Delirium Poisoning

Title: Delirium Poisoning: Myths and Reality


Delusion of poisoning is a term that describes the idea of ​​using poisons by those around the patient to harm his health. This concept is often associated with beliefs and paranoia, where people assume that other people are trying to destroy them physically or harm them by contaminating their food, water, or air. In this article we will look at this concept and analyze how it corresponds to reality.

Myth or reality?

Delusions of poisoning are a psychological disorder in which a person experiences irrational and unfounded fears about their environment. In this state, people may believe that other people are systematically poisoning them for the purpose of physical harm or destruction. However, it is important to note that these beliefs are usually based on fantasy and lack of real evidence.

Medical and scientific point of view

The medical community does not recognize delirium of poisoning as a medical condition or diagnosis. It is considered a symptom of some mental disorders, such as psychosis or paranoid schizophrenia. People suffering from such disorders may experience illusions and hallucinations that reinforce their beliefs in the existence of a poisoning plot.

Scientific research has also found no evidence of organized poisoning plots. While cases of poisoning may be real and have specific causes, the idea of ​​systematic poisoning from environmental poisons has no scientific basis.

Psychological factors

Delusions of poisoning can be caused by various psychological factors. Some studies indicate increased anxiety and suspicion in people suffering from such illusions. It is also noted that certain events or traumas may contribute to the development of this disorder.

The influence of the media and the Internet

The media and the Internet can play a role in spreading and supporting ideas about poisoning conspiracies. False news, misinformation, and conspiracy theories can reinforce pre-existing beliefs and cause anxiety in people who harbor such ideas.

Help and support

It is important for people suffering from poisoning delusions to seek help from mental health professionals who can diagnose and offer appropriate treatment. Psychotherapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy, can help people address irrational beliefs and learn to cope with anxiety and suspicion.


Delusion of poisoning is a psychological disorder characterized by the belief that people around are trying to physically harm or destroy the patient by poisoning. However, scientific research has found no evidence of organized poisoning plots. This condition is most often associated with mental disorders requiring medical attention. It is important to reach out to mental health professionals for support and treatment that can help people cope with these beliefs and improve their quality of life.