Pterygoid Hymen (Pterygium Oculi)

Pterygium Hymen (Pterygium Eyes): causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Pterygoid hymen, also known as pterygium oculi, is a condition that can cause vision impairment. This condition is characterized by a fold of the conjunctiva that fuses with the edge of the cornea of ​​the eye. As a result, a triangular fold of the conjunctiva may appear, the apex of which is fused with the cornea.

A predisposing factor to the development of pterygium of the eye is prolonged irritation of the conjunctiva by wind, dust, and dry air with harmful impurities. The main symptoms of the disease are the appearance of conjunctival folds on the eye and blurred vision.

It is important to distinguish the pterygoid hymen from false pterygium, which forms after ulcerations, burns and damage to the conjunctiva and cornea and can be located on any side of the eyeball.

Treatment of the pterygoid hymen is carried out by a surgical method, which allows you to remove the fold of the conjunctiva and prevent its reappearance. Also, to prevent relapses of the disease, installations of a Thio-TEF solution at a dilution of 1:1000-1:2000 can be used 3-4 times a day for 5-6 weeks.

The prognosis for timely surgery is usually favorable. However, relapses of the disease are possible, so it is important to monitor the condition of your eyes and undergo regular preventive examinations with an ophthalmologist.

In general, pterygoid hymen is a serious disease that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. At the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor to receive qualified help.