Large and small breathing, its causes and signs

Big breathing is breathing in which a lot of air is inhaled, above the average amount; with such breathing, the respiratory organs expand significantly in all directions in order to inhale more air, but with small, narrow breathing, the situation is the other way around, and what is inhaled is insignificant; this also applies to air removal. The causes of large breathing are the same as the causes of large pulse,  I mean the three reasons mentioned earlier. Sometimes it is thought that small breathing is breathing that is carried out by movements of the abdominal barrier alone, but this is not true, generally speaking. The fact is that even if breathing, which occurs due to the movements of the abdominal barrier alone, is sometimes small, then sometimes it is balanced, because balanced breathing does not require movements of any organs other than the abdominal barrier, if the abdominal barrier is very powerful. And often breathing is small even when all the organs of the chest are moving, if they are all weak. In this case, one thoraco-abdominal obstruction does not provide the necessary breathing, even if breathing should be balanced, and requires the help of all other organs of the chest, but all of them are not enough to ensure the inhalation and exhalation of air that is carried out by one thoraco-abdominal obstruction when it is healthy , unharmed and strong. Otherwise, none of these “organs provides complete expansion of the lungs and cannot expand them even to such an extent as to cause sufficient, necessary expansion of the lungs with the help of other organs. This occurs from weakness of strength or narrowness of the passages, as happens with pneumonia .

The amount of breathing should be judged based on the amount of air consumed during breathing, which the lungs take in and expel, and these actions are carried out only by the general movement of the muscles of the chest and the muscles adjacent to them. Further, one should not reverse the judgment and assert that whenever all the muscles move during breathing, this is a big breath. No, it is large only when all the muscles make a movement that, when expanding and contracting the lungs, causes a large air flow, and a small

breathing is the opposite of this. The force of movement of the respiratory organs when inhaling air is sometimes such that, expanding, they reach in front to the collarbones, from behind to the bones of the shoulder blades and from the sides to most of the meat of the shoulder blades. Often the chest muscles help the nostrils; or rather, they help them in most cases. Sometimes there is unevenness of compression and expansion in relation to large and small values: it happens that the expansion is greater, but it also happens that the compression is greater. This depends on the matter to be expelled by compression, and on the amount of pneuma to be balanced by the introduction of air and expansion of the lungs. The more necessary any of this is, the stronger the corresponding movement; Thus, if it is more necessary to remove smoky vapor due to its large quantity or caustic quality, then the compression and exhalation is significant, and if it is necessary to extinguish the flaming, then the expansion is great. If it turns out that a person does not take a large breath, but rather an insignificant one, but it is followed by a significant expulsion of air, this indicates a lack of innate heat, while extraneous heat coming from outside is excessive.

There are four reasons why all these organs sometimes produce increased movements. This happens either due to the great need for cooling due to the blazing heat in the region of the heart and lungs, or due to the weakness of the motor muscles themselves, or due to the complicity of the main organs, as happens, for example, at the end of tabes, or the complicity of other organs, as mentioned earlier : that is, from a spasm that has occurred, paralysis, disorder of nature, swelling, pain and other reasons. Or this occurs due to some obstacle that prevents the muscles from stretching, such as the overfilling of the stomach with food or winds, when it goes beyond the limit and does not allow the thoraco-abdominal barrier to stretch, so that it cannot expand on its own, or from the narrowness of the passages, then there are the larynx, branches of the tube and arteries and adjacent places of passage of air, for example, the loose substance of the lungs, when the passages are filled with juices and blockages multiply in them or swelling occurs. This happens in people suffering from asthma, in people who have pus in their lungs, and in people with pneumonia.

The chest muscles also work hard due to neglect of breathing when there is a need to inhale or when there is little need, when the interval between two breaths is lengthened, so that you have to take a long breath to make up for what was lost during a short breath. This is, for example, the breathing of a madman, if the cold in his heart is not strong; the crazy person forgets to inhale the air, and then begins to breathe heavily. The same necessity explains the deep breathing of the sleeper: smoky vapors multiply in his heart, but the breathing neglects the need to expel the air until the urge to do so intensifies, so that the air necessarily comes out at once in large quantities. Such is also the breathing of people whose heart nature is not so hot as to require intense breathing, so that the inhalation is postponed until the moment of extreme necessity and makes up for in duration what was lost due to delay.

Signs. The signs by which the causes of increased movement of the muscles of the entire chest are distinguished are as follows: if the cause is a great need and the force is great, then when breathing a lot of air is brought in and out and the touch of the breath is hot and fiery; The pulse is also large and indicates fever. Manifestations of burning are also observed in the chest, on the face, in the eyes and on the tongue by its color, roughness and other signs; if this is not the case and the strength does not drop, but as if it cannot expand the lungs to the end, then the reason for the constraint is in one of the circumstances that we listed above. If all the organs of the chest try to move, but do not make a movement that should be considered, and do not expand completely, but only strive to do what they cannot, so that all the work is assigned to the nostrils, and when the air is expelled there is no breath, This means that the motor force inherent in the muscles has suffered. When the tightness occurs from moisture in the tube and in the surrounding areas, then, along with other signs, there is wheezing when breathing and the patient has to cough often; This is an additional sign to the signs of general embarrassment. And if all this is missing, then the reason lies deeper. When tightness and wheezing appear suddenly, it means that matter from the catarrh has flowed into the lung, or first into the lungs, and then matter and pus from some organ or several organs have suddenly flowed into the tube.