Liver pain

Pain in the liver arises either from the disorder of a foreign nature in the region of the membranes of the liver, or from bursting winds, or from blockage, or from tumors, hot or hard, for tumors that are cold and mucous rarely cause pain. Sometimes pain occurs due to liver weakness. In this case, it cannot withstand the presence of nutrients that are sent to it, and its shell suffers because of them. Sometimes liver weakness occurs during a crisis of juice movements and causes heaviness and pain in the liver area. Severe pain occurs only from very hot tumors or from winds; therefore, if there is no fever, but there is severe pain, then the cause is the winds. Therefore, a sudden fever dispels pain, as Hippocrates says.

The same Hippocrates says in one of the books attributed to him, which is said to have been found in his tomb, that if there is pain in the liver, accompanied by severe itching in the occipital protuberance, black pimples like beans, the patient dies on the fifth day before sunrise. Someone who has had this disease suddenly experiences difficulty urinating, with urine leaking drop by drop due to damage to the organ. I say: it seems that if the malignant aqueous humor does not rush out into the urine, it penetrates in one way or another into the limbs and causes severe itching by its bitterness and the inherent properties of bavrak.

Signs. You have already learned the signs of all pain from what is mentioned in its place.

Treatment. About treatment, too, everything is said in its place, but the ancient doctors, mentioning medicines against pain in the liver, say that these medicines certainly help with them, while they are most useful for a type of pain from weakness. We will give some of these medicines, and you should build on what we just said. They say: rhubarb cakes in various recipes, medicinal rhubarb porridge, turmeric medicine, laxative porridge from rue, wild cumin porridge, Fudiana porridge, Caesar's porridge, atanasiya, small and large, juvarishn from dates, kufi, porridge help with this Asclepiades, lozenges of ten medicines, Galen's porridge, attributed to Coumathis. They also say one of the beneficial medicines is two uqiyas of squeezed juice of fresh pine leaves with sikanjubin or a decoction of it with rhubarb in the amount of half a dirham, with saffron in the amount of three dirhams and a small amount of celery and fennel seeds. They also take roses - four dirhams, sumbul and mastics - two dirhams each, squeezed sapling juice, squeezed wormwood juice, lakka, rhubarb, saffron, aromatic rush inflorescences, madder, hoofed grass, seeds of three types, raw aloe tree - a dirham each , balsam tree - half a dirham. If there is pain with diarrhea, this medicine is sometimes prescribed.

Copy. They take the grounds of boiled vinegar, lakka, rhubarb, sumbul - a mithqal each, iron oxide - seven dirhams and wash down this medicine with two uqiyas of coriander juice. With all this, you should avoid rough food, in particular rough meat, and limit yourself to light, thin meat of birds and other animals, as you already know, especially if there is a fever. Medicinal dressings include a dressing with wild cumin and a dressing with furbiyun, as well as a dressing with sweet clover and other dressings related to this disease.