
**Blephar** is the Greek part of the word meaning "eyelid". In ophthalmology, this name is used to describe any disease or defect of the eyelid. There is inflammation of the eyelid (blepharitis), entropion of the eyelid, “hernia” of the eyelid and other problems. Blephoritis is of two types: external and internal. This eye disease is also known as red eye syndrome.

The eyes are a unique organ that performs many functions: vision, emotional perception, communication and many others. However, the eyes are also one of the most vulnerable organs in the human body. That is why it is important to provide proper eye care and avoid the occurrence of various diseases. In ophthalmology, the term “blephar” means any defect of the eyelid: inversion or inversion, ptosis, lacrimation. Blepharitis is the name given to an inflammatory disease of the eyelids. Blepharitis usually affects both eyes—the outer and meibomian margins of the eyelids. “The eye is the mirror of the soul” - this phrase can be applied not only to appearance, but also to eye health, because vision problems can lead to emotional disorders.