Bossy Operation

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Bossy Operation

In its modern history, surgery has several achievements of world significance, but one of the most famous and significant is the Bossi operation - a genital transplant first proposed by the Italian gynecologist Luigi Bossi in 1942.


Luigi Bossi was a recognized specialist in the field of gynecology and obstetrics. He has performed many successful operations to restore pregnancy in patients with infertility and has helped significantly improve the results of treatment of female infertility. However, Bossi and his colleagues had difficulty achieving success in treating a woman's uterine fibroids and required

Bossi surgery is one of the most important methods of surgical treatment of abdominal hernias. It was developed by Italian gynecologist Massimo Bossi at the beginning of the 20th century and became widespread throughout the world.

The main principle of this operation is to use the abdominal wall as a means to repair the hernia defect. To do this, a special flap is cut out and closed over the hernia in such a way that there is no tension on the tissue, leading to relapse of the disease.

Bossi surgery is performed as follows:

The first step is to make an incision in the area of ​​the hernia and separate the outer layers of the abdominal wall from the inner ones. He then cuts out a special abdominofemoral flap using scissors or a scalpel. It is important to note that the size of this flap must be such that it can be applied to the hernia defect without tension on the tissue. Next, the flap is applied to the site of deformation and sutured to the outer membrane of the abdominal surface. It is important to use good sutures, since they are the most important element of this operation. At the end of the operation, the surgeon sutures the open wounds using special needles and threads.