Runny nose Vasomotor Allergic

Symptoms, course. Attacks of sudden nasal congestion with copious watery mucous discharge, sneezing. Vasomotor rhinitis is a neuro-reflex disease, observed mainly in people with general autonomic disorders.

The slightest irritation of the nerve endings of the nasal cavity or distant reflexogenic zones (cooling, strong odor, etc.) leads to a violent reaction of the nasal mucosa. Allergic rhinitis is considered as a local anaphylactic reaction to any allergen.

In the case of a seasonal runny nose, such an irritant may be cereal pollen (hay fever). In the year-round form, the irritants are the so-called household allergens (cosmetics, house dust, hair and dander of pets, etc.).

These forms of the runny nose are also called rhinopathies, since they usually do not involve inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane.

The diagnosis is made based on medical history, rhinoscopy and laboratory data. During rhinoscopy, a sharp swelling or swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal turbinates is determined, which, unlike banal inflammatory processes, has a pale bluish color; edematous polyps are often detected.

Microscopic examination of the mucus reveals many eosinophils. Skin tests with an allergen for allergic rhinitis are often positive.

Treatment. With vasomotor rhinitis, the main attention is paid to hardening the body and treating general autonomic disorders of the body. An intranasal novocaine blockade is performed locally, and, if necessary, galvanocaustics of the inferior conchae are performed. For allergic rhinitis, specific desensitization is performed.

If the allergen is not detected, then calcium supplements, antihistamines, etc. are prescribed (diphenhydramine, pipolfen, diprazine, suprastin, pernovin, etc.). Hydrocortisone is used locally by injection into the inferior turbinate. Cryotherapy and ultrasound treatment of the inferior nasal turbinates are successfully used.