Delirium Chronic Magnana


Today we will look at a phenomenon that has been of interest for many decades - chronic delusions of manyana - obsessive thoughts that make a person feel uncomfortable, change their habits and even pose a danger to their life. What is the reason for this phenomenon and how should one treat chronic delirium of manyana?

How does manic delirium manifest?

First of all, a person suffering from manic delusions experiences a constant thought, which in most cases does not make sense, but as the day goes on it becomes increasingly difficult to distract from it. Moreover, this intrusive thought often transforms into something new, even if the original idea is unlikely. And so every morning, when the day begins, obsessive delirium constantly haunts a person. Moreover, unlike hallucinations, these thoughts are almost meaningful. It may be that a person realizes that this thought cannot be realized, but nevertheless it depresses him. Chronic mania manifests itself in different people with different intensities, and in some cases even causes personality changes.

Why does chronic delirium manianna occur?

The essence of chronic mania is not entirely clear. Some