Bone Polygonal Small

The polygonal small bone (os multangulum minus, BNA, JNA) is a small bone in the human hand, located at the base of the thumb. It has a polygonal shape and is one of the small bones of the wrist.

The polygonal bone connects to the bones of the palmar surface of the wrist and forms the articular surface for the thumb. This joint allows the thumb to move in different directions and perform different functions such as grasping, pinching, etc.

Although the polygonalis is small in size, it plays an important role in the functioning of the hand and can be affected by various diseases and injuries. Some of them can lead to pain, limited movement and other problems.

To diagnose diseases and injuries of the polygonal small bone, various methods are used, such as X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment may include conservative methods, such as physical therapy and special devices, or surgery.

Overall, the polygonalis minor is a small but important bone in the human hand that plays an important role in performing various functions. For any problems with the polygonal small bone, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.