Brachycephalic Skull (Gr. Brachys - Short, Kefale - Head)

A brachycephalic skull is a broad, rounded type of skull characterized by a cranial index of 80 or more.

The cranial index is the ratio of the greatest width of the skull to its greatest length, expressed as a percentage. A skull with an index of 80 or more is considered short and wide compared to its length, that is, brachycephalic.

In people with a brachycephalic skull, the head has a spherical shape due to its large transverse width and short length. The frontal and parietal bones are expanded, but the facial region is somewhat narrowed.

Brachycephaly occurs in representatives of the Mongoloid and Negroid races. It is also characteristic of some peoples inhabiting Central Asia and the Arctic regions.

Thus, the brachycephalic skull is one of the main types of human head shape, characterized by a large transverse width in relation to its length. It occurs in certain races and ethnic groups.