Cream against bags under the eyes for men


Swelling, bags, the appearance of the first wrinkles - all of these factors cause a woman a lot of distress, because they make us less attractive, and sometimes reveal our age. You can learn to get rid of such unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, now we will look at which cream for bags under the eyes will best hide cosmetic defects, what pharmaceutical products can be put in a woman’s cosmetic bag, and what our readers think about some creams from branded manufacturers.

Fighting bags before applying cream

The skin around the eyes is very capricious. She often lacks moisture, but at the same time, due to a number of physiological characteristics, she tends to accumulate fluid, so that by the morning the woman discovers swelling.

The reason for this lies in:

  1. poor lymphatic drainage;
  2. deficiency of collagen and elastin - the lack of these substances makes the skin less elastic, under the pressure of edema it stretches, forming bags;
  3. relatively thin skin;
  4. loose subcutaneous tissue.

It is also a known fact that people with large eye sockets are more prone to swelling as they age.

Before using a cream for puffy eyes, you need to analyze your eating habits and lifestyle. It is possible that they provoke the development of morning swelling.

For example, you can wake up with swelling in the morning for the following reasons:

  1. Eating pickles at night. Salt retains liquid, so nighttime gatherings over salty dishes will definitely affect your face.
  2. Lots of fluids before bed. A strong increase in liquid volume (tea, wine, water) in the evening is undesirable, since lymph outflow and blood circulation speed decrease at night.
  3. Insufficient drinking during the day is also bad. If you do not drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water (namely water!) per day, the fluids in the body thicken and their movement through the vessels becomes difficult.
  4. Insomnia, habit of sleeping on your stomach with your face in the pillow.
  5. Little movement during the day.
  6. Inappropriate choice of facial skin care products.

What should the cream be like?

A cream effective in combating puffiness must meet certain criteria, namely:

  1. improve blood circulation in the eye area;
  2. have lymphatic drainage properties;
  3. nourish and moisturize the skin well;
  4. have a cooling effect.

Massage tips and metal roller applicators promote lymphatic drainage and cooling of the skin. Therefore, their presence is a pleasant bonus.

Attention to composition

The components of good cosmetic products will have moisturizing, lymphatic drainage and cooling properties. Decorative cosmetics for bags under the eyes may contain the following substances:

  1. Hyaluronic acid. It moisturizes and softens the epidermis, enhances the effect of other active substances, smoothes out small wrinkles, and has anti-aging properties.
  2. Collagen and elastin are substances responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  3. Plant components such as chamomile, linden, green tea, licorice, horse chestnut, and seaweed extracts are responsible for improving local blood microcirculation, have a calming effect, and nourish the skin with vitamins and microelements. Caffeine stimulates cellular renewal. And if the composition includes mint or menthol derivatives, the gel also has a cooling effect. Manufacturers also often add essential oils of rosemary, sandalwood, and geranium.
  4. The vitamin complex is usually represented by vitamins A, E, C, K.

Tips for choosing

Before you go shopping for foundation or any other cream, look at the ratings of good products and reviews about them online, decide on the brands and the price category that is acceptable to you. Start with trusted brands. In a pharmacy or beauty salon, do not hesitate to ask sales consultants or pharmacists about the advantages and disadvantages of a particular brand.

It is also a good idea to check the expiration date and the age category for which the product is intended. If the manufacturer produces samples for the product, it is better to start with them. This way you can save money if the cream doesn't suit you.

Terms of use

When caring for the area around the eyes, massage movements should be in the form of light stroking and patting. It is not recommended to actively rub this area due to the high risk of injury.

When applying cream or gel, use a special applicator, if available. If you don't have a tool, use your ring finger.

The cream is usually applied twice a day to clean skin on the lower eyelid.

The tube of product should be stored at room temperature away from direct sunlight. Cold and overheating can affect the quality of the product.

If a 2-week use of the product does not produce tangible results, it means that the cream was not suitable or was chosen incorrectly.


You can disguise the presence of dark circles under the eyes using decorative cosmetics. Here is a rating of good products:

Cream-gel HYDRAPHASE INTENSION for eyes from LA ROCHE-POSAY 15 ml

Moisturizing gel from a famous French brand. Contains hyaluronic acid and caffeine. According to reviews, the product perfectly moisturizes the area around the eyes, removes puffiness, but does not cope with dark circles 100%. However, the manufacturer did not promise a miraculous cure; the official website states that the fight against circles is 64% effective. Still, many women recommend it for use.



French gel that increases the elasticity of the skin around the eyes by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. Contains plant components such as chamomile, ivy, mantle and horsetail extract.

After application, it is recommended to lightly massage the eye sockets to improve lymphatic drainage.


Positioned as an anti-aging cream for women over 25 years old. Eliminates the first signs of aging thanks to a complex of antioxidants, caffeine and gingko biloba extract. The product moisturizes, nourishes and tones, fights the first wrinkles and bags under the eyes.


LIBREDERM antioxidant cream with vitamin E 20 ml

Cosmetics from South Korea. It contains vitamin E, troxerutin and camelina oil. Troxerutin strengthens the walls of small capillaries, and vitamin E acts as an antioxidant. According to the instructions, the cream smoothes out facial wrinkles, removes circles under the eyes, and is well absorbed.


Cellular gel for the skin around the eyes from Cellcosmet 30 ml

A representative of elite Swiss cosmetics, the only cellular cream (according to the manufacturer), which contains 11% active stabilized biointegral cells. The product is designed to restore the natural functions of the skin, taking into account the woman’s age and hormonal levels.

The Cellcosmet brand also produces the following products for the eyelids:

  1. phytogel (water from thermal springs of the Alps, extracts of alpine herbs);
  2. cellular ultra-complex (Alpine thermal water, vitamins C and E, gel base, wheat germ peptides, chamomile extract, hydrolyzed glycosaminoglycans).


Rating of pharmaceutical drugs

Arriving at the pharmacy, you may unexpectedly find products for the care of the skin around the eyes among the medications. Although the medicine has specific therapeutic indications, craftsmen, having studied the composition, use them, say, not entirely for their intended purpose. Consider some of them:

Preparations with hyaluron


Despite the fact that the drug is intended for the treatment of acne, it is also applied to the skin around the eyes, since the main active ingredient is zinc hyaluronate. This means that good hydration is ensured.

Blefarogel 1

This is a gel that is used for dry eye syndrome and blepharitis of various origins. However, it also has a beneficial effect on the skin of the eyelids, moisturizing and nourishing it, because the gel contains hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and aloe vera. There is also a drug called Blefarogel 2. It contains sulfur and is indicated for the treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids.

With heparin

Fans of non-standard treatment choose the following products with heparin:

Heparin ointment contains heparin (a substance that thins the blood and eliminates blood clots), benzocaine (an anesthetic), and glycerin. Yes, judging by the composition, the ointment will most likely help with bags under the eyes, but many users note a number of side effects from use in the form of hives, itching and other allergic reactions. Lyoton is a similar drug containing heparin.

In addition, it should be taken into account that the drug is contraindicated in hemophilia, a low level of platelets in the blood. When applying, avoid contact of the product with the eyes.

Medicines for hemorrhoids

It's hard to believe, but some people use products whose main purpose is to fight hemorrhoids. There is information that Sandra Bullock and Kate Moss struggle with wrinkles around the eyes in a similar way.

Most of the reviews are about the use of ointment (or suppositories) Relief. They contain shark liver oil and the vasoconstrictor component phenylephrine. Thanks to this “kit”, puffiness is relieved; according to subjective assessments, people note facial rejuvenation.

Bruise of

A cheap remedy from a Ukrainian manufacturer with medicinal leech extract and pentoxifylline, which reduce inflammation of the skin and remove swelling under the eyes. It was developed specifically to eliminate the consequences of injuries on the face, has a toning effect, masking bruises and pimples.

Badyaga 911

Badyaga is a powder made from dried coelenterate animal sponges (with a silicon base), which have the properties of resolving scars and swelling.

Badyaga in the form of a gel also contains, in addition to the sponge, extracts of horse chestnut, chamomile, arnica, juniper, mint and tea tree. There are many positive reviews on the Internet about the use of the remedy for bruises and contusions, but allergic reactions also occur, because of which the badyaga is criticized.

Products for men

Men's skin around the eyes is denser and does not age as quickly as women's. Nevertheless, bruises among the male population look just as unattractive as among the fair sex. Creams for men contain active substances in higher concentrations; manufacturers often add menthol.

Here are a couple of examples of products from the men's line:

  1. Men's gel stick against bags and dark circles under the eyes Kiehls. Relieves puffiness, cools the skin due to menthol.
  2. Gel Aquapower, Biotherm Homme. Active ingredients: caffeine and menthol.
  3. Cream with lifting effect Renergy 3D Yeux, Lancome. According to the instructions, it fights wrinkles and provides good lymphatic drainage due to large doses of caffeine.



So, what is the best eye cream for puffy eyes? Everything is individual. Probably, for each buyer there is an ideal cream, selected using an experimental method. It makes sense to trust professional cosmetics that produce products specifically for the skin around the eyes, and not pharmaceutical products for hemorrhoids or blood clots. Although such treatment methods also have a right to exist. Well, seek and you will find.

The skin around the eyes is capricious and contradictory. On the one hand, it always lacks moisture. On the other hand, it accumulates fluid, which leads to swelling and bags under the eyes. We learn to cope with them with the help of creams and more.

  1. Causes of bags under the eyes
  2. Features of the cream
  3. How to choose
  4. Rules of application
  5. Precautionary measures
  6. Review of products for women
  7. Creams for bags under the eyes for men
  8. Home remedies for bags under eyes

Causes of bags under the eyes

Swelling tends to appear in the morning. © L'Oreal Paris

The skin of the eyelids has a number of physiological characteristics, due to which it tends to accumulate fluid, which is visually expressed in puffiness.

Dense vascular and lymphatic networks, which supply tissues with fluid. In case of slow blood circulation, the fluid stagnates.

Loose subcutaneous tissue, creating conditions for accumulation and stagnation of liquid.

Low collagen and elastin content. For this reason, the skin around the eyes easily stretches, unable to withstand the pressure of swelling. Hence the bags under the eyes.

Small thickness. The skin of the periorbital zone is six times thinner, for example, the skin of the cheeks. With a tendency to stagnation of fluid, an unbearable load falls on it.

As we know, swelling tends to appear in the morning. With age, it becomes more and more difficult to “open” your eyes after a night’s sleep.

It has been established: the larger the eyes, the more likely the tendency to edema in adulthood, because the area of ​​fluid accumulation is larger. However, you can fight for beauty.

First, you should analyze your eating and behavioral habits in order to eliminate everything that could cause fluid stagnation. The main enemies are known.

Salty foods in the evening and at night. Salt retains liquid, so adding canned cucumbers or nuts to your evening menu is a bad idea.

A glass of tea or a glass of alcohol before bed. Both provoke fluid stagnation, and it is impossible to stimulate lymph flow and blood circulation at night when you are motionless (flying in a dream does not count).

Poor drinking regime. To ensure systemic removal of fluid from the body, you need to drink 1.5–2 liters of water per day.

Sedentary lifestyle. Do you want your eyes to not swell? More movement! Walking briskly is one of the best ways to relieve swelling.

Poor quality sleep. Sleepless nights have never been good for your appearance, especially your eyes, the fatigue of which is expressed in the appearance of swelling and bags.

Sleeping with your face in your pillow. This situation impairs the free flow of lymph and blood. So don’t be surprised in the morning by a rumpled face and slitted eyes.

Wrong cream. Incompetent care for the area around the eyes never ends well.

Features of the cream

One of the best remedies for puffy eyes is a cooling cream or gel for the skin around the eyes. © L'Oreal Paris

Creams for bags under the eyes, like any products for the periorbital area, should first of all moisturize and not provoke fluid stagnation. To accomplish this task they are required to:

have a light texture;

spread easily so as not to stretch the skin.

The direct fight against bags and swelling is carried out by:

improving local blood circulation;

Often, eye bag remedies are equipped with a massage tip or roller applicator made from alloys with low thermal conductivity. The metal applicator cools the skin, reducing swelling.

Cream composition

Perhaps the most important components of creams for bags under the eyes are moisturizing ones. In second place are lymphatic drainage, stimulating microcirculation. In formulas aimed at combating puffiness, different components can be used, for example:

caffeine, cornflower and licorice extracts;

menthol, mint, their derivatives (racementhol, mentoxypropanediol).

How to choose

Creams for eye puffiness include drainage components. © L'Oreal Paris

The older we get, the more demanding the skin around the eyes becomes. While the eyelids suffer only from morning swelling, a light moisturizing gel with lymphatic drainage properties and a cool applicator is enough. If the skin's strength begins to deplete, it will need a cream with a firming effect and antioxidants.

Typically, eye products aimed at correcting wrinkles and tightening the skin contain drainage and microcirculation-stimulating components, since bags under the eyes and swelling are often an age-related problem.

Rules of application

When caring for the area around the eyes, do not forget that the skin here is very thin, vulnerable, and quickly loses elasticity and firmness.

Apply the cream only to clean skin twice a day.

As a “working tool”, use the ring finger of your hand - the most “delicate”. If you have an applicator, use it.

Movements should be light - smoothing or patting.

There is no need to put much pressure on the skin or stretch it, since this is a cream not for massage, but for care,” warns Garnier dermatologist expert Marina Kamanina.

The cream is applied along lines that coincide with the physiological routes of lymph movement:

from the center of the face to the periphery;

above the upper eyelid - from the bridge of the nose to the temple; under the lower eyelid - from the temple to the bridge of the nose;

on the border with the moving eyelid - lightly pressing movements, as if blotting the skin with fingertips.

An evening skin care session should take place two hours before bedtime. If you take a horizontal position immediately after applying the cream, the moisturizing components of the eye product will retain water and can cause swelling.

Precautionary measures

If you are prone to puffiness, avoid dyes and fragrances in products for the area around the eyes - they can aggravate the problem. Apply rich creams with a high concentration of active substances 1.5–2 hours before bedtime. And be picky - give preference to products from a trusted brand.

Review of products for women

Remedies for bags and puffiness under the eyes.

Cosmetics for bags under the eyes

Name Peculiarities Action
Cream for the skin around the eyes “Anti-aging care Youthful glow 25+”, Garnier
Stimulates cellular renewal, contains caffeine. Intensively nourishes with moisture, improves fluid outflow, and provides radiance.

Refreshing gel texture, complex of probiotics in the composition. Provides powerful hydration, reduces puffiness, and reduces wrinkles.

Intensive care for the skin around the eyes Revitalift Filler [ha], L’Oréal Paris Lifting care that increases skin elasticity. Fights wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes. Strengthening care for the eye contour against signs of aging at different stages of formation Slow Age, Vichy Contains an antioxidant complex, ginkgo biloba extract and caffeine. Strengthens the protective functions of the skin, prevents signs of aging and fights existing ones, including the tendency to swelling. cream for the skin around the eyes “dose of youth”, kiehl’s The cream contains proretinol, vitamin C and red grape seed extract. As well as mineral pigments. Smoothes wrinkles, fights puffiness, masks blue under the eyes. Has a good draining effect.

Creams for bags under the eyes for men

Due to physiological and hormonal reasons, men's skin is denser than women's and ages more slowly. But men are not spared from potential bags under the eyes and puffiness. Moreover, male representatives are ready to pay attention and spend their precious time on this problem. In men's cosmetic lines, which are not as extensive as women's, there is always an anti-puffiness cream for the eyelids. And this fact speaks for itself.

Men's eye creams are distinguished by:

higher concentration of active ingredients - men's skin is thicker and rougher than women's, even in such a delicate area as the eyelids;

more pronounced effect with a single use - men do not like to wait for the result to come, and without thinking twice they will refuse the product if they do not feel an immediate effect. That is why menthol is added to men's compositions, the effect of which is felt by the skin instantly.

Here are examples of exemplary creams for bags under the eyes that occupy the highest places in the popularity ratings among men:

Men's gel stick against bags and dark circles under the eyes, Kiehl’s owes much of its success to rosella extract - it has a cooling effect and the ability to quickly relieve puffiness.

Gel for the skin around the eyes Aquapower, Biotherm Homme cools and stimulates the rapid outflow of fluid due to the combined effect of menthol and caffeine.

Anti-wrinkle and firming cream for the skin around the eyes with a lifting effect Rénergy 3D Yeux, Lancôme, In addition to the stated fight against wrinkles, it provides a drainage effect thanks to a hefty dose of caffeine in the composition.

Review of concealers and correctors

Let's make a reservation right away: concealer is not able to eliminate bags under the eyes. The toner mainly aims to brighten the area.

Concealer Teint > Lancôme

Perfectly masks various skin imperfections, including dark circles under the eyes.

Youth Dose Eye Treatment, Kiehl’s Eye Cream

The cream contains vitamin C, proretinol and mineral pigments. Thanks to this set of ingredients, the product not only smoothes the skin under the eyes, but also reduces bruises and swelling.

Concealer for face, L’Oréal Paris

The stick has a pleasant creamy texture with a natural tint.

Roller around the eyes BB Cream, Garnier

Thanks to pigments, it hides dark circles well, and grapefruit extract and haloxyl fight bags under the eyes. The balanced composition simultaneously helps to smooth and moisturize the skin around the eyes, as well as eliminate signs of fatigue.

Home remedies for bags under eyes

You can try to get rid of bags under the eyes not only with the help of cosmetics, but also with traditional methods.

Raise your head

Try to sleep with your head slightly elevated. This technique helps to avoid fluid accumulation in the area under the eyes.

Love the cold

Soak a napkin in cold water, wring it out and apply it to your eyes. This will help eliminate swelling. Or freeze a few cotton pads in the freezer and apply them to your eyes in the morning.

Get a massage

Wet your fingers in cold water and pinch your eyebrows. This promotes the drainage of excess fluid in the area under the eyes.

Eat less salt

Do not forget that too salty and spicy foods provoke puffiness and bags under the eyes.

Keep potatoes on hand

Cut two slices of raw potatoes and apply to your eyes. This helps reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes and reduces the appearance of puffiness.

The skin of the face is the first to react to internal changes and shows signs of fatigue and the onset of disease development. Common causes are puffiness and the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, which occur in women and men, regardless of their age. In an untreated situation, a common solution is cosmetics (gels, compresses and creams for bags under the eyes). There are countless of them in cosmetology. But there are several main recommendations when choosing them.


Causes of bags under the eyes

Before starting treatment and using any means, it is necessary to determine the prerequisites for the occurrence of defects. In medicine, the following main factors for the appearance of bags and dark circles around the eyes are identified:

  1. incorrect head position (high pillow) or lack of sleep (average amount of sleep less than 8 hours per day);
  2. allergic reaction;
  3. taking a large amount of liquid before bed or, conversely, violating the drinking regime (daily water intake is less than 1.5-2 l);
  4. sedentary lifestyle;
  5. consumption of pickles and alcoholic beverages at night;
  6. chronic diseases;
  7. violation of personal hygiene rules;
  8. pregnancy (salt imbalance);
  9. age (most often after 50 years);
  10. diseases of the kidneys and urinary system.

Swelling around the eyes is the first reaction to internal changes in the body, which is associated with the physiological characteristics of the structure of the skin of the eyelids. Namely:

  1. a dense lymphatic system; if blood circulation is impaired, blood stagnates in this area;
  2. lack of elastin, tissue collagen;
  3. looseness of the subcutaneous tissue (due to its structure, it creates favorable conditions for the stagnation of excess fluid, which causes the formation of edema and dark circles);
  4. thin skin of the eyelids.

Bags are also caused by the use of incorrectly selected cosmetics to care for the area around the eyes and facial skin. Having determined the main causes of the defect, you can begin to treat the pathology.

Cream composition

Herbal compresses, ointments, gels, and massage are most often used against swelling and bags under the eyes. But do creams only help eliminate the symptom or do they attack the root of the problem?


Each product contains one or more of the following components as its main active ingredient:

  1. Vitamin C, E.
  2. Caffeine.
  3. Zinc.
  4. Heparin.
  5. Phenylephrine.
  6. Rutin.
  7. Hyaluronic acid.
  8. Dimethyl sulfoxide.
  9. Camphor.
  10. Menthol.

Among the medicinal herbs that are effective against the problem of puffiness and dark circles are:

  1. sage;
  2. rosemary;
  3. plantain;
  4. cacao butter;
  5. mint;
  6. seaweed;
  7. horse chestnut extract, cornflower.

How to choose

Gel or cream removes bags under the eyes and reduces dark circles. Massage and herbal compresses normalize blood circulation, fill the skin with useful substances, moisturize and cool. But finding a product that combines everything you need is difficult. Therefore, when choosing, it is better to pay attention to:

  1. Compound. If there is an allergy to something, then the presence of this component should be excluded as a priority. The product should not contain animal fats, fragrances, dyes, parabens and mineral oils. They tend to accumulate, negatively affecting his general condition.
  2. Age limit.
  3. Purpose. Most ointments for swelling, edema and circles are medical preparations, not cosmetic. Therefore, the duration of their use is no more than 21 days.
  4. Popularity of the manufacturer.

All of them should have a light consistency, evenly distributed over the problem area, cool and moisturize. Another advantage is the presence of a massage applicator. It quickly relieves fatigue, normalizes blood circulation and removes swelling.

Rules of application

When treating pathology, you must strictly follow the instructions of the selected product. And also adhere to several general rules of use. Then the therapy will be very effective and will not provoke the appearance of new unpleasant symptoms. Among them:

  1. Apply the ointment 2 times a day to clean facial skin, and for greater effect, at least 2 hours before bedtime.
  2. The skin around the eyes should not be stretched or pressed. All movements in this area should be light, smooth, patting.
  3. A massage applicator or ring finger is best for application.

It must be remembered that the ointment is applied along the lines of lymph movement:

  1. from the central part of the face to the outer edges;
  2. in the area of ​​the upper eyelid - from the bridge of the nose to the temple, and in the area of ​​the lower eyelid - vice versa;
  3. on the border with the moving eyelid, movements should be pressing and light.

By following all the recommendations, it will not be difficult to restore a healthy complexion and remove swelling.

What effect can you expect from the cream?

If you are interested in the question in which cases ointments will help cope with bags and dark circles under the eyes, you should understand that medications are not the main treatment. That is, this condition is a consequence of an incorrect lifestyle or disease. Therefore, it often happens that a person struggles with a symptom, forgetting about the root cause of this condition.

Review of the best remedies for bags under the eyes

Pharmacies and mass markets have a large number of popular products, but which one is the best cream for bags under the eyes and swelling. Everything is relative. For some, one product is effective, for others it is useless. It depends on the physiology and the cause of its appearance.


  1. The drug “Troxevasin”. The ointment normalizes blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels and restores skin elasticity.
  2. "Traumel". The drug is homeopathic and is used 2 times a day. Possible use for puffiness and dark circles under the eyes associated with an inflammatory disease.
  3. “Pro-Xylan” from Garnier. The component of the product eliminates swelling well, tightens and refreshes the skin. The advantage is considered to be used before applying makeup and before bed.
  4. “RevitaLift” from L’Oreal. The effect after application is noticeable within an hour. Relieves fatigue, restores healthy complexion. Has a pleasant light texture.
  5. “Kurozin.” The composition includes hyaluronic acid, which activates the production of elastane and collagen. Improvement does not occur immediately, but with prolonged use it has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin, especially with regular lack of sleep.
  6. Heparin ointment. It is better to use sodium heparin based, as its structure is lighter and absorption is faster.
  7. "Relief". The drug constricts blood vessels and normalizes water-salt balance.
  8. "Tetracycline". It is prescribed only in cases where the etiology of bags under the eyes is inflammatory in nature. Use strictly according to instructions.
  9. "Solcoseryl". Stimulates collagen production, increasing skin elasticity and accelerating oxygen saturation of tissues.
  10. “Indovazin.” It belongs to the group of venotonics, so it copes with the task quite effectively.

To combat bags and circles under the eyes of the male half, they produce a whole special line of products. This is due to rougher and thicker skin in this area, as well as differences in hormonal levels. Men cannot wait long for an ointment or gel to take effect, so menthol is added to men's creams. It is this component that has an almost instant effect. Popular products include:

  1. “For Men” from PFC-cosmetics.
  2. "MK Men"
  3. “Remescar cream”.
  4. “Tri-roll gel” from Faberlic.
  5. “Men’s gel stick against bags and dark circles under the eyes” from Kiehl’s Facial Fuel Eye De-Puffer.
  6. “Aquapower” from Biotherm Homme.
  7. “Rénergy 3D Yeux” by Lancôme.

The most popular among them is “For Men” from PFC-cosmetics, due to the aloe extract it contains.

Homemade cream for bags under eyes

If you have free time, you can use your own homemade cream. The ingredients for it are found in every home. And the result will be no worse than store-bought ointments. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the time to obtain the desired effect. Home remedies work many times slower than store-bought ones. This is especially true for the use of anti-varicose cream-gel; products in this group are the most effective.


For homemade recipes for bags and dark circles under the eyes, the cream is prepared on the basis of wax, yogurt or oils.

First option includes: beeswax and essential oils (aloe juice, grape seed or any other favorite oil). You need to take 15 g of each component, a couple of drops of oils. Mix everything thoroughly and let it harden. Apply to problem skin at night.

Second recipe prepared on the basis of homemade yogurt (0.03 l) and green tea (0.1 l). Mix everything and let it brew. It is recommended to store the resulting ointment in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. This should be taken into account when producing large quantities.

Third recipe prepared from olive and cocoa oils. Cooking proportions 1:1. Cocoa butter is heated in a water bath, after which olive oil is poured into it and mixed. It also needs to be stored in the refrigerator. In addition to its lymphatic drainage properties, it is a moisturizer.

There is no need to regularly fight bags and dark circles under your eyes. Having discovered the reason for their appearance, you can forget about the problem for a long time.