Tatarnik, or Donkey Thorn

Tatarnik, Or Donkey Thorn: Properties, Application and Features

Tartar, also known as donkey thorn, is a plant that has long been used in folk medicine to treat various diseases. This asteraceous plant belongs to the family Asteraceae (Compositae) and grows throughout Europe on roadsides and waste areas such as waste areas and landfills.

The botanical description of the tartar says that it is a tall shrub, reaching 2 meters in height, with spiny leaves and a slightly branched stem. The flowers of the plant are collected in single baskets. The pharmaceutical name of the herb is Onopordii acanthi herba. It was previously called Herba Onopordii acanthii.

However, the main interest is the active ingredients of the tartar plant. These are alkaloids, aesculin, flavonyl glycosides, tannins, bitterness and a number of other substances. It is thanks to this wealth of chemical composition that the tartar plant has found application in medicine.

In folk medicine, tartar was used to treat coughs, heart weakness, diseases of the biliary tract and poorly healing wounds. It was also used as a diuretic and choleretic agent. Despite this, it is worth noting that tartar can have side effects and is contraindicated in some diseases. Therefore, before using tartar for medical purposes, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

However, tartar is still used in folk medicine and some studies show its potential effectiveness. For example, some studies show that tartar may help treat liver and bile duct diseases, as well as treat some infections.

Thus, tartar, or donkey thorn, is an interesting plant that has numerous beneficial properties and can be used for medicinal purposes. However, before using it, you should consult your doctor to avoid possible side effects and complications.