Bronchitis Chronic

There are fibrous changes in the walls of the bronchi and surrounding tissues. This leads to limited respiratory function and a deterioration in the patient’s quality of life.

Chronic bronchitis is one of the most common diseases of the respiratory system. According to statistics, every year about 10 million people in the world fall ill with chronic bronchitis. This disease can occur at any age, but most often affects people over 40 years of age.

The cause of the development of chronic bronchitis is prolonged exposure to various harmful factors on the bronchi: smoking, polluted air, contact with chemicals. In addition, hereditary factors and decreased immunity play a role in the development of the disease.

The main symptom of chronic bronchitis is a productive cough that lasts at least 3 months a year for 2 years in a row. The cough is accompanied by the discharge of sputum, which may be yellow or green. Patients may also experience shortness of breath, fatigue, and weakness.

With chronic bronchitis, changes occur in the structure and function of the bronchial tree. The functioning of the mucociliary apparatus, which usually cleanses the bronchi of mucus and microorganisms, is disrupted. As a result, patients with chronic bronchitis have an increased susceptibility to respiratory infections.

The main methods for diagnosing chronic bronchitis are clinical examination, sputum analysis, pulmonary examinations (measurement of lung volumes, assessment of respiratory function), and lung radiography.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis is aimed at reducing inflammation in the bronchi and improving respiratory function. Treatment is based on quitting smoking and preventing contact with harmful substances. If infection is present, patients are prescribed antibiotics. To relieve cough and reduce the amount of sputum produced, mucolytic and expectorant drugs are used.

In some cases, surgical treatment may be required. For example, in the presence of bronchial obstruction or severe deformation of their walls. In such cases, operations are performed to remove the affected areas of the bronchi or expand them.

Chronic bronchitis is a serious disease that can lead to a deterioration in the quality of life and limitation of physical activity of patients. Therefore, it is important not only to effectively treat the disease, but also to take preventive measures to prevent it. First of all, you should avoid smoking and contact with harmful substances, and also lead a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, moderate physical activity and regular medical examinations.

Bronchitis Chronic

Chronic bronchitis is a long-term inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, which can be accompanied by respiratory failure and the development of irreversible damage to the lung tissue. This disease is quite common among the adult population and is one of the main causes of respiratory infections in the world. It is characterized by a long, sometimes years-long course, periodic exacerbations and a tendency to progress in the absence of proper treatment. Chronic bronchitis requires regular medical monitoring by a pulmonologist and concomitant treatment that can relieve symptoms and prevent progression of the disease.

The main causes of chronic bronchitis include:

• Exposure to an unhealthy environment at work or living in an industrial area with high levels of air pollution (including passive smoking);

• Prolonged smoking and inhalation of tobacco smoke;

• Allergies;

• Exposure to occupational hazards (workers in the woodworking, coal and metallurgical industries).

• Infection with bacterial, fungal, viral or parasitic infection.

These factors cause inflammation of the mucous membrane and irritation of the bronchi. Symptoms may appear in