Alpha Rhythm Blockade

**Blockade of alpha rhythms** This is a phenomenon of functional neuroplasticity, which consists in changing the activity and synchronization of brain neurons. It may be associated with various mental disorders and somatic diseases. Normally, the alpha rhythm, which reflects the state of wakefulness and rest, is present in the brain of any person. Activation of the alpha rhythm is caused by learning or performing voluntary movements, although it is not always stable. However, in some mental disorders (eg, post-traumatic stress syndrome), the rhythms can be severely suppressed, leading to deterioration of cognitive function. This syndrome is called **"alpha rhythm block"**. It can be noted in approximately 30% of people suffering from mental trauma as a response to stress. Because this blockade reflects a lack of the brain's ability to correct functional failure, researchers consider it a general sign of chronic stress tolerance. It has been proven that this reduces cognitive abilities and reduces the excitability of nerve cells. Such suppression of rhythms is associated with changes in the state of pile mechanisms - neurons capable of quickly generating nerve impulses, having a short integration time and high sensitivity. In addition, in this way it also happens