Pilocarpine Ointment

Pilocarpan ointment is a drug that belongs to the pharmacological group M-cholinomimetic. This drug helps to narrow the pupil. Pilocarpan is used in the treatment of eye diseases such as glaucoma. Indications for use include an acute attack of glaucoma or trophic disorders in diseases such as thrombosis of the central retinal vein or acute obstruction of its arteries. Also used to eliminate the mydromic effects of atropine and homateroin and scopoline.

The uniqueness of Pilocarpan lies in its symptomatic effect. The drug increases intraocular pressure, narrowing the pupil and widening the angle, thereby allowing light to enter the retina and optic nerve. However, if the effectiveness of drops alone is insufficient, it is necessary to consider options for increasing the dose or switching to combination therapy. It must be remembered that any treatment must be agreed upon