Prevention of Staphylococcal Infection

Prevention of staphylococcal infection

Staphylococcus is one of the most common microorganisms in the world around us. In a stained preparation under a microscope, it looks like granule cells closely pressed together, reminiscent of bunches of grapes. Staphylococci are present in dust and woolen clothing, on the surface of objects and the human body, on dirty hands, in the smallest splashes of saliva that enter the air when coughing, sneezing, or talking.

In terms of pathogenicity, staphylococcal infections are now considered the most dangerous. Pustules, phlegmon, sepsis in newborns and adults, postpartum mastitis, postoperative wounds complicated by purulent inflammation, purulent inflammation of the peritoneum, lungs and even bones - this is an incomplete list of the troubles that staphylococci bring with them.

Although most people are carriers of pathogenic staphylococci, these microbes do not “annoy” a healthy person, but only for the time being. An organism weakened by any disease, malnutrition, hypothermia, surgery, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as an organism in early childhood or old age, cannot always cope with this hidden enemy.

How can you prevent staph infections?

  1. Strengthen your health with physical exercise, balanced nutrition, and spending time in the fresh air.

  2. Regularly wash your hands with soap, take a shower, and wipe with a damp towel - this increases the protective properties of the skin.

  3. Treat chronic foci of infection in a timely manner: tonsillitis, caries, boils.

  4. Avoid contact with people with ARVI or influenza. If cold symptoms appear, start treatment immediately.

  5. Pregnant women need a thorough examination by an ENT doctor, dentist, or gynecologist.

  6. Keep your clothes, bedding and underwear clean, and ventilate the room regularly.

  7. It is important for pregnant women to properly care for the skin of their breasts to avoid cracked nipples.

  8. A newborn baby should not be kissed; it is necessary to bathe it regularly and treat the folds of the skin with oils.

By following these simple preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing a dangerous staphylococcal infection. The main thing is to strengthen the immune system and observe the rules of personal hygiene. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!