Bradycardia of Athletes

Bradycardia is a heart rhythm disorder in which the number of heartbeats decreases. As a result, the pulse wave weakens greatly or disappears completely, which leads to the development of hypotension and may result in collapse.

A high heart rate in healthy people is observed during excitement and muscle activity. Functional tests carried out on healthy subjects do not reveal

In modern medicine, one of the most common phenomena encountered during high-intensity sports training is BRA or High-Training Bradycardia of Athletes (HTRA). Doctors first encountered this phenomenon in the 70s of the last century. Since then, incidence statistics have increased and now reach 3.3 cases per athlete with three examinations. BROTHER can occur in both men and women. Its peak is observed in age groups from 20 to 40 years, but often this syndrome is detected before reaching adulthood.

The term “bradycardia” refers to a state of slow heartbeat, which is manifested by a decrease in heart rate per minute (HR), for example, to less than 60 beats in a person who does not have physical activity. Doctors believe that the cause of this phenomenon is a significant increase in blood pressure associated with exhausting training at a “high” level of endurance. Bradycardia promotes an increased supply of blood and oxygen to the muscles and releases the body of accumulated products that are excreted through sweat. Thus, during intense training, muscles can receive more oxygen and glucose necessary for their growth and recovery. Thanks to this supply, organs and systems receive the necessary substances for functioning, which includes providing the athlete’s brain with high voltage. The heart, accordingly, needs a larger volume of blood, which increases with the use of this training tactic. Regular exercise and even participation in competitions lead to a significant decrease in blood volume in the body, and therefore it is necessary to increase its blood flow. This does not happen in all cases: there are facts when heart rate can increase from 50 to 90 beats/minute after physical activity, which actually contributes to a reverse decrease in fluid volume. This indicates the excellent functioning of the athlete’s heart, which leads to the timely outflow of venous blood back to the heart. As for bradycardia, it may be accompanied by such symptoms as: decreased performance, weakness,

Introduction: Athletic bradycardia (abbreviated as BTS) is a term that describes a state of slow heartbeat that occurs in athletes who train regularly. It is often found in athletes who play sports. Typically, a slow heart rate does not have any serious medical consequences and does not require any treatment or intervention.