Bronchitis Dust

Dust bronchitis

Dust bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi that occurs as a result of prolonged inhalation of dust.


The main reason for the development of dust bronchitis is the impact on the respiratory tract of fine dust contained in the air of the working area of ​​mining, metallurgical, construction, textile and other industries.


  1. Cough with sputum production
  2. Dyspnea
  3. Chest pain when coughing or breathing
  4. Increased fatigue
  5. Loss of appetite and weight
  6. Increased body temperature


The diagnosis of dust bronchitis is established on the basis of anamnesis, clinical picture, results of laboratory and instrumental studies:

  1. Sputum analysis
  2. X-ray of the chest organs
  3. Computed tomography of the lungs
  4. Pulmonary function test


Treatment for dust bronchitis includes:

  1. To give up smoking
  2. Avoiding contact with dust
  3. Taking mucolytic drugs
  4. Inhalation therapy
  5. Physiotherapy
  6. Antibacterial therapy in case of bacterial infection
  7. Oxygen therapy to reduce blood oxygen saturation

Prevention of dust bronchitis consists of following labor safety rules, using personal respiratory protection equipment, and undergoing timely medical examinations.

Bronchitis that occurs from prolonged inhalation of dust is dust bronchitis or psittacobronchitis.

**Bronchitis** - inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. It can occur as an independent disease or be one of the manifestations of other diseases; most often it is a sign of ARVI and is accompanied by its symptoms.

The bacterial form of bronchitis causes inflammation of the bronchi due to the penetration of infection into their cavities from nearby organs, as well as in cases of multiple lesions of the distal parts of the respiratory system. The main causes of infection of the bronchi are pathogens of acute respiratory infections (ARVI) and bacteria.

Bronchitis is divided into acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis -