Brenner's Symptom

Brenner's sign

This is the name given to the accidental discovery of pathological inclusions in the urine. These may include blood clots, serous fluid, small stones, and so on. Finding a large number of these formations is considered a reason to visit a urologist. The detection of one or more crystals indicates a violation of the outflow of urine from the upper urinary tract or pathologies of the genital organs. The Brenner diagnosis is made for the following reasons: * decreased level of normal urodynamics; * common occurrence – small pelvis; * inflammatory processes at different stages of the disease; * excretion of urine from the kidneys: Wilson's disease, neurogenic dysfunction, i.e. disruption of the spinal cord; * infectious diseases – tuberculosis, syphilis, chlamydia, trepanoporiosis. When examining symptoms during examination, the doctor is interested in previous antibiotic treatments, long urine output, excessive urination, and changes in the composition of urine. In such cases, the patient's protein levels increase. Patients are prescribed additional tests, ultrasound examination of the kidneys, bladder and urethra.