Work injury

Work injury

An industrial injury is an injury sustained by an employee at the workplace as a result of a violation of labor safety requirements. These injuries can be caused by a variety of factors, such as carelessness, lack of personal protective equipment, or improper use of equipment.

According to GOST 12.0.002-74, industrial injuries must be registered and investigated in accordance with established rules. This is necessary to determine the cause of the injury and take steps to prevent similar incidents in the future.

One of the main ways to prevent work-related injuries is to comply with workplace safety requirements. Employers must provide their employees with personal protective equipment, provide safety training, and monitor compliance with workplace safety regulations.

In addition, workers must be aware of safety rules and must follow them when performing their duties. It is also important to carry out regular inspections of equipment and tools to ensure they are in working order and comply with safety requirements.

If a worker is injured on the job, he must contact his employer or a medical facility for assistance and further treatment. The employer must provide the employee with all the necessary conditions for recovery from injury, as well as pay him compensation for the damage caused.

Therefore, compliance with occupational safety requirements is an important factor in preventing work-related injuries and ensuring the safety of workers in the workplace.

Work injury

**Occupational injury** is an injury of any kind received while working at an enterprise or organization, regardless of the profession and the nature of the work performed. Such injuries include: traumatic injuries (bruises, bruises, dislocations, fractures, etc.), glass cuts, burns from sharp edges of heavy metal objects of various shapes, etc.

Separately, we should highlight accidental (or “household”) bandages caused by a fall, being hit by a car, or a transport accident.