Treatment of Urinary Incontinence in Children

Treatment of urinary incontinence in children

It is worth contacting a doctor to solve the problem of enuresis if a child leaves his bed wet more than once in 21 days over the age of four years. To treat enuresis, complex methods are used, that is, all available means should be combined and used simultaneously.

  1. Support the child, explain that there are many children in the world who have the same problems.

  2. No diapers! The vast majority of four- to five-year-old children with bedwetting are toddlers who grew up wearing diapers. Of course, urologists do not consider this invention an absolute evil. Diapers are absolutely necessary, but only in certain cases: while walking, while sleeping, visiting, on the road. From about a year old, the child should gradually forget about their existence, and it’s time for parents to teach him to use the toilet.

  3. It is not recommended to drink a lot at night. Avoid carbonated drinks that contain caffeine, such as colas. However, you should not limit your fluid intake throughout the day.

  4. You should go to the toilet before going to bed. But doctors do not recommend waking up a child in the middle of the night to go to the toilet.

  5. Try to avoid excessive stimulation before bed: active sports games, watching “scary” movies, etc.

  6. In some cases, parents wake up the child so that he can go to the toilet and stay dry at night. We can say that in this case the child has not woken up physiologically, he is half asleep, since it is quite difficult to wake him up completely. Most often, doctors do not recommend doing this.

  7. Never scold your child if he wakes up wet. This is not his fault, but a problem that needs to be solved together.

  8. A child should never be punished. Of course, he doesn’t do this on purpose and suffers no less than his parents.

The following drugs are used to treat enuresis:

  1. Hormones (Desmopressin)

  2. Psychostimulants (Sidnocarb)

  3. Caffeine

  4. Antidepressants (Imipramine, Amitriptyline)

  5. Adrenergic agonists (Ephedrine)

In addition to medications, psychotherapy methods, in particular hypnotherapy, are used for enuresis.

Take a responsible approach to treating enuresis in a child. An unfinished course of treatment can lead to recurrence of the disease.