Leg pain

It sometimes occurs from a blow, a fall, from pinching shoes, and from other reasons. They extract from it by frequent pouring with cold water and ointment from horned poppy with diluted Armenian clay.

Sometimes it happens from nature, and sometimes from severe fatigue and previous relaxation of the muscles or from blockage of the nutrient pathways going to them, as happens with eunuchs.

The treatment for this is close to the treatment for Rakhsa. Among other things, a bandage made from myrtle leaves or cypress leaves, as well as an ointment made from fats with goat feces and cow feces helps. Cypress cones or juniper berries in a bandage are also useful; A decoction of pistachios in the form of a bandage is also beneficial. Among the means that dissolve dried blood under a crushed nail is flour mixed with zift; It is applied to the sore spot and it helps.

Swelling of the nails and itching in the nails. This is treated by constant washing with sea water, and the disease goes away. You can also water your nails with a decoction of lentils or vetch, or a decoction of asphodel. For dressings, viper onion, zift and yellow clay, boiled together or separately, are used.