
Borototal: an effective skin care product from India

Borototal is a cosmetic product manufactured in India by Alintosh Pharmaceuticals. This product belongs to the pharmaceutical group of skin care products and is popular among people looking for an effective solution to skin problems.

Indian company Alintosh Pharmaceuticals was founded in 2018 and since then it has become one of the leading manufacturers of cosmetic products in India. The company specializes in producing quality cosmetics that can help solve a wide range of skin problems.

Borototal is one of the company's most popular products. Its international name is Borototal. This product is intended for facial and body skin care and can help solve problems such as acne, pigmentation, dark circles under the eyes and dry skin.

The main ingredients of Borototal are extracts of aloe vera, cucumber, papaya, orange, lemon and pomegranate. These components help improve skin color, reduce pigmentation and dark circles under the eyes, moisturize and soften the skin. In addition, Borototal contains natural antioxidants that help fight harmful free radicals.

Borototal is available in cream and gel form, allowing you to choose the appropriate form for your specific skin type. These products can be used either alone or in combination with other cosmetic products, depending on the needs of the skin.

Borototal is an effective and natural skin care product that can help solve various skin problems. It is manufactured in India by Alintosh Pharmaceuticals and is one of the best cosmetic products in the market. If you are looking for a quality solution for skin problems, then Borototal can be an excellent choice.