Blood circulation Yolk

Vitelline circulation is a process that occurs in the human body and is responsible for transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells. This process involves blood vessels and capillaries that are located in the tissues of the body.

Vitelline circulation begins in the heart, where the blood is saturated with oxygen and nutrients. The blood then passes through the lungs, where gases are exchanged between air and blood. After this, the blood enters the vessels, which pass through all tissues of the body.

In the tissues, the blood passes through the capillaries, where the exchange of substances between the blood and tissues occurs. Nutrients and oxygen enter the cells, and metabolic products and carbon dioxide are removed from them.

An important element of vitelline circulation is the regulation of blood pressure. This occurs due to the work of the heart and blood vessels, which control blood pressure in the body. If blood pressure is too high or low, it can lead to various diseases.

Vitelline blood circulation plays an important role in human life, as it ensures the normal functioning of all organs and tissues. Poor circulation can lead to serious diseases such as stroke, myocardial infarction, thrombosis and others. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health and undergo regular medical examinations.