Mastoidit Moore

Mastoidectomy according to Mura is one of the most effective and fastest methods of treating mastoiditis - this disease belongs to the group of otitis media. Not only the preservation of hearing, but also the health of the ear as a whole often depends on timely and complete excision of the focus of purulent inflammation in the middle ear. The disease is accompanied by the release of pus and pain, and therefore requires mandatory treatment. And if it is carried out untimely or incompletely, the causative agent of the disease will begin to spread to the middle ear and other parts.

**This disease can be avoided if you seek help from a doctor in a timely manner:**

first, you need to contact a specialist if discharge appears and fluid accumulates between the eardrum and the mastoid process; the duration of manifestations varies from several days to several weeks, and if the process is not drug-induced, the disease develops rapidly, and the discharge is abundant, it can even deprive a person of working ability; The manifestations of mastoiditis cannot be ignored under any circumstances, because without targeted intervention in adulthood a person is completely deaf, and in childhood the disease can lead to the development of hearing loss (up to complete deafness); Treatment must be completed fully, and not independently interrupt the course of treatment after the signs of the disease disappear.