Brillacinsser's disease (Recurrent Typhus, Recurrent Typhus)

Brilljanzsser's disease is a relapse of epidemic typhus, which occurs in survivors many years after the initial illness.

Brillazinsser's disease is characterized by:

  1. Sporadic disease in the absence of lice and a source of infection.

  2. A milder course compared to epidemic typhus, but with a typical clinical picture.

  3. The appearance of a rash, fever, enlarged spleen.

  4. The occurrence of relapse is due to the reactivation of the pathogen Rickettsia prowazekii in the body.

  5. Diagnosis is based on the history of epidemic typhus and the clinical picture.

Thus, Brillazinsser's disease is a recurrent infection with typhus in previously ill individuals. Despite its milder course, it requires timely diagnosis and treatment.