Mu - bear root

These are pieces of various shapes, agaric colors; they are covered with dust, slightly astringent and bitter, smell good and sting the tongue. They are the roots of a water plant, of which only this part is consumed, and which abounds in Macedonia.

The best roots are white, dissolving and cleansing.

Hot, dry to the third degree. They contain extraneous immature moisture, which causes swelling.

Actions and properties.
It is a rarefied, cleansing, opening medicine, similar to spikenard in its potency, but more warming and astringent.

Tools with joints.
These roots, in the form of a drink and ointment, are beneficial for joint pain.

Head organs.
Abuse of them causes headaches, as they contain excess immature moisture.

Nutritional organs.
These roots are useful for cold liver and swelling in it.

Eruption organs.
They are useful in the form of a drink and a medicinal dressing for difficulty urinating, as well as for pain in the bladder and retention of excess, they drive menstruation and help with pain in the intestines, rumbling and bloating, and also benefit from pain in the uterus, even if you sit in a decoction of them.