

When a person twists his leg while walking, at first a person usually does not feel pain, although he has sprained the lateral ligaments at the ankle. Only after an hour or two does the leg begin to swell and ache at the ankle, and chills and fever often appear.

To prevent the disease from prolonging, you need to immediately, as soon as your leg sprains, without waiting for swelling and pain to appear, immerse your leg in very hot water for half an hour, almost to a boil, and take 0.5 g of aspirin orally. This usually normalizes the condition of sprained ligaments .

However, in order to avoid repeated spraining, which easily happens if you do not complete treatment, you need to massage your leg at the ankle for at least another week for 15 minutes every day. After the massage, the leg is bandaged and they try to walk less. At night, place a warming compress of vodka or half and half alcohol on the damaged area.

If the ligaments are not healed, they will remain weak, the leg will easily twist and a habitual sprain will develop.