Disease when there is a lot of acne

Pimples are inflammatory elements of the skin that appear due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Because of this, changes occur not only in the skin, but also in the follicle. Acne can cause infection. Despite the fact that the immune system tries to fight, pus remains under the skin in large quantities. This is very dangerous for your health. Not only teenagers, but also adults are susceptible to acne. As a result, depression and the occurrence of various diseases.

The main causes of acne

Many people ask the question: “What causes acne on the face?” The photos published in this article clearly show how much even a person’s appearance can change, not to mention what happens under the skin. There are many reasons for acne. The most common are hormonal imbalances or changes caused by age. But there are other reasons.

So, let's look at what causes acne on the face:

  1. excess subcutaneous fat;
  2. hereditary predisposition;
  3. poor nutrition;
  4. stress;
  5. a lot of dead cells under the skin;
  6. skin damage;
  7. inflammation;
  8. poor facial skin care;
  9. menstrual cycle;
  10. lipid metabolism is disturbed;
  11. the stratum corneum of the skin is enlarged;
  12. diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  13. impaired immunity;
  14. exposure to harmful microorganisms;
  15. improper use of cosmetics;
  16. working with toxic substances;
  17. climate impact;
  18. excessive cleanliness;
  19. medicines.

Foods that cause acne

All the reasons listed above are not a complete list of what causes pimples and acne on the face. Sometimes they appear suddenly. Common products that can help with this include:

  1. Coffee. It should not be drunk on an empty stomach.
  2. Animal fats. It is better to replace them with vegetable ones.
  3. Nuts. You should not eat a lot of walnuts, pistachios and almonds.
  4. Dairy products. It's better to eat low-fat ones. Eat less cheese and ice cream.
  5. Sweets (candy, sugar, soda, chocolate, etc.).
  6. Flour products, especially cakes, chips, cookies.

How to choose treatment?

For effective treatment it is necessary to assess the severity of the disease. You can photograph all areas of the skin where pimples, blackheads and blackheads are visible. They determine the degree of the disease. Black dots need to be counted and compared with the scale:

  1. mild – less than 10 (grade I);
  2. average – 10-25 (II degree);
  3. heavy – 26-50 (III degree);
  4. very severe - over 50 (IV degree).

Already formed inflammations (pimples and blackheads) are also calculated in order of increasing degree:

  1. 1st degree – less than 10;
  2. 2 tbsp. – 10-20;
  3. 3 tbsp. – 21-30;
  4. 4 tbsp. – over 30.

Acne on the face

What causes acne on the face? On the forehead, such inflammations most often form due to the large production of sebum. This area of ​​the face contains many sebaceous and sweat glands. Acne and pimples can appear due to diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas, intestines and stomach.

Inflammatory formations above the eyebrows indicate intestinal irritation. Pimples located closer to the hair indicate a malfunction of the gallbladder. The appearance of acne directly on the forehead means possible intoxication of the body as a whole. Acne on the chin indicates a disorder of the digestive or endocrine system.

Pimples that appear on the nose occur due to hormonal imbalance. This is usually the teenage period. If this phenomenon is observed in an adult, the immune system, digestive or endocrine system may be impaired. pimples on the bridge of the nose are a consequence of liver overload and poor blood purification. Pimples appearing on the lips indicate a violation of the digestive system, and on the cheeks - an overload of the lungs.

Acne in children

Pimples often appear in babies. If they are white, you don't have to worry too much. This is most likely milia (blockage of the sebaceous glands). Such rashes go away on their own after a couple of months. Sometimes acne appears in a child due to allergic reactions. But they can also indicate diseases. Most often, acne in children appears as a result of measles, scarlet fever, rubella, and chickenpox.

Skin problems in adolescence

Acne on the face of a teenager most often appears as a result of puberty, since hormones are responsible for the functioning of the sebaceous glands. During this period, a large amount of secretion is produced. And this is a very favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. As a result of an increase in their numbers, inflammation manifests itself in the form of pimples and blackheads.

It is very difficult to treat them during this period, since the reason lies within the body itself. Please note that everyone's skin is different. This means that treatment is selected strictly individually. But there are some general tips:

  1. daily facial skin care;
  2. regular contrast washes twice a day (with hot water and then cold);
  3. use of facial scrubs;
  4. use of steam baths.

One of the best proven acne treatments is salicylic acid. You can use tar soap and mash. It is prepared in pharmacies according to a doctor's prescription. Apply in the evening with a cotton swab to the face. For external use, brewer's yeast is also good for getting rid of acne. During treatment, you must follow a diet: avoid carbonated drinks, spicy and fatty foods.

Acne in adults

Why do you get acne on your face at 30? Not only teenagers suffer from this problem, but adults can also experience inflammation of the subcutaneous tissues. There are several main reasons why adults also develop acne:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. In women, this often happens during menstruation or pregnancy.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Hyperkeratosis (keratinization of the skin). Small “scales” appear. The sebaceous glands work very actively; waste and bacteria accumulate in their mouths. This is where acne and pimples form. This is a very serious and dangerous skin disease that is very life-threatening.
  4. Demodex mite. One of the most common reasons. Every person has this mite, but it is usually activated when the immune system is weakened. What causes pimples with pus on the face? This is just typical for demodex. Along with inflammation, a general redness of the skin is observed. The disease is treated by a dermatologist. At home, you need to change your bed linen more often.
  5. Stress.
  6. Poor hygiene.
  7. Cosmetical tools.
  8. Squeezing pimples. After removing one, a dozen new ones may appear.

After squeezing out pimples, wounds remain on the skin, in the treatment of which the cream with a bactericidal and wound-healing effect “ARGOSULFAN ®” has proven itself well. Unlike many antibacterial ointments that have long been familiar to us, to which microbes have developed resistance, it contains silver sulfathiazole, to which bacteria do not become accustomed. The active substance of the cream “ARGOSULFAN ®” has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action and promotes rapid healing of the wound without the formation of a rough scar.

There are contraindications. You need to read the instructions or consult a specialist.

For treatment, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of acne. But in any case, it is necessary to spend less time in the sun, maintain hygiene and diet, and also take vitamins.

Why do blackheads appear on the face?

What causes pimples and blackheads on the face? Contaminated skin and poor skin care are often to blame for this. Especially if there is no daily cleansing. Poor quality cosmetics are another cause of blackheads and pimples. There are several more reasons:

  1. deterioration of health;
  2. hormonal imbalance.

How to destroy acne?

Acne needs to be treated only comprehensively. This includes:

  1. constant facial cleansing;
  2. restoration of hormonal levels;
  3. restorative procedures for the skin;
  4. fight against pathologies and diseases that cause acne;
  5. face massage;
  6. masks;
  7. medicines;
  8. hardware therapy methods.

What causes acne on the face? They often occur due to poor nutrition. Therefore, it is even more important to follow a diet during treatment. Especially if you are getting rid of acne. It is necessary to exclude protein-enriched, fatty, spicy and salty foods. As well as chips, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, flavored teas, and sweets. You should give preference to fish, cereals, poultry, vegetables and fruits.

Treatment of acne with green tea

Green tea helps effectively fight acne. It is a good antioxidant and antibacterial agent. Green tea can be used as an herbal supplement or made into a cream. After brewing, the leaves are applied to the face like a mask. But first, the face must be thoroughly cleansed and rinsed with water. In China, to kill acne, green tea is drunk with honeysuckle, but without sugar, as it neutralizes the healing effect.

Treatment of acne with folk remedies

You can try to cure acne on your own. There are folk remedies that people have used since ancient times. All of them are used after preparation in the form of lotions.

  1. from the leaves of aloe vera;
  2. calendula with honey;
  3. from sage leaves.
  1. St. John's wort;
  2. from birch buds.

Medicines to treat acne

What causes acne on the face? Whatever the cause of their occurrence, this is subcutaneous inflammation. Since ancient times, acne has been treated with extracts of witch hazel and chamomile. Triclosan, salicylic acid, zinc oxide and vitamins A, B, C help well. When using these drugs, the layer of sebum decreases, as does the process of inflammation in the follicle and skin. All of these drugs have an antibacterial effect. Pharmaceutical products for acne are divided into two groups: for external and internal use.

For external use:

  1. Retinoids that target the cause of acne. Suppresses the growth of skin cells, prevents and reduces clogging of pores.
  2. Antibacterial agents act specifically on bacteria. These drugs include antiseptics and antibiotics.
  3. Azelaic acid agents inhibit cell division. And this ensures the patency of the excretory skin ducts. These drugs have antibacterial properties. Azelaic acid is found in Aknestop cream and Skinoren gel.

How to deal with acne?

After the appearance of rashes on the skin, the question arises: “What causes acne on the face and how to deal with it?” You can try cosmetics, for example:

  1. Antibacterial soap. But you cannot use it constantly, but only from time to time.
  2. Cleansing gels regulate the formation of sebum.
  3. Anti-aging emulsions-creams prevent micro-inflammations.
  4. Normalizing gels. Antibacterial agents moisturize the skin and remove excess oil.
  5. Masking pencils. They have an antibacterial effect and dry out acne. Apply at the first stage of inflammation.
  6. Moisturizing emulsions prevent acne and moisturize the skin.

Device therapy uses several technologies. For example, a complex pulse consisting of a radio frequency range and a light spectrum. When it hits an inflamed area, the impulse affects the cause of acne. There are other technologies.

What causes acne on the face? You need to pay closer attention to your skin. Perhaps the pores are clogged, there are a lot of dead cells, etc. This can be corrected with chemical peeling, which removes a large layer of the epidermis. This uses glycolic and salicylic acid. To combat acne, superficial peeling is also performed. Laser therapy is sometimes used.

It is believed that the main causes of acne are disrupted hormonal levels, the habit of touching your face with dirty hands, or clogged pores. But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. In fact, acne and diseases of internal organs are closely related.
Facial skin can be divided into several zones. Various internal organs are “responsible” for each of them. And acne on the face speaks of a disease lurking in our body. Let's take a closer look at each zone.

Forehead area

The skin on the forehead and nose forms the “T-zone,” which is most prone to breakouts because this area contains the most oil glands. However, acne and redness of the skin of the forehead near the eyebrows are an alarming sign, signaling problems in the stomach, pancreas and intestines. Listen to yourself: if you are worried about discomfort and bloating, you should get tested for dysbacteriosis.

Inflammation near the hairline can indicate gallbladder disease. Perhaps your body reacts to an abundance of sweets, spicy, fatty foods. Avoid drinking lemonade, baking, and spicy foods.

The cause of acne may lie in your psychological state. Constant stress and nervous exhaustion greatly affect the functioning of the digestive system. Food either stagnates or quickly passes through the tract, and nutrients do not have time to be absorbed. Abnormal bowel movements, heartburn, and nausea occur.

You can solve the problem in the following ways:

  1. Visit a therapist and endocrinologist. They will prescribe you a set of tests and examinations that will help determine the exact cause of the disease.
  2. Review your diet. Put less spices in the dish, bake and steam. Instead of candy, canned juices and soda, include fiber-rich foods in your menu, such as baked apples, cabbage casseroles, and bran. Drink at least two liters of water a day, and make your own juices, but do not forget to dilute them a little.
  3. Try to be less nervous about trifles. A sedentary lifestyle provokes stagnation. Therefore, spend more time in the fresh air and include light exercises in your daily routine.

We tell you everything about pedicure in this article. Hand care and manicure - here.

bridge of the nose

Everyone knows how beneficial proteins are. But if you often consume meat and dairy products, the liver, the cleansing center of our body, may fail. And when the liver does not cope with its task, the blood is poorly cleansed, and the body tries to remove toxins through the skin. The skin of the face, as the most susceptible to inflammation, immediately “reacts” with the appearance of pimples on the bridge of the nose.

Another reason for the appearance of acne is the habit of frowning. To get rid of inflammation, you need to throw out unnecessary emotions and learn to relax. Regular walks in the fresh air, meditation, and sports help a lot.

So, pimples on the bridge of the nose will disappear without a trace if you follow a few recommendations:

  1. A therapist or gastroenterologist will help you make the correct diagnosis. You will have to donate blood from a vein to test for liver enzymes. Depending on the test results, you may be referred for an ultrasound examination.
  2. Don't overload your liver. Introduce vegetables and fruits into your diet. Love casseroles and steamed cutlets. Avoid dairy products for a while.
  3. Relieve nervous tension. Give yourself an active holiday, move more, breathe fresh air. Try not to accumulate stress.

Eye area

The skin around the eyes is the most delicate and sensitive. The cause of rashes in this area is anxiety, lack of sleep, and nervous exhaustion. Under stress, the eyelids swell and one eye becomes larger than the other. The skin turns pale and white stripes appear on it. The production of sweat increases, and perspiration constantly covers the forehead.

Pimples here signal kidney disease. If real ulcers have appeared under the eyes, it is worth taking tests to determine whether the organs of the excretory system are healthy.

How to help yourself in this case:

  1. Contact a urologist. He will refer you for a blood test, urine test, and ultrasound examination.
  2. More vitamins! Eat vegetables, fruits, and make sure your diet is balanced. Watermelons, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, beets, and greens are especially useful. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day in small portions.
  3. Get more rest. Take a few days off and forget about the hustle and bustle for a while. Aromatherapy, warm baths, a trip out of town, and meditation will help you relax.

Cheek area

The left side of the face is closely connected with the left lung, and the right, accordingly, with the right. It often happens that during an illness, acne appears, the upper half of the cheeks turn red, and vascular networks appear. For an experienced doctor, the condition of this area will help diagnose bronchitis or pneumonia.

Unfortunately, not all of us have the opportunity to live in an ecologically clean area. Polluted air, active or passive smoking negatively affect lung health.

In addition to physiological reasons, acne on the cheeks also has psychological ones - low self-esteem, self-doubt, a feeling of loneliness, constant “pressure”.

What to do if acne appears on your cheeks:

  1. Contact a general practitioner at your local clinic. The doctor will listen to your lungs, order tests and x-rays.
  2. Less junk food! Stew vegetable stews, cook all porridges in water. Reduce the amount of protein in your diet, and replace baked goods and sweets with dried fruits.
  3. Rest. Invite your friends to go out for a weekend, go to the theater or cinema. Breathing exercises, yoga, and walks outside the city have a beneficial effect on the lungs.

The area of ​​skin on the tip and wings of the nose is considered one of the most problematic. The nose is often “decorated” not only by enlarged pores, but also by blackheads - the result of blockage of the sebaceous glands. In adolescence, juvenile acne often turns red in this area. However, the occurrence of acne in adults should be of concern.

Acne that appears on the nose and the organs of the cardiovascular system are closely related. Try a simple test - sit on a chair, relax, clasp your right wrist with your left hand and count your pulse. If your heart beats unevenly and your pulse rate is above 80 or below 60 beats per minute, do not put off visiting a cardiologist.

The work of your heart directly depends on your diet. The rule here is the same as for other organs: less heavy food, more vegetables and fruits. Put less salt and spices in your dishes. Be sure to get enough sleep, otherwise your blood pressure will increase. The blood vessels are negatively affected by the urban rhythm of life, smoking, and caffeine.

How to help your heart cope with the load:

  1. Go to a cardiologist and get a cardiogram. Even if your heart is in perfect health, you need to undergo a preventive examination from time to time.
  2. Get ready for an active lifestyle. You shouldn’t throw yourself into the pool headlong and give yourself excessive stress. A walk after work and morning exercises will be enough.
  3. Add apples, raspberries, citrus fruits, dried fruits, nuts and seafood to your diet. Eat in moderation and balanced.

Lips and chin

Inflammations in the lip area appear less frequently than on the rest of the face. They are very painful and greatly spoil the appearance. Pimples on the face in this place indicate a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Remember how often you were bothered by bowel movements or colic.

Inflammation also has a psychological cause - fixation on negative thoughts, constant anxiety, tension. There is an officially registered diagnosis - irritable bowel syndrome. This disease affects about 20% of the world's population. The body reacts to stress and unbalanced nutrition with false urges, bloating and intestinal dysfunction.

Acne on the chin is a possible sign of a disease of the reproductive system. If acne appears constantly in this area, women should definitely visit a gynecologist, and men should definitely visit a urologist.

The following measures will help get rid of acne on the lower half of the face:

  1. Get tested by a therapist, gynecologist or urologist. If you have problems with the intestines, the therapist will refer you to a proctologist, if it is a stomach disease, to a gastroenterologist. Patients over 45 years of age will have to undergo gastroscopy.
  2. Take care of yourself. Watch your diet, try to be less nervous, and do not abuse caffeine and alcohol. Eat vegetables rich in fiber - cabbage, apples, pumpkin, carrots, avocado. Introduce buckwheat and oatmeal into your diet, give up rice and semolina.

There is no single and complete classification of acne (acne). This is a multifaceted problem, both in terms of the reasons for its occurrence, the mechanism of its development, and the individual characteristics of each person.

At the same time, on the Internet you can find many words that people use to call this kind of rash: in addition to the term “pimples”, such words as “acne”, “blackheads”, “acne”, “comedones” are widely used. What is hidden under all these names, we will try to understand in this article.

What are comedones, pimples, acne

As noted above, there are several names by which we call rashes on the face and body. The common term “acne” is a collective term for inflammatory diseases of the sebaceous glands; it is simply most often used to refer to pimples and blackheads.

If I may say so, in most cases it all starts with comedones – when the mouth of the hair follicle becomes blocked with dead epithelial cells mixed with sebum, a plug is formed. It is called “comedone”.

If this element becomes inflamed (infected), papules (nodules) or pustules (pustules) form.

When the pus comes out, we see pimples (acne). After healing of very large ulcers, scars may remain.

Pimples and blackheads are common manifestations of acne and are characterized by inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

Nature of manifestation

According to the nature of the manifestation, rashes on the face and body can be divided into:

  1. non-inflammatory manifestations;
  2. inflammatory manifestations;
  3. dermatoses with acneiform rashes.

Non-inflammatory elements

These include black and whiteheads (comedones).

Blackheads also called blackheads, open comedones. These blackheads form when a blockage of dead epidermal cells and sebum occurs at the top of the pore.

At first, this plug is white in color and has a certain transparency, but over time the lard begins to harden, forming a white or yellow dense lump. Under the influence of oxygen, the sebum in the open pore oxidizes and a black head (blackhead) appears.

Whiteheads also called wen, whiteheads, closed comedones, microcysts, milia. These blackheads form when a congestion of dead epidermal cells and sebum forms deep under the skin, that is, at the bottom of the pore. The ducts of the sebaceous glands expand and a wen (cystic thrombus) is formed, consisting of sebum, which has no way to reach the surface.

Some closed comedones clearly rise above the surface of the skin, others can be felt with your fingers and look like small tubercles. They are best visible when the skin is stretched. These white nodules can vary in size. Elements similar in size to millet grains are called milia, and people call them “millet grains.”

Inflammatory elements

As we noted above, when a comedone gets infected, it becomes inflamed, forming papules or pustules.

Papule looks like a nodule that has clear boundaries and usually rises slightly above the surface of the skin. The diameter of papules can be from 1 mm to 3 cm. According to the Western classification, elements with a diameter of more than 1 cm are called “nodes”.

This type of inflammatory acne is usually red in color (shades ranging from bright red to purple) and is accompanied by swelling of the area of ​​​​the surrounding skin. When you press on the papule, its color becomes paler. Unlike a pustule, there is no white pustule in it.

As a rule, the formation of papules occurs from closed comedones. In the case of formation from open elements, we can observe on the surface of the papule an expanded mouth of the hair follicle and a dark-colored plug.

Pustule is an acute inflammatory element containing purulent contents. The cause of pustules is a purulent process in the skin.

Pustules can form either on their own or from papules when pathogenic microflora develops there. The size of the pustule is from 1 mm to 1 cm. The shape is a hemisphere, cone or flat formation. The contained pus forms a loose head on the surface of the skin (sometimes it can burst), along the edges of which the skin is red and inflamed.

The pus contained inside may be white, yellow, grayish or greenish. If the color is yellow or green, it can be said that a secondary infection has occurred.


Dermatoses with acneiform rashes

With such rashes there are no comedones. The acneiform group includes a large number of dermatoses: from rosacea And rosacea, which many people have heard of, to perioral dermatitis, skin tuberculosis, small nodular sarcoidosis of the face. This also includes drug rash.

In the case of acneiform rashes, the pilosebaceous follicle becomes inflamed first. For diagnostic purposes, it is necessary to distinguish such dermatoses from acne.

Acne: classification of acne

Very often, acne is called “acne” or “acne vulgaris” in various sources, but these are not synonyms. As mentioned above, the term “acne” refers to a particular manifestation of the disease – external rashes on the skin. However, the entire clinical picture of the disease is not reflected.

Acne can develop for various reasons and, depending on the age of the patient, has its own characteristic features. According to the most common classification proposed by scientists Plewig and Kligman, the following acne is distinguished:

  1. children's;
  2. youthful;
  3. adults;
  4. caused by mechanical factors;
  5. exogenous.

Childhood acne

Such manifestations, in turn, are divided into acne:

  1. newborns. This is a borderline physiological state of this period, caused by a sexual (hormonal) crisis. Other manifestations of this: an increase in size and pain (engorgement) of the mammary glands, hydrocele, physiological vulvovaginitis. The reason is the effect of maternal hormones that the fetus received during the prenatal period. Acne in newborns is a closed comedones in the form of white or yellowish papules. Places of rashes: nose, cheeks, chin, forehead. Such rashes, as a rule, disappear on their own within one and a half to two weeks;
  2. children. Manifestations between the ages of 3 and 6 months are considered childhood. Moreover, such acne can provoke severe, protracted forms of acne. The cause may be acute congenital pathologies such as hyperplasia (pathological tissue growth) or adrenal tumors. To identify the cause, the child must be carefully examined.

Juvenile acne

According to statistics, 1/3 of teenagers face this problem. Girls - more often than boys. In the vast majority of cases (up to 75%), the face is affected, in the remaining cases (15%) - the face and back. Typically, juvenile acne goes away by age 18–20. However, in some cases the disease is long-term, sometimes up to 40–60 years. This physiological acne is considered adult acne.

Among juvenile acne there are:


  1. comedones. What are comedones, you can read above. We only note that when they are weakly expressed, they are considered a physiological norm. As for acne, its initial manifestation is microcomedones, which do not manifest themselves clinically. Then comes the formation of closed comedones, in which inflammation is not expressed, but there are conditions favorable for this. As a result of further accumulation of sebum in them, nodules are formed and closed comedones are transformed into open ones (blackheads);
  2. nodular cystic acne. With this form of acne, purulent cystic cavities and infiltrates form deep in the dermis. Then they merge, forming conglomerates of inflammation. The healing of such acne is always accompanied by scars. As a rule, nodular cystic elements are a long-term, long-term problem, even if the process is of moderate severity;

Nodular cystic acne

  1. lightning acne. They are the rarest and at the same time the most clinically severe form of acne. Typically, such acne develops in adolescents aged 13 to 18 years who have nodular cystic or papulopustular acne. Acne fulminans appear suddenly in the form of ulcerative-necrotic areas on the body, with a constant increase in intoxication symptoms (increased body temperature above 38 degrees, pain in muscles and joints, abdominal pain, anorexia, etc.). In its course, such acne is close to the gangrenous form of pyoderma (purulent skin lesions). The reasons are not fully understood. Most often, people with such acne have severe damage to the digestive system, and fulminant manifestations can also be caused by taking certain medications. Places of fulminant acne are the torso and upper limbs. After healing, scars are formed, including keloids (for more information about keloids and other types of scars, read “Removing scars on the face”);

Papulopustular acne

  1. papulopustular acne. Most often they are formed due to the attachment of the inflammatory process to open or closed comedones. The papules (nodules) or pustules (pustules) already described above form. The mild form of such acne usually heals without a trace, but if the deep dermal layers are involved in the process and the structure of these acne is damaged, scars may remain after healing.

The most common comedones and acne are in the form of papules or pustules. Other forms are less common and require more complex treatment.

Adult acne

If acne persists into adulthood, it is referred to as the adult form. This problem occurs between 3 and 5% of people aged 40–50 years. Often they are a “recurrence” of juvenile acne.

Among them are:

  1. late acne. Most often found in women, in 20% of cases - before the menstrual cycle. In this case, they disappear on their own at the end of menstruation. But late acne can also have a permanent “registration”, usually in the form of papules, pustules or nodules. The most likely causes are polycystic ovary syndrome with complications such as hirsutism (excessive growth of dark hair on the face and body) and anovulatory menstrual cycle (lack of ovulation). If such acne occurs, you must be thoroughly examined by a gynecologist, as well as adhere to a certain diet, which you can read about here:

Acne conglobata

  1. globular or clustered comedones. Acne conglobata is one of the most severe forms of acne. Men suffer from it due to severe seborrhea. Externally, these are numerous nodular cystic elements and large comedones, which can be located not only where seborrhea is, but also in other places. As these acne heal, they form scars. Occurring in adolescence, they persist, as a rule, up to 40 years or even more;
  2. acne inversa. The reason is the secondary involvement in the inflammatory process of the sweat glands of the armpits, perineum, navel, pubis, etc. Predisposing factors are high body weight, scratching areas and wearing tight clothing. Externally, inverse acne looks like tubercles filled with pus or purulent-bloody contents. Then they merge into conglomerates. As they heal, they form fistulas and scars. Inverse acne is characterized by a chronic nature and frequent relapses;


  1. skin pyodermatitis. Many experts consider pyodermitis to be a manifestation of rosacea (dermatosis with acneiform rashes), and not acne. Most often, pyodermatitis affects women aged 20 to 40 years. First, persistent erythrema (severe redness) appears on the face, and then rashes rapidly form in the form of papules, pustules and nodules. Then these phenomena merge into purulent conglomerates. The rashes are localized mainly on the face, heal slowly - within a year or even more;
  2. bodybuilding acne. The main reason is the use of androgens or anabolic steroids. Against the background of developing hyperandrogenism, sebum production increases. Long-term use of glucocorticoids can also lead to this effect. Since cocktails with B vitamins are often taken along with steroids, this leads to the formation of nodular cystic acne. To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude the presence of endocrine disorders.

Acne caused by mechanical factors

Such acne is a consequence of mechanical blockage of the ducts due to pressure or friction. For example, they can occur due to a tight headdress, excessive sweating, wearing a cast, etc.

Read about methods to get rid of excessive sweating:
Treatment of hyperhidrosis

Exogenous acne

This could be acne:

  1. toxic (professional)that appear in people due to contact with chemical compounds (chlorine, lubricating oils, etc.);
  2. cosmeticresulting from excessive or improper use of cosmetics (creams, masks, etc.);
  3. from detergents, as a result of exposure to detergents;
  4. sunny, in the form of acne due to the hot and humid climate.©

Acne treatment

Treatment directly depends on the type of rash and the severity of the process. In the treatment of acne, both various medications for oral administration and superficial agents (lotions, ointments, etc.) can be used. There are also special cosmetic procedures, for example:

  1. mesotherapy, ozone therapy, darsonval, ozokerite therapy, magnetotherapy, phototherapy, ultraphonophoresis, naphthalene therapy, carboxytherapy, plasma lifting, etc.;
  2. peelings: acid, chemical, microdermabrasion (diamond), ultrasonic, gas-liquid;
  3. cleaning: ultrasonic, manual, laser, non-hardware instrumental, liquid nitrogen;
  4. massages: pinch massage according to Jacquet, ultrasound, cryomassage;
  5. masks: clay, thermoplastic;
  6. colon hydrotherapy (enemas);
  7. baths: iodine-bromine, subaqueous intestinal.

August 28, 2017 at 03:18 pm

I don’t know about such a serious disease, as shown in the picture, but the Clearvin complex (lotion and cream) helps well with youthful pimples. Cleanses and nourishes the skin well. Natural composition and affordable price. I've been using it for several months now and really like it.

October 9, 2017 at 12:14 pm

Based on personal experience, I came to the conclusion that you can get rid of acne, but it takes some effort. Firstly, watch your diet, and secondly, take proper care of your skin and avoid stress. I am currently using Elon ointment with essential oils and seeing great results. The face is clean, and the skin is no longer as oily as before.

July 8, 2018 at 10:45 pm

All you need to do is go to a dermatologist. Oral antibiotics, antibiotic gel for washing the face, antibiotic cream and then cleansing.
The main thing is to wash your face regularly, at least twice a day.