Bone Marrow Needle

A bone marrow needle (bone marrow needle) is a special instrument that is used to remove bone marrow from bones and to inject fluids into the bone marrow. It is a tube with a sharp tip at the end that pierces the bone and allows the bone marrow to be removed.

The process of extracting bone marrow occurs as follows: a marrow needle is inserted into the bone through its surface and moves deeper until it reaches the bone marrow. After this, the doctor begins to rotate the needle around its axis, which allows the bone marrow to be extracted from the bone.

A bone marrow needle can also be used to inject fluids into the bone marrow. For example, when treating some diseases of the bone marrow, doctors may inject drugs or other fluids into the bone marrow to improve its function.

In general, the bone marrow needle is an important tool in medicine, which allows various manipulations with the bone marrow and other tissues of the human body.

Bone marrow needle

A bone marrow needle is a special instrument that is used to perform a variety of medical procedures, including bone puncture and bone marrow curettage. It is a tube made of thin metal wire that is used to pierce bones and extract bone marrow.

The working principle of a bone marrow needle

The basic principle of operation of a bone marrow needle is to pierce the bone. This occurs by rotating the instrument around the axis of the bone using a special device. In this case, the needle makes a hole in the bone, which allows bone marrow material to be removed for further analysis or research.

Additionally, a bone marrow needle can be used to inject fluids into the bony space of the bone to treat and diagnose various diseases. For example, it can be used to administer drugs or irradiate bone in radiation therapy for cancer.

Although a bone marrow needle can be considered a relatively safe instrument, certain safety rules must be followed when using it. In particular, to protect against damage to blood vessels and soft tissue, it is important to handle the needle only under the supervision of an experienced medical professional. It is also not recommended to use this needle unless necessary and only as prescribed by a doctor.