
Gynandrophism is a congenital condition in which a person has both male and female sexual characteristics. This condition occurs due to genetic abnormalities or medical procedures such as castration or hormone therapy. Although gynandrofisms were known and described in ancient times, it was only in the 20th century that they became the object of scientific study. In modern medicine, gynandrophosm is treated only surgically, since drug therapy does not bring results.

An important problem is obtaining the consent of the child’s parents for treatment for gynandrosis. In addition, if the child has already undergone castration or surgery,

Gynandromorph is the result of a combination of both “male” and “female” genetic chains. His conception is only possible due to errors during fertilization. The term itself was coined by American pathologist Klaus Panzengold in 1955 at a meeting of the American Association of Clinical Somatopsychomorphosis. The main feature of such a congenital disorder is that a person is a hybrid of two people of the opposite sex, while all organs and systems are developed in a balanced manner. If we literally translate this disease into Russian, it sounds like a hermaphrodite. You can reliably find out about the fact that a hermaphrodite is carrying a pregnancy in the womb only after birth. This is done through genetic analysis. This pathology refers to Mongoloid hereditary diseases. It is inherited from parents in an autosomal recessive manner, but was detected in only one male individual