How to get rid of small acne on the face

Small pimples on the face can occur for various reasons. This problem may be caused by poor nutrition, an allergic reaction, or a skin disease. What are the ways to quickly and effectively get rid of acne on your face and achieve healthy and beautiful skin?

Causes of the rash

First, it is important to learn about the causes of acne in order to choose the best way to combat it. So, what reasons may be the culprits of uneven skin:

  1. Clogging. Small pimples are often called closed comedones. They arise due to the fact that the ducts of the sebaceous glands are clogged. As a result, sebum accumulates in the layers of the skin. Bacteria that are located in the ducts of the sebaceous glands multiply, causing inflammation. Then infection of neighboring tissues occurs. After such processes, scars often remain on the skin.
  2. Milia. This is a type of small acne. The reasons why these acne may occur are identical to the previous case. But there is a plus (no matter how paradoxical it may sound): milia are not inflamed. Therefore, they can be removed in a beauty salon. It is easy to recognize such a pimple: it looks like a small and dense white ball.
  3. Allergy. Another common reason for the appearance of small pimples is that this may be the body’s reaction to an allergic reaction or an inflammatory process. A good example is pimples on the cheeks. This immediately indicates that you have stomach problems or it indicates the presence of diathesis.
  4. Inflammation. The rash can be caused by a number of diseases such as inflammation of the reproductive system or chronic tonsillitis.
  5. Infection. The result of infection or dyshidrotic eczema. This is another reason that can cause a rash on the face in the form of milia.

Proper treatment is the right path to beautiful and healthy skin.

  1. Parasites. Since they are causative agents of various diseases of internal organs, they are sometimes difficult to calculate. Parasites are also a common cause of a watery rash.
  2. Avitaminosis (lack of vitamins). This premise is not so common, perhaps, but it is not inferior in its importance.
  3. Food. Speaking about the food sector, we will also include information about the influence of products here. If you exclude fried, sweet, flour, and salty foods from your diet, you will notice that your skin condition will noticeably improve. We will take coffee and alcohol here.
  4. Skin disease. This factor itself also plays a significant role. Acne can be caused by a number of skin conditions. Among them, for example, are dermatitis, demodicosis, streptococcal infection, and molluscum contagiosum.

How to get rid of it?

Help from specialists

Experienced doctors, of course, will help you get rid of this problem, depending on the cause of its occurrence. In addition, if the rash appears unexpectedly, you should contact the following specialists. Which doctor should I go to to cure acne on my face?

  1. Cosmetologist. If problems arise due to poor facial skin care, the doctor will identify this and recommend treatment. Perhaps the cosmetologist will refer you for further examination.
  2. Dermatologist. This specialist is needed when the source of the rash is directly related to skin diseases. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. If the experience of a dermatologist allows you to immediately identify the internal causes of a watery rash, he will redirect you to other specialists. Consequently, the treatment will bear fruit faster.
  3. Allergist. By examining the nature of the rash, the doctor will help you find out what substance the acne appeared due to contact with.
  4. Gynecologist and endocrinologist. Of course, these doctors will help in case of hormonal imbalance.
  5. Gastroenterologist. Diseases that are associated with the gastrointestinal tract, in most cases, are the beginning of skin problems. Those who suffer from frequent rashes without clearly visible reasons should be aware that many gastrointestinal diseases may not manifest themselves for a long time. Outwardly, they announce their presence only with the help of pimples, and in the meantime they can take complex forms.

Preventive actions

  1. Daily skin care. Proper skin care is the basis of its beauty. Often the problem arises due to incorrectly selected cosmetics. A competent cosmetologist will help you determine your skin type and choose the appropriate skin care products.
  2. Cosmetical tools. It is advisable to avoid cosmetics that contain alcohol. Despite the fact that they have a drying and antibacterial effect (temporary), this sometimes leads to increased activity of the sebaceous glands. For this reason, lotions and alcohols must be applied only locally to prevent infection.
  3. Diet. Although this was mentioned earlier, review your diet. Colon cleansing is also suitable as a preventative procedure.


  1. Aloe leaf lotion. Cut off the lower leaves of the plant and refrigerate for a couple of weeks (so it’s best to prepare the leaves in advance). At the end of the period, the leaves are crushed and the juice is squeezed out of them. If acne appears, use this lotion immediately.
  2. Soda lotions. Dilute baking soda with water or washing gel. This paste is applied to overly inflamed areas for one minute once a day.
  3. Protein mask. Several whites are whipped with a mixer. The mixture is applied to the face (15 minutes is enough). It is recommended to perform the procedure every other day.
  4. Green tea. Brew strong, strong green tea. A piece of gauze is moistened in it and applied to the entire surface of the face.
  5. Honey mask. In a steam bath, honey is brought to a liquid state. Apply for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  6. Potato juice lotion. Grate raw potatoes. Squeeze the juice out of the mixture. Wipe your face with the resulting liquid three times a day.

Clay as an assistant

Clay has also proven itself as a good remedy that helps get rid of hated acne. Depending on the skin type, the type of clay is selected:

  1. White clay – ideal for sensitive skin. Take two spoons (25 milliliters each) and mix with chamomile infusion. It should be a thick porridge. It is advisable to apply the mixture before bedtime, for half an hour.
  2. Black clay. The black clay mask is universal and designed for any skin type. Also take two 25 ml spoons, diluted with a decoction of mint and string. Everything is added in equal proportions.
  3. Blue clay aimed at those with dry facial skin. Here the cooking recipe is as follows: stir it with a bag of bodyagi until it becomes a porridge, using cold water. Apply to the skin in the same way as in the above masks.
  4. Green clay for oily skin. Take a tablespoon of green and white clay and dilute it all with mineral water. As always, to the point of porridge. Add essential oil (grape seed or jojoba) five drops at a time.

Let's sum it up

  1. Firstly, you won’t be able to get rid of small pimples instantly, especially if they are subcutaneous pimples on the face. This matter will require patience and a comprehensive solution.
  2. Secondly, the phenomenon, we agree, is not pleasant, but no one is immune from it. If you try to follow the recommended actions and carry out preventive measures, you can still keep an eye on the cleanliness of your facial skin.
  3. Thirdly, do not delay visiting your doctor. You can only guess about the causes of acne, but only a doctor can carry out a complete diagnosis.

If you are faced with a similar problem, then first of all you need to determine the cause of the appearance of small pimples on the face, and then decide on the treatment. Watch the condition of your skin! Don't forget that the face is our calling card.


  1. - water;
  2. - soda;
  3. - sugar
  4. or
  5. - water;
  6. - mint leaves;
  7. - boric alcohol;
  8. - tincture of calendula;
  9. - lemon
  10. or
  11. - raspberry leaves
  12. or
  13. - plantain

If we talk about preventing acne, its main components will be good hygiene, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. As you know, the condition of the skin is an indicator of the health of the whole organism as a whole.

Care is necessary every day, for example, you can wipe the skin with an infusion of celandine, calendula or rose petals. To wash your face, use tar soap, any washing gels, followed by the use of baby cream or other moisturizer. Contrast washing will also help. For the purpose of disinfection and drying, festering pimples can be wiped with alcohol, the main thing is not to overdo it, as it may leave traces, because it dries out the skin very much.

  1. my whole face is covered in small pimples


Never squeeze pimples. Firstly, a scar may remain at the site of inflammation, and secondly, you will probably get an infection. Try not to touch the rash with your hands at all, so as not to aggravate the problem.

Do not overuse bactericidal agents: soap, lotions, etc. They destroy not only harmful but also beneficial bacteria on the skin, which are a barrier to infections.


  1. -aloe;
  2. - calendula inflorescences;
  3. - nettle leaves;
  4. -cucumber;
  5. -carrot;
  6. -egg yolk or honey.


  1. how to get rid of constipation using improvised means


  1. - a product that contains salicylic acid and zinc oxide;
  2. — peeling;
  3. — complex vitamins;
  4. — gels with neutral PH;
  5. — cosmetic clay;
  6. - hydrogel.


  1. — calendula tincture, tea tree oil;
  2. - infusion of sage, chamomile or mint;
  3. - fresh aloe juice;
  4. — 5-10% syntomycin emulsion;
  5. — streptocide powder;
  6. - elecampane root, burdock, St. John's wort, walnut leaf;
  7. - vitamins.


If you want to quickly overcome the problem, then first you need to figure out what the nature of the appearance of acne is. If they appear in the form of a rash, the fight against them does not bring any results, the skin turns red and hurts, then you should consult a doctor, because this may be an infectious disease that requires special treatment. If the appearance of acne is spot-on, you can begin self-treatment.

First of all, you need to start systematic skin care, taking into account its type. Care is based on cleansing, nutrition and hydration. An excellent remedy is the use of clay masks, which allow you to cleanse the skin and eliminate inflammatory processes. For cleansing, you should also use soft gel-based products. They should not contain abrasive particles that will only irritate the skin.

It is necessary to monitor your diet. It is better to exclude fatty, sweet, fast food products, as well as coffee and alcoholic drinks from your diet. You should eat more fruits, vegetables, various cereals, and green tea. It is also necessary to get rid of bad habits: smoking and alcohol, since they cause metabolic disorders, as a result of which acne appears.

Another remedy that helps get rid of acne is plain water. The body needs at least 2 liters of fluid per day; if it does not receive it, problems with the functioning of the stomach and intestines begin, which, in turn, leads to skin problems. You can cleanse your intestines by drinking half a liter of water every morning, adding a teaspoon of salt. Salt perfectly removes harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract. An hour after this, you should drink a glass of kefir, which helps restore microflora.

Among other things, it is necessary to monitor the state of the nervous system. Under no circumstances should you worry, because... acne and pimples often occur due to nervousness.

Special medications have a good effect. They must be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. You can also get some SOS products that will help you quickly get rid of a pimple that suddenly appears.

It should be noted that only an integrated approach to getting rid of acne can give satisfactory results. Moreover, following all the above tips is as easy as shelling pears. This will make the process of getting rid of acne easy and even enjoyable.

The appearance of a pimple is an unpleasant event for a person of any age. Dermatologists unanimously say that the reasons for the formation of such unpleasant skin companions are purely individual. On the other hand, there is one universal and simple way to eliminate this cosmetic ailment.

1. A few cloves of garlic
2. Vegetable oil
3. Gauze bandage
4. Grater
5. 15 minutes of free time

First you need to grate the garlic on a fine grater to form a paste. Next, you need to treat your facial skin with vegetable oil (it will help relieve irritation). Place garlic paste on a gauze bandage soaked in hot water. The resulting compress should be applied to problem areas of the skin and remain in a relaxed state for 15 minutes.

Garlic is a strong disinfectant. Its juice contains many beneficial vitamins. Absorbed through gauze into the skin, it is able to heal it from unpleasant formations.
Such procedures should also be carried out for preventive purposes. Of course, the method may not seem very pleasant, but its effectiveness has been proven. Pimples can pop up at the most inopportune moment. It is in your power to prevent them from ruining your self-esteem.

Many people are familiar with the difficulties of caring for problem skin. Under the age of 35, often unpleasant surprises from the body are expressed in small pimples. Particularly inconvenience and discomfort are felt when they appear on the face.

Acne is an inflammatory process that occurs in the hair follicle when the sebaceous glands are active. Various types of cosmetic camouflage products do not give the desired result.

And in frequent cases, they intensify the inflammatory process. What to do if acne has already appeared and how to remove unwanted inflammation should be considered in more detail.



If your face is covered with small pimples, you should look for the reasons for their appearance. This may happen when:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. Menstruation and premenstrual period, menopause, menopause, pregnancy, puberty. If they are present, excessive sebum secretion occurs, subsequently clogging the pores and causing pimples to appear.
  2. Poor nutrition. Abuse of sweets, fatty foods, fast food, dry food. This causes a slowdown in metabolism. If there is an excess of carbohydrates in the body, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted.
  3. Lack/surplus of vitamins. Vitamin B and D deficiency manifests itself in small rashes.
  4. Taking oral contraceptives, antibiotics.
  5. Allergies of any nature. Rashes on the face can be the result of constant human contact with various allergens. For acne to go away, you need to stop contacting the allergen.
  6. High humidity, polluted air, heat/cold.
  7. The presence of parasites and viruses in the body.
  8. Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema).
  9. Stress, lack of sleep. Fatigue affects your appearance.
  10. Internal diseases (mainly gastrointestinal diseases). Gastrointestinal diseases always provoke the appearance of inflammation. External treatment will not help much. Be sure to treat the gastrointestinal tract and take the necessary medications.
  11. Demodex. Causes a rash on the face.

Also, small pimples appear, regardless of gender, on the face of an adult with oily skin type. To avoid this, you need to regularly cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin.

The causes in an adult may be due to an allergic reaction, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, or hormonal changes.

What are the types of rashes?








Small pimples on the face come in the form of:

  1. Comedones are clogged ducts of the sebaceous glands. This is an excellent environment for bacteria to multiply.
  2. Miliums are small, dense, white inflammations with clear outlines.
  3. Papules - dense reddish nodules. They do not cause discomfort; they can be inflamed or non-inflamed. Appear as blackheads, red purulent pimples.

In common cases, small pimples appear on the cheeks and forehead, accompanied by redness of the skin.

Small pimples on the face in children


Small pimples are not uncommon in a newborn. They appear mainly in the form of white or yellow wen.

The following causes of minor inflammation occur in infants:

  1. hormonal. They appear as a result of a woman’s body preparing for childbirth, as many hormones are produced. They enter the baby's blood;
  2. allergic (diathesis). Cause the slightest changes in the mother’s diet;
  3. from climate change;
  4. infection;
  5. adaptation to the environment.

For treatment, it is useful to use baths with a string, a decoction of chamomile and oak bark. Be sure to bathe in boiled water. For the most common cause of the rash (diathesis), you should stop giving the food to which the reaction is caused.



To receive qualified help, you must seek help from a therapist. Often, small pimples on the face indicate serious diseases that require immediate treatment.

The therapist will refer you to a specific specialist based on the suspected diagnosis - a gynecologist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist, allergist, endocrinologist. Most often, the cause of such rashes is inside the body.

How to get rid of small pimples on the face:

  1. Proper skin care. Small pimples on the face like rashes can be eliminated with quality skin care. You need to wash your face more often with herbal decoctions and special washing gels. Be sure to cleanse your face with tonics/lotions made from herbal infusions and essential oils or purchased in cosmetic stores. Masks, sulfur, ichthyol and zinc ointments will also help remove rashes. Effective masks can be purchased at the store or made yourself. It is important to choose an effective product for yourself in the fight for beautiful skin.
  2. Medicines. Drug treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. A specialist may prescribe probiotics and beneficial bacteria for the gastrointestinal tract, as well as oral contraceptives, to improve hormonal levels. To cleanse the body, you can take a course of Polysorb or activated carbon. Also, to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you can take tablets from the range of domperidone, Bactistatin, Maxilac, Bifiform, Linex, etc.
  3. Nutrition. Diet will also help get rid of rashes. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweet, starchy, fatty, spicy and fast foods. You should diversify your diet with vegetables, fruits, cereals, and protein foods. For example, freshly cooked beetroot, a salad of fresh vegetables, oatmeal in water with fruits and honey, etc. Porridge made from buckwheat, oats, millet and rice, cooked in water without adding salt, sugar and butter. Adding to the diet will help in the fight for beautiful skin: citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons, limes); apples; kiwi. Homemade drinks made from rosehip, dogwood, green tea with the addition of ginger root. Drink plenty of water to cleanse your body of waste and toxins. They cause skin looseness and rashes.

Other ways to get rid of acne


  1. Lifestyle. For beautiful skin, limit stressful situations, get enough sleep, and take care of your health. A proper diet, walks in the fresh air, exercise, and quality sleep regulate metabolism, keeping the skin healthy.
  2. Visit to a cosmetologist. Cosmetic procedures such as laser and superficial peels, anti-inflammatory masks, ozone therapy help reduce the number of rashes. It is recommended to do facial cleansing every month. A cosmetologist may advise you to purchase pharmaceutical products for the face - Differin, Zenerit, Klindovit, etc., as well as cosmetics.
  3. Vitamins. To get rid of inflammation, take vitamins – a complex or each separately. The result will not be long in coming. Vitamins A, E and C will be especially effective.
  4. Folk remedies. To treat rashes, use decoctions of chamomile, celandine and dandelion. You should wash your face with it and use it as a lotion. Juices of aloe, plantain and horsetail can be added to masks, creams or applied pure to the skin of the face.

The best remedy against the appearance of a rash is antibiotics.

Prevention measures


You can prevent the appearance of rashes on your face:

  1. eating right;
  2. playing sports;
  3. maintaining personal hygiene;
  4. changing towels regularly;
  5. strengthening the immune system;
  6. without contacting allergens;
  7. moderate consumption of steroids, antibiotics, oral contraceptives;
  8. using hypoallergenic cosmetics.


Treatment of rashes on the face is a difficult and common problem to solve. By following these recommendations, you can achieve successful results in the shortest possible time.