulated lighting, reduced transparency of filters and other stray glare. In conditions of economic competition, this parameter plays a key role, since the degree of customer satisfaction often depends on the convenience and comfort of the interior of retail facilities. To minimize the glare effect or limit its influence, it is necessary to optimize the operating mode of lighting devices. One way to do this is to optimize the lighting power, that is, change the value of the light flux reaching the eye depending on the distance to the object. This will make the room comfortable and safe for people. Preventive measures against blinding should also be carried out.