Boro plus pink reviews

Negative reviews

I found out about this cream when a child, during a terrible runny nose, tore his nose to severe wounds. Rubbed, rubbed, and, as a result, one large wound under the nose and around the nostrils. The wound crusted over, was very painful and bothered me. The runny nose did not stop, which led to great discomfort and injury to the nose. Something needed to be treated, and I went to the World Wide Web for advice. Boro Plus had excellent reviews for healing such wounds. I bought a small package, but it also cost a lot.

She enthusiastically anointed me once and twice. And in the morning I discovered with horror that we were sprinkled with small red dots around our nose and above and below it. I was scared, I already came up with scarlet fever, and God knows what else. Early in the morning we ran to the clinic. It’s a pity there are no photos of our rash left.

An experienced doctor, after listening to my story, diagnosed me with streptoderma. The wounds became infected; she probably felt comfortable in the environment of the herbal balm.

Streptoderma is an infectious-allergic disease that occurs when streptococcus and the waste products of this microorganism enter the skin.

Treatment for streptoderma is simple, but the effectiveness varies for everyone. For some it helps quickly, but for others they can’t get rid of this crap for half a year. The essence of our treatment was not to wet the pimples and burn them with fucorcin.

The role of boroplus in this story is such that the ointment did not prevent this nasty thing in any way and probably served as fertile ground for its occurrence in our particular case.

Thus, I cannot recommend Boroplus for healing wounds after a runny nose, especially in children.

Neutral reviews

I bought the cream at the Perekrestok store for 89 rubles. It was recommended to me by a neighbor in the country who has been suffering from psoriasis for many years. She said the cream Boro plus It helps her well, softens the skin, reduces itching, albeit temporarily, you need to change the cream from time to time, otherwise there will be no benefit.
At the beginning, I decided to buy it at the pharmacy and apparently the pharmacist was mistaken when she said that the cream costs 800 rubles. Naturally, I refused it, wondering how my retired neighbor could afford to buy several tubes at once.
In the store, the cream lay completely free on the end shelf opposite the cash registers. There were two varieties. I took one to try. The cream is completely ordinary, I smear it twice a day for almost a week and don’t see any results. Of course, it softens the skin, but there is no healing effect from it.
Many people praise Boro Plus cream, but somehow I didn’t particularly like it. The tube is small, cute, with a beautiful cap. The cream itself is white, thick, and the consumption is quite decent. The smell is quite tolerable, although my husband did not like it. It is also absorbed quite quickly, although I try to extend the pleasure over a long period of time and do not apply a lot of cream.

Pros: heals, price.

Cons: smell, thick texture.

First, we tested the cream on the skin of a child. It fit perfectly under diapers and quickly eliminated the redness. We used it as a family. Afterwards they forgot about him and only returned recently. But its structure has changed. It became too greasy and the smell was very nasty. It has become simply impossible to apply it to the skin; it curls up. I decided to now apply it to my feet. It works well for dry heels.

Pros: low consumption, low price, gives softness.

Cons: smell, difficult to apply.

I spent a long time researching reviews and descriptions to understand which Boro Plus cream is better (green or purple). I settled on purple. Although it has a too strong smell, the effect is a little better. Its texture is oily and very dense. It is difficult to apply, but it costs little. The effect is wonderful and noticeable immediately. It helps with everything, and most importantly fulfills all the manufacturer’s requirements.

It reduced the itching from my bites. But I left it in the past - it’s very thick and smells strong - and found an alternative that is milder in both criteria, Himalaya Multipurpose Cream. In terms of their effect on me, they are approximately the same, but Himalaya is more comfortable to apply on some painful problem))

I have this cream, I’ve never dared to apply it all over my face, but it’s perfect for dry heels, just be sure to wear socks, otherwise the floor will turn into an ice skating rink! He also saved my elbow after a burn with boiling water (they doused me with tea), it healed quickly, and the burn mark disappeared in about 4 months! I think it’s very eloquent!

Sometimes I think this cream is addictive. I once smeared it on my lips. Of course, they went away quickly thanks to him, but then they began to dry out more often. This didn't happen before.

Positive reviews

This is a fairy tale, not a cream!

I simply don’t leave home without it, it’s always in my makeup bag. And it doesn’t really matter what it is, it can be green or purple, the main thing is that it exists!

But still green boro plus I like it better, I noticed that it has a wider range of actions, although they have exactly the same composition. But in some ways are they still different? I think they just have different concentrations of substances.

This cream helps me a lot with cracked hands, which happens in my work.

I also get rid of blackheads on my nose very well using violet boro plus, since it is thicker.

You just need to smear your face boro plus, spread it very thoroughly, and then just steam your face well in any way. That's all!

Then I use a pore tool to remove the blackheads. Girls, this is something. everything comes out!

I recommend this cream to everyone!

It’s a very, very good cream, but I’m used to the smell.


Good for getting rid of acne


Allergic reactions may occur

Hello dear readers of Otzovik! Today I want to recommend you a “magic” cream - Boro-plus. Made in India, in Kolkata.
In fact, Boro-plus is a universal remedy. It can be used in many cases. I won’t tell you everything, I’ll just tell you how and why I used it.
During my student years, I had so many acne on my face that I was even embarrassed to go outside. I tried several remedies, but there were no results. Then I read about this cream from the Internet. It turns out that it can also be used on the face for acne. I only applied the cream at night. After four days my face was much improved. There were no allergic reactions when using it. I have already tested the cream. So you can't worry. But still, consult a doctor to avoid any problems. Bye everyone!


Relieves joint pain, kills germs, and takes good care of the skin of the hands and feet.


I use Boro-Plus cream exclusively for hands and heels. Helps hands well in winter. Personally, my skin is sensitive and allergic and reacts quickly to frost. The skin becomes dry, red, sometimes even cracks and hurts terribly. I suffered all the time and could not find a suitable cream for the winter. Mom advised me to buy Boro-Plus cream. Of course, the packaging is not big and it doesn’t cost a penny, of course I bought it and didn’t regret it. It helped my long-suffering hands from the first use. My hands became smooth and the redness went away. I also use Boro-Plus as a hygienic lipstick in winter, my lips do not dry out. And in the summer I use it for my heels. I clean my heels with a regular pebble and apply cream, my heels are in perfect condition.
Boro-Plus also kills germs and bacteria due to its antiseptic properties. Well relieves pain and tension from tired arms and legs. Helps relieve joint pain.
The only negative for me personally is its pungent smell, reminiscent of my grandmother's old perfume. Overall a super cream.



On the advice of a massage therapist, I bought this cream for dry cheeks of a child, and I realized what a wonderful cream it is. And the child’s dryness quickly went away and I used it myself as a hand cream; in cold frosty weather my hands just look terrible. And this cream is just a lifesaver))))) called Boro Plus, it costs about 80 rubles at the pharmacy. And the most important thing is that before this cream I tried almost everything I could and not a single cream gave me such a result, and most importantly for my child’s kitten, and the price, excuse me, is completely ridiculous compared to the same Nivea and the quantity in the bottle is much larger and enough for a long time.


Heals well, moisturizes, disinfects.


This cream was recommended to me by a friend. After she saw my cuts.
I bought it at a regular pharmacy. It is not expensive: 35 rubles. Net weight: 25ml. But the cream is greasy and therefore is consumed in smaller quantities. Heals small and medium cuts, abrasions, minor burns. Great as an aftershave cream. Perfectly softens the skin. Disinfects well. This cream can also be used as a chapstick. Since it protects the skin well from wind and cold. And especially such delicate skin as lips! Recently I noticed that it also helps well against mosquito bites and other flying creatures. Namely: it relieves redness and reduces itching. Helps with heat rashes, the main thing is not to overdo it!
The only thing that bothered me was the smell. It's not exactly chemical. Not very pleasant. "Not for everybody" so to speak.
Otherwise, a truly magical cream!


Treats burns well


Greasy, smells bad

Boro plus cream ointment is very popular and has a wide range of actions related to skin regeneration. I purchased this cream to get rid of irritation after hair removal, no miracle effect occurred when using the cream, there are other drugs that work better. But I liked it in another application. The child accidentally leaned his hand against a hot kettle, and a burn formed on his hand. I remembered that I had leftovers of this cream, and read in the instructions that it also treats burns, and decided to apply it. Everything happened in two days. I will always use this cream for these purposes. This cream also relieves itching after mosquito bites.
The texture of the cream is very greasy and takes a long time to absorb, I don’t really like it. And the green cream smells very bad, and the smell lasts for a very long time, but there is a lilac cream without a smell, next time I’ll take that.


Helps combat severe dryness


Hi all! I want to tell you about my lifesaver on difficult days for my skin.
The price is about 100 rubles.
The packaging is soft, over time it loses its presentation, the lid is unscrewed.
The smell is a huge minus of the product. Vegetable, but strong and very annoying.
The consistency of the cream is very oily. You only need a little to apply and it spreads well over the face.
I do not use the cream regularly, but when necessary, since it can clog pores with daily use.
For face. After acid peels, it helps the skin recover faster and cope with dryness. It removes inflammation well.
For hands. I have chronic psoriasis. Now it hardly shows up, but there are days of increased dryness and small dry crusts appear. A couple of uses of the cream in a thick layer and the problem was gone.
For the baby. I smear it on my cheeks before going outside in severe frosts. There were no frostbites or chapping in two winters.
I recommend purchasing the cream, but just make sure that the manufacturer is India and not Russia.

I came across this cream by accident. I was walking with a friend once. While walking, she took out a small tube of cream and smeared it on her hands. I didn't pay much attention to it. until mosquitoes started biting me. but they didn’t even come close to her, seeing how I was suffering, she suggested that I smear myself with this cream. and OOO miracle! They left me behind! Then she told me that this cream helps very well against mosquito bites, peeling, and wounds. etc

That's how I first learned about this cream. but later I forgot about him.

Recently I saw it in the store, I decided to take it, because now it’s summer and there are a lot of mosquitoes. When I came home, I decided to read reviews on the Internet about this cream, I found a lot of laudatory reviews about this cream! Well. So it wasn't in vain that I bought it :)

People also wrote that this cream can help fight acne. It was hard to believe, but I decided to experiment.

The cream is very thick, more like an ointment, very greasy, smelling. but here it depends. some wrote that the smell was simply creepy, others liked it, as for me, the smell didn’t seem terrible to me, I got used to it, and I began to like it :))) the smell is not for everyone, it’s up to you to decide :)

The cream spreads and is absorbed quite well.

Let's get to the fun part.

So I went to the store and bought two tubes of cream at once, purple and green.

On the first day, I smeared purple boro plus on my face at night, and woke up in the morning with super soft, delicate skin. The peeling went away overnight. The acne became less noticeable, but was still there.

After using it for quite a long time, I got rid of pimples, rashes, blackheads, acne, also the redness and acne marks disappeared, the peeling went away, the skin became soft and velvety.

Over the long period of using the cream, I discovered small secrets (if I may say so:)) of using the cream, which I will gladly share with you!)

-Apply the cream to cleansed facial skin (without makeup), before applying, wash with foam cleanser (you can use gel or scrub)

-It is better to apply the cream to your face at night, 30 minutes before bed, so that the cream is well absorbed and you do not wipe it on the pillow.

-Alternate green with purple Boro Plus, that is, apply purple once at night, green the next day, then purple again, green the next day, and so on, it’s more effective.

-Apply the cream every day at night, yes, EVERY DAY, so you will achieve a good result, even if you don’t spend the night at home, take the cream with you :)))

-If you suddenly have a large, red, painful pimple, then apply a thick layer of cream on it, so that the entire pimple is covered with cream, the next day it will become smaller and then disappear.

I smeared my face with this cream every day, alternating green and purple. and OOO miracle the acne disappeared! happiness knew no bounds!

In no case do I force you to do exactly as I did, this is just my experience of using the cream :)

I want to say right away that you won’t get beautiful acne-free skin right away, you need to be patient. but the result is worth it!

The cream may not be suitable for everyone. and it can’t remove acne for everyone. There are people for whom the cream did not help in the fight against acne, then it’s up to you to decide whether to try it or not!))

Boro Plus has become my favorite and now always lives in my purse!)

P.s. Unfortunately, I don’t have any photos, I didn’t think at all that I would be writing a review. Sorry:)

Thank you for reading to the end, I will be glad if I could help!))

I’ll start with the fact that I don’t see much difference between green and purple Boro Plus!
Like many people, I had acne. To some it may seem that there aren’t very many of them, but for me this whole situation was very sad. By the time I started using Boro, I was already almost 19 years old. and these skin rashes can no longer be called teenage acne. I tried a huge amount of all sorts of acne products! And nothing helped! All the products only dried out the skin.
and so, they recommended this miracle cream to me! I’ll be honest. I didn’t believe that he would help me. I smeared it on my face every day at night! I repeat, EVERY SINGLE DAY! Even if I didn’t spend the night at home, I took it with me! And somehow it became a habit. smeared, smeared. and oh MIRACLE! NOT A SINGLE PIMLE! AND NOT EVEN A TRACE OF ACNE LEFT! and the skin is smooth, soft, so pleasant to the touch)) my happiness knew no bounds))
I recommend him to all my friends! but they apparently lack patience. and they forget to apply it every day... although the changes are still visible on the face, although not as radical as mine.
I'll tell you right away. Don’t expect a miracle the morning after the first application. acne won’t go away right away...unless the skin becomes soft)
I felt tangible changes within 2 weeks! I still use this cream to this day! although not as often. and as needed)
1 photo - BEFORE (the skin is tanned, and the pimples are covered up a little with foundation (sorry, I don’t have any photos with pimples from those times), but the rashes are still visible)
2 photos - after


Cream pink

For irritated skin Winter / Summer Nourishing / Protective / Soothing / Softening / Antibacterial / Anti-inflammatory / For skin elasticity / Anti-irritation Sunscreen Women Anti-itch Body

Recommended to purchase 37 buyers.

Added to wishlist 46 times.

Mode of application

Boro cream is recommended for first aid for cuts, wounds, abrasions and burns. The product has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, making it effective in these cases.

Active components / Composition

Castor oil. Kemaben 2 E. Formic alcohol. Aloe vera extract. Mumiyo. Sea buckthorn super extract. Calendula super extract. Super plantain extract. Sage super extract. Siberian fir super extract. Eucalyptus super extract. Tea tree essential oil.

Reviews for Cream pink:

I have very dry skin on my feet, the cracks hurt a lot and sometimes even bleed. My aunt recommended this cream because she also suffers from dryness. It helped.
Excellent cream:
1. nourishes
3.pleasant herbal smell (but this is subjective)
4.budget price
It’s perfect for flaky skin in the winter, but I think it’s still very thick and dense and can’t be used every day, I think it might clog pores, but that’s just my guess.
I recommend for purchase.

I confirm the properties:
For irritated skin Nourishing Protective Softening For skin elasticity

The cream is a salvation for me in the cold season. Removes peeling the first time. Helps acne heal faster. Minus the smell, but you can get used to it for the sake of the effect. Contains many herbs.

I confirm the properties:
For irritated skin Anti-inflammatory

I have known Boro+ for a long time, since I was a teenager. When there were acne on the face, and naturally spots from them, I had to look for products that would help heal the skin and quickly get rid of red and blue spots on the face. Anyone who has had acne or who is currently struggling with it probably also has spots on their face, so in order for these spots to go away faster, you first need to dry them, and then so that they quickly become white, you need to smear them with Boro Plus. It heals and moisturizes the skin, has an antibacterial effect and therefore redness goes away quickly. Before this, Boro Plus I bought green and there was another color, it was a long time ago, about 15 years ago, they smell almost the same and the effect is probably almost the same, but it seemed to me that green was a little more effective in healing redness.
This boro-plus was recommended to me by another friend. At that time it had just appeared in pharmacies and people were just learning about it. Well, she first told me that it removes irritation from shaving very well (or after shaving). It seemed to me that this couldn’t be the case, since its consistency was very oily, the consistency was very thick, and since I used it exclusively on my face, it seemed to me that it lay on my face in a very thick layer.

If you smear it all over your face, your skin will not breathe. It’s good that now I have practically no problems with my skin, since I discovered Baziron and Zinerit at the right time, which saved me from hated pimples. But sometimes single pimples pop up, my hands can’t hold back and begin to crush them, naturally turning them into a huge wound, this is where Boro-plus comes to the rescue, when the area of ​​inflammation is dried a little with zinc ointment or baziron, I immediately begin to smear it with Boro-plus on the surface several times a day A crust forms on the skin, probably due to the fact that the skin heals and renews itself very quickly. And old skin can simply be removed with peeling. Well, that is, collect the skin from the pimple and so on for several days until the skin is evened out and the place where the pimple was turns white. I tried as my neighbor advised me to use this cream after shaving to relieve irritation, I was very surprised when I saw that it actually relieves redness and irritation. Despite the fact that it is very thick and greasy, you just need to wait a little until it is absorbed and then wipe the area with a napkin.

Besides this, I had never read the ingredients of a product before, they told me it was good and I took their word for it, and just recently I paid attention to the composition of Boro Plus. I didn’t understand how, and for such a low price, this product could cope with so many tasks, but then I realized that there is nothing bad in the composition of natural oils, herbs and usefulness. And just recently I also noticed on the packaging it says that it not only removes redness, fights cuts, wounds, abrasions, cracks, but also heals rough skin on the heels and elbows. On cold winter evenings I even smeared my hands with it when the skin peeled naturally, after which all the peeling went away with a bang and the skin was smooth. Now let's talk about the pros and cons of this product.
Pros: the product performs all declared functions.
Compound. Contains only natural and healthy ingredients. the price is reasonable for such a natural composition, one might even say an organic product.
Packaging design. It seems to me that this is a very convenient tube for such a product; it’s nice to look at the design, it seems that you are really holding Indian herbs in your hands.
Cons: not that this is a huge minus, but the smell is very strong, it’s herbal, but my husband turns his nose up at it, I personally like the smell, it’s just very strong, I don’t see any other minuses, and in general, is this minus a trifle?
Therefore, of course, I recommend purchasing these products; they will be universal at any time of the year, both for the face, lips and body.

In the same episode

Cream Boro Plus Regular (pink), 25 ml. Instructions.


Skin care cream “BOROPLUS Regular” is one cream for many problems. This universal cosmetic product for the whole family combines the results of cutting-edge scientific research and the natural power of herbs to provide long-lasting skin care.
The cream is developed using a “Natural Protective Complex”, which gives the skin a natural healthy appearance. Penetrating into the deep layers and acting on the skin from the inside, it protects its cells from damage, promotes their renewal and restoration of the skin.

Skin care cream "BOROPLUS" is a daily care cream that is suitable for everyone who strives to maintain the health and beauty of their skin. This is a unique product, universal in use, it is able to provide such skin needs as special care for dry and very dry skin, healing chapped lips, healing wounds and other skin damage. It is these properties of the cream that make it indispensable and mandatory for every family. BOROPLUS cream is an assistant for all family members - suitable for all ages and will be useful for both adults and children, both women and men equally.

Action of active ingredients

The cream consists of environmentally friendly natural ingredients with healing properties.

The “Natural Protective Complex” contained in the cream has an enhanced therapeutic effect of medicinal herbs, as it is created on the basis of recipes of traditional Ayurvedic medicine in combination with the results of modern scientific research.

Ginger lily (Hedychium spicatum) widely known as a means of preventing skin diseases. It has antiseptic properties and acts as a natural skin moisturizer.

Turmeric curcuma – antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and powerful antioxidant. Turmeric protects the skin from free radicals, enhancing the healing process. It protects the skin from the development of bacterial infections, relieves irritation and soothes the skin.

Aloe vera (Barbados Aloe) protects the skin from the negative effects of sunlight, intensively moisturizes and nourishes it. Aloe extract is also used as a bactericidal and antifungal agent.

Neem (Azadirachta indica) has bactericidal and antifungal properties. Enhances skin regeneration, accelerates damage healing, and maintains skin health. Prevents itching and alleviates its manifestation.

Sandalwood (Santalum album) Known to soothe irritated skin. Its main component, santanol, is used to treat burns, redness and inflammation of the skin.

Licorice extract (Glycyrrhizin glabra) helps treat eczema and other skin diseases. Thanks to its medicinal properties, licorice can effectively stop bleeding and speed up the healing process. In addition, it actively moisturizes the skin, giving it a natural glow.

Instructions for daily use

In the event of any skin problem, in the situations listed below, you should apply the cream generously several times during the day to restore the skin as quickly as possible:

For minor cuts and scratches: ensures rapid healing of cuts and scratches, including after shaving.

If exposed to extreme weather conditions: indispensable in cases of exposure to extreme temperatures and adverse weather conditions (for example, sun, frost or wind). Helps restore skin after intense sun exposure, prevents moisture loss, creating an additional protective layer, and gives the skin special elasticity.

For burns and frostbite: effectively helps prevent blisters and scars resulting from burns or frostbite.

For insect bites: Insect bites such as mosquitoes can cause skin irritation. Skin care cream "BOROPLUS" helps quickly get rid of itching and soothes the skin.

For calluses and rough skin: An effective remedy for softening and eliminating calluses, rough and cracked skin on the feet, heels and elbows.

For dry and cracked skin: BOROPLUS cream effectively moisturizes and has a beneficial effect on dry and cracked skin, soothes itching and the unpleasant sensation of dry skin caused by the use of detergents and cleaning products.

For lip care: BOROPLUS cream is ideal for lip skin care. It gives softness and elasticity to dry and chapped lips, and also has a preventative effect on the skin of the lips, helping to maintain its natural healthy state.