Delirium Induced

Induced delirium

A delusion based on deliberately incorrect, false knowledge, born in a patient under the influence of others. From medical language, “delusional psychosis” can be translated as “delusion that occurs in a mentally ill person under the influence of the environment.” This term is widely

Induced delirium (Raumph's stenosis, “SAC” - Severe Aortic Valve Cutter)

_Raumph's stenosis is a sharp narrowing or even closure of the lumen of arteries or any other pathways in the body in which blood flows._

The prerequisites for the development of this pathological condition are formed due to atherosclerosis, which significantly reduces the elasticity and patency of the stem vessels of the head. Blood pathology can be caused by genetic factors, poor nutrition, and poor quality of life. It manifests itself against a background of general malaise, high drowsiness, weakness, and is accompanied by impaired orientation and coordination of movements, weakened concentration. A general blood test is characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells, and a change in platelet morphology is observed - the shape of the cells, their size and plasticity. Severe vascular insufficiency causes impaired cerebral circulation, which is associated with the development of dementia of varying severity or oneiric stupor. When examining a patient, a neurologist usually reveals high tension in the psychomotor state, mild delirium is possible, but in severe cases an affective disorder develops with a picture of a predelirious state. The vulnerability of the patient’s psyche is due to a decrease in the level of confidence or sense of security. Patients experience especially acute loss of function of the lower jaw, accompanied by impaired nutrition of the brain and, as a consequence, parkinsonian motor pathology. The process of decline in mental abilities develops over several years; a clinical picture is possible when the patient independently assesses his condition and provokes the development of geriatric syndrome by even more severe actions, without real awareness of his capabilities. With the development of dementia in a severe progressive stage, the risk of attacks of manic-paranoid symptoms with the inclusion of hallucinations and delusions increases, and in some cases Korsakoff's syndrome develops. Diure is used to stabilize blood pressure