
Gairo: description of a drug for the treatment of protozoal infections

Gairo is a medicine that is used to treat protozoal infections such as trichomoniasis, amoebiasis and giardiasis. The drug is produced by Panacea Biotech companies in Indonesia and India.

The active ingredient in Gairo is ornidazole, which belongs to the class of imidazole derivatives. The drug is available in the form of film-coated tablets, each containing 500 mg of ornidazole.

Indications for use of Gayro include the treatment of infections caused by protozoa such as Trichomonas vaginalis and Entamoeba histolytica. The drug can also be used to prevent infections caused by anaerobic bacteria during colon and gynecological operations.

Contraindications to the use of Gayro include hypersensitivity to ornidazole, diseases of the central nervous system, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Some side effects may occur when using Gayro, such as dizziness, headache, disturbance of consciousness, tremors, rigidity, incoordination, convulsions, sensory or mixed peripheral neuropathy and dyspeptic disorders.

The interaction of the drug with other drugs may enhance the effect of coumarin anticoagulants and prolong the muscle relaxant effect of vecuronium bromide. Unlike other imidazole derivatives such as metronidazole, Gairo is compatible with alcohol and does not inhibit acetaldehyde dehydrogenase.

In case of Gairo overdose, symptoms such as epileptiform seizures, depression and peripheral neuritis may occur. Treatment in this case is symptomatic.

Overall, Gayro is an effective medication for the treatment of protozoal infections, but should only be used as directed by a physician and in accordance with the instructions for use.